

KINGDEE INT'L: Next Day Disclosure Returns

HKEX ·  Sep 17, 2024 09:26

Summary by Moomoo AI

金蝶國際軟件集團有限公司(金蝶國際)於2024年9月17日提交了翌日披露報表,披露公司股份變動情況。根據報表,金蝶國際在2024年9月17日購回了500,000股普通股,購回股份佔已發行股份的0.01%,每股購回價介乎HKD 5.3至HKD 5.4,總共耗資HKD 2,670,000。購回的股份擬註銷,但截至報告日期尚未註銷。此次股份購回是根據香港聯合交易所有限公司(香港聯交所)證券上市規則進行,並在公司於2024年5月16日獲得的購回授權範圍內。截至購回日期,公司已根據購回授權累計購回36,166,000股,佔購回授權決議當日已發行股份的1.01%。
金蝶國際軟件集團有限公司(金蝶國際)於2024年9月17日提交了翌日披露報表,披露公司股份變動情況。根據報表,金蝶國際在2024年9月17日購回了500,000股普通股,購回股份佔已發行股份的0.01%,每股購回價介乎HKD 5.3至HKD 5.4,總共耗資HKD 2,670,000。購回的股份擬註銷,但截至報告日期尚未註銷。此次股份購回是根據香港聯合交易所有限公司(香港聯交所)證券上市規則進行,並在公司於2024年5月16日獲得的購回授權範圍內。截至購回日期,公司已根據購回授權累計購回36,166,000股,佔購回授權決議當日已發行股份的1.01%。
Kingdee International Software Group Co., Ltd. (Kingdee) submitted its next-day disclosure report on September 17, 2024, disclosing changes in the company's shareholding. According to the report, Kingdee repurchased 500,000 ordinary shares on September 17, 2024, accounting for 0.01% of the issued shares. The repurchase price per share ranged from HKD 5.3 to HKD 5.4, with a total investment of HKD 2,670,000. The repurchased shares are intended to be cancelled, but as of the reporting date, they have not yet been cancelled. This share repurchase is conducted in accordance with the Securities Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX) and within the repurchase authority granted to the company on May 16, 2024. As of the repurchase date, the company has repurchased a total of 36,166,000 shares in accordance with the repurchase authority, accounting for 1.01% of the issued shares on the day of the repurchase authority resolution.
Kingdee International Software Group Co., Ltd. (Kingdee) submitted its next-day disclosure report on September 17, 2024, disclosing changes in the company's shareholding. According to the report, Kingdee repurchased 500,000 ordinary shares on September 17, 2024, accounting for 0.01% of the issued shares. The repurchase price per share ranged from HKD 5.3 to HKD 5.4, with a total investment of HKD 2,670,000. The repurchased shares are intended to be cancelled, but as of the reporting date, they have not yet been cancelled. This share repurchase is conducted in accordance with the Securities Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX) and within the repurchase authority granted to the company on May 16, 2024. As of the repurchase date, the company has repurchased a total of 36,166,000 shares in accordance with the repurchase authority, accounting for 1.01% of the issued shares on the day of the repurchase authority resolution.
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