Summary by Moomoo AI
On December 20, 2024, J.P. Morgan Securities PLC executed multiple share transactions related to a possible voluntary general offer for SUNART RETAIL CO., LTD. As an exempt self-dealing dealer associated with the potential offeror, the company engaged in several trading activities for its own account.The trades primarily involved hedging activities for Delta 1 products generated by client-driven Ask and Sell orders initiated by clients. Specifically, 100,003 shares were bought for a total amount of approximately HKD 255,007; 21,000 shares were sold for approximately HKD 53,516. Additionally, transactions involving index-related products included buying 21,000 shares for approximately HKD 53,404.The highest price for these transactions was HKD 2.58 per share, and the lowest price was HKD 2.53 per share. The transaction disclosure was conducted under Rule 22 of the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers, reflecting market activities related to the possible voluntary general offer for SUNART RETAIL.