Summary by Moomoo AI
China Foreign Exchange announced on 25 November 2024 that the holding shareholder Foreign Exchange increased 27,440,531 shares of Company A shares from 8 November to 25 November from 8 November to 25 November, representing approximately 0.38% of the total share capital of the company, amounting to approximately 0.145 billion yuan (RMB 0.145 billion). This increase has exceeded 50% of the amount under the Growth Plan.CFO held 33.89% of the company's shares directly before the increase, increasing the holding ratio to 34.27%. Long-haul Airlines and its consistent operators collectively hold 58.85% of the company's shares. The acquisition plan has not yet been completed, and CFO will continue to increase Company A shares under the plan.This increase is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and does not affect the company's listing position. THE COMPANY WILL CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON INCREASING PROGRESS AND FULFILL ITS INFORMATION DISCLOSURE OBLIGATIONS IN A TIMELY MANNER. Investors should be aware of the risks that upside plans may present due to market changes.