Summary by Moomoo AI
On June 21, 2024, Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. held its 2023 shareholder annual meeting in Nanjing, China. The meeting passed multiple resolutions, including the board of directors' work report, the supervisory board's work report, the financial accounting report, and the profit distribution plan. The meeting also passed a resolution to provide financing guarantees for several subsidiary companies. In addition, Mr. Xia Dechuan was elected as the executive director of the 11th board of directors and appointed as the chairman. The election and appointment of other directors and supervisors were also completed at the meeting, and all appointments took effect from the end of the meeting, synchronizing with the 11th board of directors' term. The validity of the shareholders' meeting and resolutions was confirmed by Chinese lawyers from Guohao Law Firm (Nanjing).