


HKEX ·  Jul 15, 2024 06:59

Summary by Moomoo AI

華盛國際控股有限公司(「本公司」)將於2024年8月9日上午11時在香港上環德輔道西28號宜必思香港中上環酒店6樓會議室(Soho 1)召開股東週年大會。本公司已向股東發放代表委任表格,供股東委任代表出席大會並投票。股東大會將審議包括採納經審核財務報表、董事及核數師報告、董事選舉、董事酬金、核數師聘任及其酬金、授權董事會發行及購回股份等議案。股東須於會議前48小時將填妥的代表委任表格送達指定地點,以便參與投票。
華盛國際控股有限公司(「本公司」)將於2024年8月9日上午11時在香港上環德輔道西28號宜必思香港中上環酒店6樓會議室(Soho 1)召開股東週年大會。本公司已向股東發放代表委任表格,供股東委任代表出席大會並投票。股東大會將審議包括採納經審核財務報表、董事及核數師報告、董事選舉、董事酬金、核數師聘任及其酬金、授權董事會發行及購回股份等議案。股東須於會議前48小時將填妥的代表委任表格送達指定地點,以便參與投票。
Huasheng Intl Holding Ltd. ("the Company") will hold its shareholders' annual meeting at 11 am on August 9, 2024 at Meeting Room Soho 1, 6/F, Yee On Building, 28 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. The Company has distributed appointment forms to shareholders for appointment of proxies to attend and vote at the meeting. The meeting will consider proposals including adoption of audited financial statements, directors' and auditor's reports, election of directors, directors' remuneration, appointment and remuneration of auditor, and authorization to the board of directors to issue and repurchase shares. Shareholders are required to submit the completed appointment form to the designated location 48 hours before the meeting for voting purposes.
Huasheng Intl Holding Ltd. ("the Company") will hold its shareholders' annual meeting at 11 am on August 9, 2024 at Meeting Room Soho 1, 6/F, Yee On Building, 28 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. The Company has distributed appointment forms to shareholders for appointment of proxies to attend and vote at the meeting. The meeting will consider proposals including adoption of audited financial statements, directors' and auditor's reports, election of directors, directors' remuneration, appointment and remuneration of auditor, and authorization to the board of directors to issue and repurchase shares. Shareholders are required to submit the completed appointment form to the designated location 48 hours before the meeting for voting purposes.
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