

LANCANG TEA: Clarification AnnouncementDate of Board Meeting

HKEX ·  Aug 15, 2024 20:46

Summary by Moomoo AI

澜沧古茶(LANCANG TEA)於2024年8月15日發布澄清公告,指出其先前於2024年8月14日發布的公告中,英文版本有一處錯誤需修正。該錯誤涉及未經審計中期業績報告的期間,應為截至2024年6月30日止的六個月。除此之外,先前公告中的其他資訊維持不變。澜沧古茶主席兼執行董事杜春嶧女士代表董事會發出此次澄清公告。
澜沧古茶(LANCANG TEA)於2024年8月15日發布澄清公告,指出其先前於2024年8月14日發布的公告中,英文版本有一處錯誤需修正。該錯誤涉及未經審計中期業績報告的期間,應為截至2024年6月30日止的六個月。除此之外,先前公告中的其他資訊維持不變。澜沧古茶主席兼執行董事杜春嶧女士代表董事會發出此次澄清公告。
On August 15, 2024, LANCANG TEA issued a clarification notice stating that there was an error in the English version of the announcement previously released on August 14, 2024, which needed to be corrected. The error involved the unaudited interim performance report period, which should be six months ending on June 30, 2024. Apart from this, the other information in the previous announcement remains unchanged. Ms. Du Chunyi, Chairperson and Executive Director of the Board of Directors of LANCANG TEA, issued this clarification notice on behalf of the Board.
On August 15, 2024, LANCANG TEA issued a clarification notice stating that there was an error in the English version of the announcement previously released on August 14, 2024, which needed to be corrected. The error involved the unaudited interim performance report period, which should be six months ending on June 30, 2024. Apart from this, the other information in the previous announcement remains unchanged. Ms. Du Chunyi, Chairperson and Executive Director of the Board of Directors of LANCANG TEA, issued this clarification notice on behalf of the Board.
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