Summary by Moomoo AI
CK Asset Group Limited (CK Asset), submitted its next-day disclosure report on September 5th, 2024, disclosing changes in the number of issued shares. According to the report, CK Asset repurchased 250,000 common shares on July 8th, 2024, and cancelled these shares on September 5th of the same year. The repurchased shares accounted for 0.00714% of the company's issued shares before the repurchase, with a repurchase price of HKD 29.08 per share. After the repurchase and cancellation, the total number of issued shares of the company decreased from 3,500,028,333 shares to 3,499,778,333 shares. This share transaction was disclosed in accordance with the requirements of Rule 13.25A of the Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Hong Kong Stock Exchange) and Rule 17.27A of the GEM Listing Rules.