Summary by Moomoo AI
Friendtimes Limited announced its interim results for the six months ending June 30, 2024. The revenue was approximately CNY 526.1 million, a decrease of 15.2% from the same period last year. The gross profit was CNY 360.3 million, a decrease of 12.7%, and the loss for the period narrowed from CNY 80.9 million to CNY 72.3 million, an improvement of 10.6%. As a leading mobile game publisher in China, the company actively expands the male-oriented gaming market and launched a new product, the Mojian Jianghu, in 2024. In addition, the company continues to promote the globalization of cultural and creative products, strengthen research and development and innovation capabilities, and explore the application of AI technology. The company’s shares were listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 8, 2019, and is committed to a long-term operation strategy to extend the product life cycle. During the reporting period, the company also invested in internal monitoring and risk management, and did not distribute interim dividends.
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