Summary by Moomoo AI
As of 30 November 2024, the Xiaomi Group reported the changes in its shares. The number of issued shares of Class B ordinary shares increased by 6,298,852 shares to 20,450,006,878 shares; the number of issued shares of Class A ordinary shares decreased by 307,652 shares to 4,517,510,134 shares. These changes were primarily due to the exercise of stock options and share repurchases and write-offs.In terms of stock options, the Employee Share Reward Program and the Post-IPO Share Option Plan exercised 4,691,200 shares and 3,000,000 shares of new shares, respectively, for a total fund raising of approximately $6,575,019. In addition, on 12 November 2024, the Xiaomi Group repurchased and delisted 1,700,000 shares of Class B Ordinary Shares and converted Class A Ordinary Shares to Class B Ordinary Shares on a pro rata basis.Looking ahead, the Xiaomi Group will continue to conduct share management based on market conditions and company strategy to ensure the maximization of shareholder value.