
NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE

NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE

NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/04/26 09:20

NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE

NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE


NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE

NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE


NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE

NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE


NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE

NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE


London, England, April 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Net Savings Link, Inc. (OTC Pink: NSAV), a cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset technology company, today announced the launch of HIVE MULTIMINE, a mobile crypto mining app, developed in partnership with Metaverse Network LLC. (MNC) With HIVE MULTIMINE, users can now mine crypto on their smartphone, without the need for a traditional mining device. The HIVE MULTIMINE App is now available to download in the Apple Store and on Google Play.

英国伦敦,2022年4月26日(环球社)-加密货币、区块链和数字资产技术公司Net Savings Link,Inc.(场外交易粉色代码:NSAV)今天宣布推出与元宇宙合作开发的移动密码挖掘应用HIVE MULTIMINE。(MNC)有了HIVE MULTIMINE,用户现在可以在他们的智能手机上挖掘密码,而不需要传统的挖掘设备。蜂巢MULTIMINE应用程序现在可以在Apple Store和Google Play上下载。

By virtue of this latest acquisition, HIVE MULTIMINE is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of HIVE Strategy LLC., a 50/50 partnership between NSAV and MNC. The HIVE Strategy e-commerce website is currently under development and is expected to be completed in the coming weeks. Upon completion, the HIVE Strategy e-commerce website will be the exclusive distributer of our BLACK HIVE HOME MINING DEVICE.

由于这次最新的收购,HIVE MULTIMINE现在是HIVE Strategy LLC.的全资子公司,HIVE Strategy LLC.是NSAV和MNC各持一半股份的合作伙伴关系。蜂巢战略电子商务网站目前正在开发中,预计将在未来几周内完成。完成后,蜂巢战略电子商务网站将成为我们黑色蜂巢家庭采矿设备的独家经销商。

WY Cheung, CEO of MNC stated, "We are delighted to have successfully launched this mobile mining App after a year of development and investment. We believe entering into Mobile Mining will enhance our crypto mining community business model, driving the company to a higher level. With cellular technology specifications being improved day by day, this will help the mobile mining power to improve as well. Therefore, we see the mobile mining business in the future as being very productive."


Dato' Sri Desmond Lim, Interim CEO and Senior Vice President of Cryptocurrency Operations for NSAV and Silverbear Capital partner stated, "The number of mobile phone users has reached 6.64 billion worldwide. With this acquisition, NSAV gives mobile phone users the opportunity to mine crypto without having to purchase a crypto mining machine, or the option to mine both ways, depending on their personal situation. This technology also allows the possibility of the data power being given back to the people, rather than leaving it to a handful of high net worth individuals or institutions that control a high percentage of the crypto mining farms."

NSAV和银熊资本合伙人的临时首席执行官兼加密货币运营高级副总裁Dato‘sri Desmond Lim表示:“全球手机用户数量已达66.4亿。通过此次收购,NSAV为手机用户提供了挖掘密码的机会,而无需购买密码挖掘机,或者根据他们的个人情况选择以两种方式挖掘。这项技术还允许将数据权力还给人们,而不是将其交给少数控制着密码挖掘农场的少数高净值个人或机构。”

About MNC:


MNC is a centralized App that transforms diversified users to decentralized universe DApps. It is a "playground" that supports both creators and users for access, allowing to create a link between the present universe and Metaverse to work together in harmony.  As Blockchain environments are dominating the landscape in the next era to come, MNC believes token ecology is essential to access the new era community and to operate in the decentralized economy.


About NSAV:


NSAV's vision is the establishment of a fully integrated technology company, which provides turnkey technological solutions to the cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset industries. Over time, the Company plans to provide a wide range of services such as software solutions, e-commerce, financial services, advisory services and information technology.


For further information please contact NSAV at


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The NSAV corporate website can be accessed at    


The NSAV Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX) website can be accessed at  


The NSAV CEX Twitter account can be accessed at  

NSAV CEX推特帐户的访问地址为

The NSAVDEX 1 Exchange website can be accessed at    

NSAVDEX 1交换网站的访问地址为

The NSAVDEX 2 Exchange website can be accessed at  

NSAVDEX 2交换网站可通过以下网址访问

The NSAV NFT Marketplace website can be accessed at  

NSAV NFT市场网站可通过以下网址访问

The NSAV Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk website can be accessed at   

NSAV Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk网站可访问

The NSAV Hong Kong OTC Crypto Trading Desk website can be accessed at   


The NSAVDEX Exchange Telegram account can be accessed at  


Silverbear Capital Inc. a leading, global investment banking firm, will be advising NSAV on strategic matters related to this transaction.


Silverbear Capital Inc. (SBC) has a dynamic of disciplines on a broad commercial level and practice. SBC has a strong group of Partners in a wide range of disciplines with seasoned experience in finance, management, and professional practice.


Disclaimer: Silverbear Capital Inc. does not constitute investment advice, or an offer or solicitation to sell, or a solicitation to buy, or any other investment product (nor shall any such shares or product be offered or sold to any person) in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities law of that jurisdiction.

免责声明:SilverBear Capital Inc.不构成投资建议、要约或招揽销售、招揽购买或任何其他投资产品(任何此类股票或产品也不得向任何人提供或出售),在该司法管辖区的要约、招揽、购买或销售将是非法的。

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created thereby. Investors are cautioned that, all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, the ability of Net Savings Link, Inc. to accomplish its stated plan of business. Net Savings Link, Inc. believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements contained herein are reasonable, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, and therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this press release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward- looking statements included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Net Savings Link, Inc. or any other person.

本新闻稿包含修订后的1933年《证券法》第27A节和1934年《证券交易法》第21E节所指的某些前瞻性陈述,这些陈述旨在由由此产生的安全港涵盖。请投资者注意,所有前瞻性陈述都包含风险和不确定因素,包括但不限于Net Savings Link公司实现其所陈述的业务计划的能力。Net Savings Link公司认为,本文中包含的前瞻性陈述的假设是合理的,任何假设都可能是不准确的,因此,不能保证本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述将被证明是准确的。鉴于本文中包含的前瞻性陈述中固有的重大不确定性,这些信息的包含不应被视为Net Savings Link公司或任何其他人的陈述。

Net Savings Link, Inc.  

Net Savings Link,Inc.



  • NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV Announces Acquisition and Launch of Mobile Crypto Mining APP, HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE
  • NSAV宣布收购并推出移动加密挖掘应用程序HIVE MULTIMINE

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