Summary by Moomoo AI
On January 7, 2025, He Sheng Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. disclosed its Trade of shares in Ping An GoodDoctor Medical Technology Co., Ltd. He Sheng Electronics exercised rights associated with derivative instruments, involving 64,492 shares of the reference security, with a reference price of 4.1092 HKD, totalling 265,010.53 HKD for the transaction. The derivative instrument will expire on March 25, 2025. He Sheng Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. is a category (6) connected person related to the offer company, and the transaction is conducted for its own account. The company is ultimately owned by Mr. Zhu Mengyi. This transaction disclosure is made in accordance with Rule 22 of the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers, possibly related to a mandatory general offer. After the transaction is completed, He Sheng Electronics will hold 0 shares of the relevant securities.