

KINGDEE INT'L: Date of Board Meeting

HKEX ·  Jul 26, 2024 08:36

Summary by Moomoo AI

金蝶國際軟件集團有限公司宣佈,將於2024年8月15日在中國廣東省深圳市南山區金蝶軟件園召開董事會會議。會議的主要目的是審議並批准公司及其附屬公司截至2024年6月30日止六個月的中期業績及公告,以及中期股息分配的建議(如有)。會議由董事會主席及首席執行官徐少春先生主持,其他董事會成員包括首席財務官林波先生、非執行董事董明珠女士及Gary Clark Biddle先生,以及獨立非執行董事周俊祥先生、Katherine Rong Xin女士及薄連明先生。
金蝶國際軟件集團有限公司宣佈,將於2024年8月15日在中國廣東省深圳市南山區金蝶軟件園召開董事會會議。會議的主要目的是審議並批准公司及其附屬公司截至2024年6月30日止六個月的中期業績及公告,以及中期股息分配的建議(如有)。會議由董事會主席及首席執行官徐少春先生主持,其他董事會成員包括首席財務官林波先生、非執行董事董明珠女士及Gary Clark Biddle先生,以及獨立非執行董事周俊祥先生、Katherine Rong Xin女士及薄連明先生。
Kingdee Int'l Software Group Co., Ltd. announced that the board of directors meeting will be held on August 15, 2024, at the Kingdee Software Park in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. The main purpose of the meeting is to review and approve the company and its subsidiary's interim performance and announcement for the six months ending June 30, 2024, as well as the proposed interim dividend distribution (if any). The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Xu Shaochun, Chairman and CEO of the Board, other members of the board of directors include Mr. Lin Bo, CFO, Ms. Dong Mingzhu and Mr. Gary Clark Biddle, non-executive directors, and Mr. Zhou Junxiang, Ms. Katherine Rong Xin, and Mr. Bo Lianming, independent non-executive directors.
Kingdee Int'l Software Group Co., Ltd. announced that the board of directors meeting will be held on August 15, 2024, at the Kingdee Software Park in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. The main purpose of the meeting is to review and approve the company and its subsidiary's interim performance and announcement for the six months ending June 30, 2024, as well as the proposed interim dividend distribution (if any). The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Xu Shaochun, Chairman and CEO of the Board, other members of the board of directors include Mr. Lin Bo, CFO, Ms. Dong Mingzhu and Mr. Gary Clark Biddle, non-executive directors, and Mr. Zhou Junxiang, Ms. Katherine Rong Xin, and Mr. Bo Lianming, independent non-executive directors.
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