
CleanSpark | 8-K: Current report

クリーンスパーク | 8-K:臨時報告書

SEC ·  2024/06/27 06:02

Moomoo AIのまとめ

CleanSpark Inc. has entered into a definitive merger agreement to acquire GRIID Infrastructure Inc. in an all-stock transaction with a total enterprise value of $155 million. The deal includes an exclusive hosting agreement, with 20MW immediately allocated to CleanSpark. GRIID stockholders will receive CleanSpark common stock based on an exchange ratio calculation, with CleanSpark assuming all of GRIID's outstanding debt and obligations.The acquisition significantly expands CleanSpark's presence in Tennessee, with plans to exceed 100MW by end-2024, 200MW in 2025, and over 400MW by 2026. GRIID currently operates bitcoin mining facilities in Tennessee powered by Tennessee Valley Authority, along with operations in New York and additional facilities in Cincinnati, Austin, and Rutledge.The transaction, unanimously approved by both companies' boards, is expected to close in Q3 2024, subject to GRIID shareholder approval and customary closing conditions. CleanSpark has provided GRIID with a $5 million working capital loan and a $50.9 million bridge loan to satisfy certain obligations at signing.
CleanSpark Inc. has entered into a definitive merger agreement to acquire GRIID Infrastructure Inc. in an all-stock transaction with a total enterprise value of $155 million. The deal includes an exclusive hosting agreement, with 20MW immediately allocated to CleanSpark. GRIID stockholders will receive CleanSpark common stock based on an exchange ratio calculation, with CleanSpark assuming all of GRIID's outstanding debt and obligations.The acquisition significantly expands CleanSpark's presence in Tennessee, with plans to exceed 100MW by end-2024, 200MW in 2025, and over 400MW by 2026. GRIID currently operates bitcoin mining facilities in Tennessee powered by Tennessee Valley Authority, along with operations in New York and additional facilities in Cincinnati, Austin, and Rutledge.The transaction, unanimously approved by both companies' boards, is expected to close in Q3 2024, subject to GRIID shareholder approval and customary closing conditions. CleanSpark has provided GRIID with a $5 million working capital loan and a $50.9 million bridge loan to satisfy certain obligations at signing.
2024年6月27日、ネバダ州に拠点を置く CleanSpark, Inc. とデラウェア州に本社を置く GRIID Infrastructure Inc. は、合併契約を締結することを発表しました。CleanSpark は、155億ドル相当の全株式譲受契約により、GRIID の発行済みの普通株式を全て取得し、同時に GRIID の債務を引き受けます。合併により、GRIID は CleanSpark の完全子会社となります。同時に、両社は現在利用可能なすべての電力の排他的ホスティング契約にも入ります。現時点で20 MW が CleanSpark に割り当てられます。合併により、CleanSpa...すべて展開
2024年6月27日、ネバダ州に拠点を置く CleanSpark, Inc. とデラウェア州に本社を置く GRIID Infrastructure Inc. は、合併契約を締結することを発表しました。CleanSpark は、155億ドル相当の全株式譲受契約により、GRIID の発行済みの普通株式を全て取得し、同時に GRIID の債務を引き受けます。合併により、GRIID は CleanSpark の完全子会社となります。同時に、両社は現在利用可能なすべての電力の排他的ホスティング契約にも入ります。現時点で20 MW が CleanSpark に割り当てられます。合併により、CleanSpark のインフラ関連が大幅に拡大し、次の2年間でテネシー州で400 MW以上を追加し、総容量は1 GW以上になります。この取引は、両社の取締役会によって一致して承認され、GRIID の株主承認と通常の決済条件が必要です。予定された完了期間は2024年第3四半期です。取引の法的顧問は、CleanSpark は Cozen O'Connor P.C.、GRIID は Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP が提供しました。
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