


HKEX ·  Oct 24, 2024 16:40

Summary by Moomoo AI

赤子城科技有限公司(「赤子城科技」)於2024年10月24日宣佈其2024年前三季度未經審核營運數據。報告顯示,公司社交業務累計下載量達7.4億,較上季度增長6.5%,平均月活躍用戶數達2,898.3萬,環比增長1.5%。社交業務總收入預計達人民幣3,240百萬元至3,280百萬元,同比增長60.7%至62.7%,增長主要由於多樣化社交產品的快速增長及2023年對Chizicheng Strategy Investment Limited的收購。創新業務方面,預計收入約人民幣300百萬元至320百萬元,同比增長12.4%至19.9%,得益於社交電商業務的穩健發展。此外,公司獨立研發的精品遊戲實現流水約人民幣576百萬元,同比大幅增長182.5%,主要由於遊戲Alice’s Dream流水規模的增加。公司提醒投資者,上述數據未經審核,僅供參考,投資時應謹慎行事。
赤子城科技有限公司(「赤子城科技」)於2024年10月24日宣佈其2024年前三季度未經審核營運數據。報告顯示,公司社交業務累計下載量達7.4億,較上季度增長6.5%,平均月活躍用戶數達2,898.3萬,環比增長1.5%。社交業務總收入預計達人民幣3,240百萬元至3,280百萬元,同比增長60.7%至62.7%,增長主要由於多樣化社交產品的快速增長及2023年對Chizicheng Strategy Investment Limited的收購。創新業務方面,預計收入約人民幣300百萬元至320百萬元,同比增長12.4%至19.9%,得益於社交電商業務的穩健發展。此外,公司獨立研發的精品遊戲實現流水約人民幣576百萬元,同比大幅增長182.5%,主要由於遊戲Alice’s Dream流水規模的增加。公司提醒投資者,上述數據未經審核,僅供參考,投資時應謹慎行事。
Newborntown Technology Co., Ltd. ("Newborntown Technology") announced its unaudited operational data for the first three quarters of 2024 on October 24, 2024. The report shows that the company's social business cumulative downloads reached 0.74 billion, a 6.5% increase from the previous quarter, with an average of 28.983 million monthly active users, a 1.5% increase month-on-month. The total revenue of the social business is expected to reach RMB 3,240 million to 3,280 million, a year-on-year growth of 60.7% to 62.7%, driven mainly by the rapid growth of diversified social products and the acquisition of Chizicheng Strategy Investment Limited in 2023. In terms of innovative business, revenue is expected to be around RMB 300 million to 320 million, a year-on-year growth of 12.4% to 19.9%, benefiting from the steady development of...Show More
Newborntown Technology Co., Ltd. ("Newborntown Technology") announced its unaudited operational data for the first three quarters of 2024 on October 24, 2024. The report shows that the company's social business cumulative downloads reached 0.74 billion, a 6.5% increase from the previous quarter, with an average of 28.983 million monthly active users, a 1.5% increase month-on-month. The total revenue of the social business is expected to reach RMB 3,240 million to 3,280 million, a year-on-year growth of 60.7% to 62.7%, driven mainly by the rapid growth of diversified social products and the acquisition of Chizicheng Strategy Investment Limited in 2023. In terms of innovative business, revenue is expected to be around RMB 300 million to 320 million, a year-on-year growth of 12.4% to 19.9%, benefiting from the steady development of the social e-commerce business. In addition, the company's independently developed premium gaming achieved revenue of approximately RMB 576 million, a significant year-on-year increase of 182.5%, mainly due to the growth in the revenue scale of the game Alice's Dream. The company reminds investors that the above data is unaudited, provided for reference only, and investment should be exercised with caution.
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