Summary by Moomoo AI
Most Kwai Chung Limited announced its performance for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, showing that the company's revenue increased from HKD 39.6 million in the previous fiscal year to HKD 55.2 million, and gross profit increased from HKD 9.5 million to HKD 20.0 million. However, the company still recorded a net loss of HKD 9.3 million, despite improvement from the HKD 20.7 million loss in the previous year. Basic loss per share is 3.41 cents. The company's main business includes digital media services, printing media services, and other media services such as event planning and artist management. The ultimate controlling company of Most Kwai Chung is Blackpaper Limited, with 50% ownership each by Mr. Yiu Ka Ho and Mr. Luk Ka Chun. The company's shares are listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The board of directors does not recommend the distribution of any final dividend.