Summary by Moomoo AI
On January 6, 2025, Morgan Stanley International Limited conducted multiple derivative transactions for shares of PA GOODDOCTOR (01833.HK). The company acted as a category (5) contact, related to the subject of the offer, and traded for its own account.Specific transactions include: selling 10,000 shares (expiration date January 11, 2028, reference price $6.25); buying 10,000 shares (expiration date January 11, 2028, reference price $6.31); buying 2,200 shares (expiration date July 31, 2025, reference price $6.2941); buying 1,000 shares (expiration date November 29, 2029, reference price $6.285); buying 500 shares (expiration date May 30, 2025, reference price $6.27). These transactions were actively facilitated by the client for the client.After the trades were completed, Morgan Stanley International Limited held positions of 0 in these derivative products. This transaction disclosure was made in accordance with Rule 22 of the Hong Kong Codes on Takeovers and Mergers, and may relate to a potential mandatory general offer for PA GOODDOCTOR.