
7 Most Undervalued Renewable Energy Stocks

7 Most Undervalued Renewable Energy Stocks

7 種最低估的可再生能源股票
InvestorPlace ·  2022/05/24 07:00

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


  • These undervalued renewable stocks have powerful catalysts, despite many trading at low valuations.
  • JinkoSolar (JKS): Jinko is poised to benefit from huge demand for solar panels
  • General Electric (GE): GE stock will get a lift from the proliferation of offshore wind energy.
  • Shoals (SHLS): Its Q1 results showed that the demand for its products and the company's profitability are very strong.
  • Orsted (DNNGY): This company will benefit from the E.U.'s big investments in offshore wind energy.
  • Plug Power (PLUG): Plug Power is effectively exploiting the massive hydrogen revolution.
  • The Invesco Solar ETF (TAN): This exchange-traded fund gives relatively conservative investors the opportunity to get exposure to a wide variety of solar stocks.
  • EVgo (EVGO): EVgo has the largest U.S. network of fast chargers for non-Tesla (TSLA) cars.
  • 儘管許多以低估值交易,但這些被低估的可再生能源股票具有強大的催化劑。
  • 金科太陽能 (JKS):Jinko 有望從對太陽能電池板的巨大需求中受益
  • 通用電氣 (奇異):GE 股票將從海上風能的擴散中獲得電梯。
  • 淺灘 (SHLS):其第一季度結果表明,對其產品的需求和公司的盈利能力非常強勁。
  • 奥斯特德 (不知情):該公司將受益於歐盟 '對離岸風能的大投資。
  • 插頭電源 (插頭):插頭電源正在有效地利用大規模的氫氣革命。
  • 景順太陽能 ETF (棕褐色):這種交易所交易基金為相對保守的投資者提供了投資於各種太陽能股票的機會。
  • 電子觀景 (埃夫戈):eVGo 擁有美國最大的非快速充電器網絡特斯拉 (TSLA)汽車。
Source: Fit Ztudio / Shutterstock

There are many strong, positive catalysts for renewable energy companies. Yet the stocks of these firms, in many cases, are selling for incredibly low valuations due to completely unfounded macro fears. As a result, investors can easily find plenty of radically undervalued renewable energy stocks.


The mainstream media is starting to mention a subject that I've discussed for years: the fact that the electrification of transportation will require the world to produce much more electricity. For example, Reuters recently noted that "Widespread EV adoption will spark a huge surge in [U.S.] power demand."

主流媒體開始提到我多年來討論過的一個主題:交通電氣化將需要世界產生更多的電力。例如, 路透社 最近指出,「普遍的 EV 採用將引發 [美國] 電力需求的巨大激增。」

Since solar energy is both clean and, in most places, the cheapest way to generate additional electricity, "huge" increases in power demand are going to result in huge volumes of solar modules being deployed.


Meanwhile, the European Union's efforts to wean itself off of Russian gas is going to result in the bloc deploying very large numbers of solar modules, wind turbines and even hydrogen power plants.


Speaking of hydrogen, green hydrogen, which requires a great deal of renewable energy, is becoming all the rage in the E.U. and many other parts of the world .


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So let's look at seven of the top undervalued renewable energy stocks you should have on your list.


JinkoSolar $57.39
General Electric $75.46
通用電氣 75.46 美元
Shoals $15.17
Orsted $37.13
Plug Power $16.64
Invesco Solar ETF $67.77
景順太陽能交易所買賣基金 67.77 元
EVgo $9.05
EVGO $9.05

JinkoSolar (JKS)

金科太陽能 (JKS)

Source: Lutsenko_Oleksandr /
資料來源:魯森科 _ 奧列克桑德/舒特史托克網

The first of these undervalued renewable energy stocks is one of the largest solar module makers in the world, JinkoSolar (NYSE:JKS). It is very well-positioned to benefit tremendously from the explosion of demand for solar panels in China, the E.U., the U.S., and many other places.

這些被低估的可再生能源庫存中的第一家是世界上最大的太陽能模塊製造商之一, 金科太陽能 (紐約證券交易所:JKS).從中國,歐盟,美國和許多其他地方對太陽能電池板的需求爆炸中獲益非常有利,這是非常有利的。

On Wall Street, there has been much hand wringing about the impact of a new investigation of solar imports from some East Asian countries aside from China. But during its last earnings conference call, JinkoSolar clarified that the increase in the demand for its solar panels from Europe and China looks well-positioned to make up for any reduction in U.S. demand spurred by the probe. And the company already has a U.S. factory whose business will boom as a result of the investigation.

在華爾街,除了中國以外,一些東亞國家的太陽能進口新的調查所帶來的影響,已經有很多人感到不安。但是在上次的盈利電話會議中,JinkoSolar 澄清了歐洲和中國對太陽能電池板的需求增加,看起來有利於彌補探測器刺激的美國需求的任何減少。而且,該公司已經擁有一家美國工廠,其業務將因調查而蓬勃發展。

Additionally, as a result of a recent initial public offering (IPO) of its main operating subsidiary in China, JinkoSolar's debt has dropped tremendously, and the owners of JKS stock are benefiting from dividends that the company is receiving from its subsidiary.

此外,由於其在中國的主要運營附屬公司最近進行首次公開發行(IPO)的結果,JinkoSolar 的債務大幅下降,JKS 股票的所有者受益於該公司從其子公司收到的股息。

The shares are changing hands for little more than 15 times analysts' average 2023 earnings per share estimate for the company.

股票正在轉手,分析師對公司的平均每股 2023 收益估計的 15 倍以上。

General Electric (GE)


Source: ehrlif /

Offshore wind energy is now becoming much more popular as the technology supporting it has greatly improved. Offshore wind is important because, of course, it can be deployed without acquiring any land. So in places where land is very scarce and/or very expensive, like many coastal U.S. states and much of Europe, offshore wind will become a key means of generating more electricity.


General Electric's (NYSE:GE) Renewables unit makes the Haliade-X, one of the most sought-after offshore wind turbines. One huge offshore wind project using the Haliade-X is Dogger Bank off the coast of England. Based on its contract with Dogger, GE is slated to provide 277 of its offshore turbines for the project. With construction having recently started on the massive project, I expect significant revenue to soon start rolling in for GE from Dogger.

通用電氣 (紐約證券交易所:奇異)可再生能源部門使 Haliade-X 成為最受歡迎的海上風力渦輪機之一。使用 Haliade-X 的一個巨大離岸風電項目是英格蘭海岸的 Dogger 銀行。根據與 Dogger 的合同,GE 預計為該項目提供 277 台海上渦輪機。隨著建設最近開始對大規模項目,我預計可觀的收入很快就會開始滾動從 Dogger 的 GE。

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Meanwhile, GE's Power unit should benefit from the construction of many new power plants as the demand for electricity surges, and its Aviation unit should get a big lift from consumers' pent-up demand for travel.

與此同時,隨著電力需求激增,GE 的動力單元應該受益於許多新發電廠的興建,其航空單位應該從消費者對旅行的需求被壓抑的情況下獲得很大的提升。

Shoals (SHLS)

淺灘 (SHLS)

Source: chuyuss /

The shares of Shoals (NASDAQ:SHLS), which makes equipment used in solar projects, recently soared, reaching their highest level in over a month, even though its first-quarter results came in slightly below expectations.

的股份 淺灘 (納斯達克:SHLS),這使得太陽能項目中使用的設備最近飆升,即使其第一季度業績略低於預期,仍達到了一個多月以來的最高水平。

More specifically, the company's revenue jumped 49% year-over-year to $68 million, but that was $2 million below analysts' average outlook. On the bottom line, Shoals reported EPS of 5 cents, unchanged versus the same period a year earlier. Analysts, on average, were expecting the company's EPS to come in at 7 cents.

更具體地說,該公司的收入同比增長 49%,達到 6,800 萬美元,但低於分析師的平均前景 200 萬美元。從底線來看,Shoals 報告的每股收益為 5 美分,與去年同期相比不變。平均而言,分析師預計該公司的每股收益將達到 7 美分。

However, it's likely that, due to worries about the impact of the Commerce Department's investigation, many on the Street were expecting Shoals' results to be much worse.

但是,由於擔心商務部調查的影響,因此街道上的許多人預計 Shoals 的結果會更糟糕。

Additionally, the company noted that, despite high inflation, its gross margins had jumped 5.5 percentage points versus the previous quarter to 38.7%, while its backlog and awarded orders had soared 67% YOY to $302.3 million, an all-time high.

此外,該公司指出,儘管通脹很高,但其毛利率較上一季度上升了 5.5 個百分點,至 38.7%,而積壓訂單和授予訂單則同比飆升 67% 至 3.230 萬美元,創歷史新高。

"Demand for the new products we introduced recently continues to grow with customer orders for our battery storage and wire management offerings being particularly strong," said Shoals CEO Jason Whitaker.

Shoals 執行長 Jason Whitaker 表示:「我們最近推出的新產品需求持續增長,因為我們的電池儲存和電線管理產品的客戶訂單特別強勁。

When it comes to 2022 guidance, the company lowered the top end of its net income outlook, but kept the lower end of the range intact. It now expects its full-year net income, excluding some items, to come in at $45 million to $53 million.

在 2022 年的指導方面,該公司降低了淨收入前景的頂端,但保持了該範圍的較低端。現時預計其全年淨收入(不包括部分項目)將達到 4,500 萬元至 5,300 萬元。

Clearly, the demand for Shoals' products and the company's profitability are very strong. As the demand for solar explodes, those trends should strengthen going forward.

顯然,對 Shoals 產品和公司盈利能力的需求非常強勁。隨著對太陽能的需求爆炸,這些趨勢應該加強前進。

Orsted (DNNGY)

奥斯特德机场 (DNGY)

Source: Khanthachai C /
資料來源:康塔凱 C/舒特史托克

Like GE, Orsted (OTCMKTS:DNNGY) is well-positioned to benefit a great deal from the rapidly increasing demand for offshore wind turbines.

像 GE 一樣, 奥斯特德 (支持:不知情) 具有良好的位置,可以從對海上風力渦輪機的快速增長需求中受益匪淺。

Since Orsted is based in Denmark, the company is even better suited than GE to get big boosts from the E.U.'s efforts to stop importing Russian gas. As of April, according to Rystead Energy, "New offshore wind capacity additions in Europe are poised to hit a record high of 4.2 GW this year, topping 4 GW for the first time and more than doubling additions seen in 2021," reported. In 2023, 7.3 GW of new offshore wind projects are expected to be added.

由於奧斯特德總部位於丹麥,因此該公司甚至比 GE 更適合從歐盟獲得大幅提升。」s 努力停止進口俄羅斯天然氣。截至 4 月,根據 瑞斯特德能源,「歐洲新的離岸風電容量將於今年創下 4.2 GW 的歷史新高,首次達到 4 GW,2021 年增加了一倍以上,」 離岸企業 報告。2023 年,預計將增加 7.3 吉瓦的新離岸風電項目。

Not to be left out, the U.S. has started auctioning off large amounts of its waters off the East Coast to firms looking to build huge offshore wind projects. Orsted already owns the "the Block Island Wind Farm, America's first offshore wind farm" and has been awarded enough waters off the East Coast to build 5 gigawatts of wind turbines.

不被排除在外,美國已經開始拍賣東海岸的大量水域,以尋求建設大型離岸風電項目的公司。奧斯特德(Orsted)已經擁有「美國第一個離岸風電場」的「布洛克島風電場」,並已獲得足夠的東海岸水域,以建造 5 吉瓦的風力發電機。

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In Q1, Orsted's EBITDA jumped to 9.4 billion Danish krones, way up from 4.8 billion Danish krones during the same period a year earlier. This makes it a solid pick among undervalued renewable energy stocks.

第一季度,奧斯特德的 EBITDA 從去年同期的 48 億丹麥克朗上升至 94 億丹麥克朗。這使其成為價值低估的可再生能源股票中可靠的選擇。

Plug Power (PLUG)

插頭電源 (插頭)

Source: Postmodern Studio / Shutterstock

On May 17, Plug Power (NASDAQ:PLUG) stock announced that it had received an order from H2 Energy Europe for a 1 GW electrolyzer. The product will be incorporated into a green hydrogen production complex in Denmark, and the deal represents "the largest capacity electrolyzer installation in the world to date," Plug stated.

在 5 月 17 日, 插頭電源 (納斯達克:插頭) 股票宣布已收到訂單 H2 能源歐洲 用於 1 GW 電解器。該產品將被納入綠色氫氣生產基地 丹麥,該交易代表「迄今為止世界上最大容量的電解器安裝」Plug 表示。

The electrolyzer will help create "up to 100,000 metric tonnes per year of green hydrogen," the company added.

該公司補充說,該電解器將有助於創造「每年高達 100,000 公噸的綠色氫氣」。

The deal indicates that Plug's large electrolyzer business is well-positioned to boost the company's top and bottom lines, greatly lifting PLUG stock in the process.

該交易表明,Plug 的大型電解器業務處於良好位置,可以提高公司的頂部和底線,在此過程中大大提升 PLUG 庫存。

"We see green hydrogen as the future and have made significant investments in green hydrogen including in the construction of a gigafactory for electrolyzer production," Andy Marsh, Plug's CEO said in a statement.

「我們將綠色氫視為未來,並已對綠色氫進行了重大投資,包括建設一個千兆工廠用於電解器生產,」 安迪·馬什,Plug 的首席執行官在一份聲明中說。

Trading with a market capitalization of $9.5 billion, I believe PLUG stock vastly underrates the company's truly vast opportunity in the hydrogen sector.

以 95 億美元的市值進行交易,我相信 PLUG 股票極大地低估了公司在氫氣領域真正巨大的機會。

The Invesco Solar ETF (TAN)

景順太陽能 ETF (TAN)

Source: Shutterstock

The Invesco Solar ETF (NYSEARCA:TAN) gives relatively conservative investors a good chance to get exposure to a wide variety of solar stocks. TAN stock also eliminates the need for investors to worry about picking the best names — or even the best categories — within the space.

景順太陽能 ETF (內容:棕褐色)為相對保守的投資者提供了一個很好的機會接觸到各種太陽能股票。TAN Stock 還消除了投資者擔心在空間中挑選最好的名字甚至是最好的類別的需要。

Moreover, the ETF's largest holdings include a good mix of Western companies, such as Enphase (NASDAQ:ENPH), Solaredge (NASDAQ:SEDG), Sunrun (NASDAQ:RUN), and First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) along with China-based firms, including Xinyi Solar Holdings and Daqo New Energy (NYSE:DQ).

此外,ETF 的最大持有量包括西方公司的良好組合,例如 主演 (納斯達克:腸道), 索拉瑞奇 (納斯達克:SEDG), 孙润 (納斯達克:運行),以及 第一太陽能 (納斯達克:消防單反相機)與中國公司一起,包括 信義光能控股大全新能源 (紐約證券交易所:DQ).

Given the huge growth of solar energy, the ETF's price-earnings ratio of 37 is quite attractive.

鑑於太陽能的巨大增長,ETF 的股價收益率為 37 非常有吸引力。

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In an April 7 column, Seeking Alpha's Stock Waves wrote that "Conditions are ripe for a sizable rally in solar stocks." That rally may be just beginning to materialize, and TAN stock gives cautious investors a good, relatively safe way to benefit from the rally.

在 4 月 7 日的專欄, 尋求阿爾法 股票波浪寫道:「條件是成熟的太陽能一個相當大的反彈 股票。」這一反彈可能剛剛開始實現,TAN 股票為謹慎的投資者提供了一種良好的,相對安全的方式從反彈中受益。


埃維高 (埃夫高)

Source: Tada Images /

I feel comfortable including EVgo (NASDAQ:EVGO) on this list of undervalued renewable energy stocks because the company appears to be the only American, pure-play EV charger maker that gets 100% of its electricity from renewable energy.

我感到舒適,包括 電子觀景 (納斯達克:埃夫戈)在此被低估的可再生能源庫存清單中,因為該公司似乎是唯一一家美國純電動汽車充電器製造商,從可再生能源獲得 100% 的電力。

As I pointed out in a recent column, EVgo also has the largest U.S. network of fast chargers of any independent company in the U.S. i.e. any firm that's not named Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA). In fact, EVgo says that "More than 130 million people in the US live within a 10 mile drive of an EVgo fast charger." As EV sales boom, the ubiquity of the company's chargers should make them convenient and accessible for tens of millions of Americans.

正如我在最近的專欄中指出的那樣,eVGo 還擁有美國任何獨立公司(即任何未命名的公司)中最大的快速充電器網絡 特斯拉 (納斯達克:TSLA).事實上,EVGo 說:「在美國,有超過 1.3 億人住在 eVGo 快速充電器的 10 英里車程內。」隨著電動汽車銷售的蓬勃發展,該公司充電器的普遍存在應該使數千萬美國人方便易用。

And as I've noted previously, EVgo's partnerships with multiple top automakers and a number of large retailers leave it well-positioned to gain market share and mind share in the consumer market.

正如我之前提到的,EVGo 與多家頂級汽車製造商和許多大型零售商的合作夥伴關係使其在消費市場中獲得市場份額和思想份額方面具有良好的位置。

I continue to think that the $2.4 billion market capitalization of EVGO stock is a bargain, given the company's gargantuan opportunity.

我繼續認為,鑑於該公司的巨大機會,EVGO 股票的 24 億美元市值是討價還價。

On the date of publication, Larry Ramer owned shares of JKS stock, PLUG stock, SHLS stock, SHLS stock, and GE stock. 

在發布之日,拉里·拉默擁有 JKS 股票,PLUG 股票,SHLS 股票,SHLS 股票和 GE 股票的股份。

The post 7 Most Undervalued Renewable Energy Stocks appeared first on InvestorPlace.

該帖子 7 最低估的可再生能源股票首先出現在投資廣場。

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