


HKEX ·  Aug 30, 2024 12:00

Summary by Moomoo AI

中旭未來(ZX Inc.)公佈截至2024年6月30日止六個月的中期業績。在該期間,公司推出29款新遊戲,運營超過380款遊戲產品,註冊用戶達603.2百萬名。公司與中手遊科技集團有限公司合作發行的《鬥羅大陸:史萊克學院》及《野獸領主:新世界》表現突出。此外,公司與多家知名雲計算服務供應商續簽戰略合作協議,加強雲端協同發展。公司亦積極佈局AI產業,推出「X」智慧營銷平台,並在香港成立全資附屬公司香港遠達未來有限公司,專注於AI技術在遊戲產業的應用開發。儘管遊戲行業面臨壓力,公司仍實現了收入的穩定增長,並維持了較高的毛利率。公司未宣派中期股息,並於2024年8月30日將首席執行官由吳旭波先生變更為梁文紅女士。
中旭未來(ZX Inc.)公佈截至2024年6月30日止六個月的中期業績。在該期間,公司推出29款新遊戲,運營超過380款遊戲產品,註冊用戶達603.2百萬名。公司與中手遊科技集團有限公司合作發行的《鬥羅大陸:史萊克學院》及《野獸領主:新世界》表現突出。此外,公司與多家知名雲計算服務供應商續簽戰略合作協議,加強雲端協同發展。公司亦積極佈局AI產業,推出「X」智慧營銷平台,並在香港成立全資附屬公司香港遠達未來有限公司,專注於AI技術在遊戲產業的應用開發。儘管遊戲行業面臨壓力,公司仍實現了收入的穩定增長,並維持了較高的毛利率。公司未宣派中期股息,並於2024年8月30日將首席執行官由吳旭波先生變更為梁文紅女士。
ZX Inc. announced its interim performance for the six months ending on June 30, 2024. During this period, the company launched 29 new games and operated over 380 gaming products, with a registered user base of 603.2 million. The games 'Douluo Continent: Shrek Academy' and 'Beast Lord: Shanghai New World' performed outstandingly, which were co-published with China Mobile Games and Technologies Group Limited. In addition, the company renewed strategic cooperation agreements with multiple renowned cloud computing service providers to enhance cloud computing collaboration. The company also actively expanded into the AI industry by introducing the 'X' smart marketing platform and establishing a wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai New World Future Limited, in Hong Kong to focus on the application development of AI technology in the gaming industry. Despite the pressures faced by the gaming industry, the company achieved stable revenue growth and maintained a high gross margin. The company did not declare an interim dividend and changed its CEO from Mr. Wu Xubo to Ms. Liang Wenhong on August 30, 2024.
ZX Inc. announced its interim performance for the six months ending on June 30, 2024. During this period, the company launched 29 new games and operated over 380 gaming products, with a registered user base of 603.2 million. The games 'Douluo Continent: Shrek Academy' and 'Beast Lord: Shanghai New World' performed outstandingly, which were co-published with China Mobile Games and Technologies Group Limited. In addition, the company renewed strategic cooperation agreements with multiple renowned cloud computing service providers to enhance cloud computing collaboration. The company also actively expanded into the AI industry by introducing the 'X' smart marketing platform and establishing a wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai New World Future Limited, in Hong Kong to focus on the application development of AI technology in the gaming industry. Despite the pressures faced by the gaming industry, the company achieved stable revenue growth and maintained a high gross margin. The company did not declare an interim dividend and changed its CEO from Mr. Wu Xubo to Ms. Liang Wenhong on August 30, 2024.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any specific investment or investment strategy. Read more
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