Summary by Moomoo AI
China Longyuan Group Co., Ltd. announced that the board of directors will convene a meeting on October 30, 2024 (Wednesday) to review and approve the quarterly performance for the nine months ending on September 30 of the same year, and will release the relevant performance announcement. The meeting will be attended by executive directors Mr. Gong Yufei and Mr. Wang Liqiang, non-executive directors Mr. Tang Chaoxiong, Ms. Wang Xuelian, Ms. Chen Jie, and Mr. Zhang Tong, as well as independent non-executive directors Mr. Wei Mingde, Mr. Gao Debu, and Ms. Zhao Feng, and other members of the board of directors. This announcement was issued by Chairman Mr. Gong Yufei on October 18, 2024.
Reason For Report