
StoneCo | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

ストーン A | 6-K:海外発行者報告書(決算情報)

SEC ·  08/14 16:22
Moomoo AIのまとめ
StoneCo Ltd., a leading financial technology company, reported its financial results for the second quarter of 2024 on August 14, 2024. The company, listed on Nasdaq as STNE, showcased a significant year-over-year growth in its financial metrics. Adjusted Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) rose to R$652.2 million, marking a 45.9% increase, while Adjusted Net Income climbed by 54.4% to R$497.1 million. The Adjusted Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) also saw a substantial rise of 57.2%, reaching R$1.61. StoneCo's total revenue and income for the quarter reached R$3,205.9 million, an 8.5% increase from the previous year. The company's growth was driven by a 17.4% increase in MSMB Card Total Payment Volume (TPV), indicating market share gains. StoneCo also reported a 13% reduction in administrative expenses year-over...Show More
StoneCo Ltd., a leading financial technology company, reported its financial results for the second quarter of 2024 on August 14, 2024. The company, listed on Nasdaq as STNE, showcased a significant year-over-year growth in its financial metrics. Adjusted Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) rose to R$652.2 million, marking a 45.9% increase, while Adjusted Net Income climbed by 54.4% to R$497.1 million. The Adjusted Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) also saw a substantial rise of 57.2%, reaching R$1.61. StoneCo's total revenue and income for the quarter reached R$3,205.9 million, an 8.5% increase from the previous year. The company's growth was driven by a 17.4% increase in MSMB Card Total Payment Volume (TPV), indicating market share gains. StoneCo also reported a 13% reduction in administrative expenses year-over-year, contributing to a more efficient cost structure. The company's credit portfolio expanded to R$712 million, with non-performing loans over 90 days at 2.6%, aligning with expectations. StoneCo continued to innovate, launching Giro Fácil, a short-term overdraft solution, and piloting interest-bearing products to enhance client offerings. The company's software initiatives, particularly in the gas station and retail verticals, have also progressed well, contributing to stronger card TPV growth among software clients. StoneCo remains committed to its business plan and investor day targets, having repurchased 9.67 million shares for R$724 million in early 3Q24, nearing the completion of its R$1 billion share repurchase program. Additionally, the company allocated $295 million to a tender offer for its 2028 bonds, achieving nearly 60% participation. StoneCo's outlook for 2024 remains on track, with the company well-positioned to meet its full-year guidance despite macroeconomic challenges and a ~R$120 million reduction in revenues due to changes in membership fee revenue recognition.
ナスダック上場の金融テクノロジー企業、ストーン・カンパニー・リミテッドは、2024年8月14日に第2四半期の財務結果を発表しました。当期純利益は調整後で4億9700万ブラジルレアルになり、前年比54.4%増となりました。調整後の税引前利益(EBT)は、45.9%増の65億2200万ブラジルレアル。また、調整後基本EPSは57.2%増の1.61ブラジルレアルと大幅に伸びました。配当金は前年に比べて8.5%増の3,205億9000万ブラジルレアルに達しました。当社の成長は、市場シェアを拡大することを示す17.4%増のMSMbカード総支払高(TPV)によって牽引されました。当社のコスト構造をより効率的にするため、当社の総事務経費は前年比13%削減しました。当社のクレジットポートフォリオは71.2億レアルに拡大し、90日以上遅延している不良債権率は2.6%で、期待通りでした。ストーン社は、クライアントのオファーを強化するために、短期のオーバードラフトソリューション(「Giro Fácil」)を開始し、利息付き商品のパイロットを行ったことで、引き続き革新を続けています。特に、ガソリンスタンドや小売業界でのソフトウェアイニシアチブは順調に進み、ソフトウェアクライアントのカードTPV成長を強化しています。ストーン社は、ビジネス計画とインベスターデイの目標に忠実であり、2024年第3四半期初に7,240万レアルで967万株を返済し、10億レアルの株式買い戻しプログラムを完了に近づいています。さらに、同社は2028年債の買い付け案件に2億9500万ドルを割り当て、約60%の参加率を達成しました。マクロ経済環境の課題や会員費の収益認識の変更による売上高の約1.2億レアルの減少に直面しても、ストーン社の2024年の見通しは順調であり、同社は全年のガイダンスに達成するために、非常に有利な立場にあります。
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