
Romios Gold Reports High-Grade Assays Up to 17.9 g/t Au from Previously Undocumented Prospects on the Kinkaid Project, Nevada

Romios Gold Reports High-Grade Assays Up to 17.9 g/t Au from Previously Undocumented Prospects on the Kinkaid Project, Nevada

Romios Gold報告稱,內華達州金凱德項目以前未被記錄的前景中,高達17.9克/噸的金
newsfile ·  2022/06/14 09:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 14, 2022) - Romios Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: RG) (OTCQB: RMIOF) (FSE: D4R) ("Romios Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report on high-grade gold assay results from chip and grab samples collected in April 2022 at several previously undocumented or poorly known historic gold-copper-silver prospects on the Company's recently acquired Kinkaid project in Nevada.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年6月14日)-Romios Gold Resources Inc.(TSXV:RG)(OTCQB:RMIOF)(FSE:D4R)(“Romios Gold”或“The Company”)很高興報告從2022年4月在內華達州幾個以前未被記錄或鮮為人知的歷史金-銅-銀項目中收集的芯片和抓取樣本的高品級金分析結果。

The Kinkaid claims cover 911.2 Hectares (2,252 acres) in Mineral County, 18 km east of the town of Hawthorne, and are largely accessible by road. To date only the gold assays have been received from the April sampling; the multi-element analyses including the copper and silver results are pending.


"We are extremely encouraged now by the shear number of gold bearing veins that we have found on the Kinkaid property, and expect that the pending copper and silver assays will only increase their potential," stated Stephen Burega, President.

總裁Stephen Burega表示:“我們現在對在Kinkaid礦區發現的含金脈的剪切數量感到非常鼓舞,並預計即將進行的銅和銀分析只會增加它們的潛力。”



  • Several poorly documented or unknown mineral showings were discovered by Romios in the field in April and sampling has returned encouraging gold results from all of them (see Map #1). Many samples are expected to return high copper +/- silver values as well (based on the presence of abundant copper minerals and their similarity to the numerous other showings in the same area - See March 10, 2022 News Release):
  • 4月份,Romios在礦場發現了幾個文件不多或未知的礦藏,所有礦藏的取樣都得出了令人鼓舞的金色結果(見地圖1)。許多樣品預計也會返回高銅+/銀價值(基於豐富的銅礦存在及其與同一地區眾多其他顯示的相似性-參見2022年3月10日的新聞稿):
  1. Au-Cu Adits: A 180 m long series of shafts and adits was located at an unnamed prospect on the southern claims. The dump material at these workings is typically very copper rich (see Photo #1) and 3 representative quartz vein samples have assayed from 0.3 g/t Au to 17.9 g/t Au. The veins are not exposed at the entrances to the workings but the host rocks are highly altered and sheared for widths of at least 2-3 m.
  2. Au-Cu Shaft: An unnamed old mine site consisting of a shaft and a lower adit was located 775 m NE of the "Southern Copper-Barite" prospect. A >15 cm wide vein of classic epithermal bladed calcite was located in the adit entrance and assayed 3.9 g/t Au. A 1m chip of a heavily copper stained fault zone nearby assayed 1.8 g/t Au. These zones strike towards the upper shaft in an area largely obscured by dump material.
  3. "End of the Road" Au-Cu Trench: A single trench was located 300 m SW of the aforementioned shafts and adits. This blast trench exposes a ~2m wide series of quartz-calcite veins with excellent epithermal textures. Representative samples of this material assayed 8.5, 7.2 and 0.4 g/t Au.
  4. Au-Barite: A >75 m long series of adits and dumps on the SE claims listed as a "barite prospect" in the USGS database was located and sampled in April. Two quartz vein samples from the dumps assayed 2.1 and 2.8 g/t Au and two other vein samples returned lower but still anomalous results: 0.15 and 0.38 g/t Au. The hydrothermal alteration associated with these workings is very extensive.
  1. Au-Cu廣告:一系列180米長的豎井和洞口位於南部主張的一個未具名的前景中。這些工作面的傾倒物質通常非常富含銅(見圖1),3個具有代表性的石英脈樣品的分析結果從0.3g/t Au到17.9g/t Au。礦脈在工作面的入口處並不裸露,但主巖發生了強烈的蝕變,剪切寬度至少為2-3米。
  2. 金銅軸一個未命名的老礦場,由一個豎井和一個較低的平巷組成,位於“南方銅-重晶石”探區東北方向775米處。一條>15釐米寬的經典低温刀片方解石礦脈位於平房口,並進行了化驗。3.9克/噸Au。化驗了附近一條銅污染嚴重的斷裂帶的1米長的碎片1.8g/t Au。這些區域走向上部豎井,該區域基本上被傾倒的材料遮擋住了。
  3. 《路的盡頭》Au-Cu戰壕:在上述豎井和坑道西南300米處有一條單獨的壕溝。這條風槽暴露出一系列約2米寬的石英方解石礦脈,具有極佳的超熱結構。對這種材料的代表性樣品進行了化驗含金量分別為8.5、7.2和0.4g/t。
  4. 金重晶石:在美國地質勘探局數據庫中被列為“重晶石探礦”的SE索賠上的一系列大於75米長的廣告和傾倒物於4月份被定位和採樣。從垃圾場採集的兩個石英脈樣本進行了分析2.1和2.8克/噸Au另外兩個靜脈樣本返回的結果較低,但仍有異常:0.15和0.38g/t Au。與這些工作面有關的熱液蝕變非常廣泛。
  • Southern Copper-Barite: Additional sampling and mapping was also conducted at this prospect originally sampled in November 2021. This site was a small-scale mining operation in the past (for barite?) and Romios' samples from a ~30 cm wide vein reported in March assayed 212 g/t Silver (6.8 oz/t Ag), 2.3% Copper and 1 g/t Gold with elevated bismuth, antimony and mercury values. This poorly documented prospect vein is within a 300 m long discoloured area visible on the ground and on satellite imagery and is now thought to be part of an epithermal vein system. Three samples of quartz vein material collected here in April returned gold assays from 0.48 g/t Au to 1.29 g/t Au; Cu and Ag assays are pending.
  • Bismark Au-Ag-Cu Trenches: Assay results of 2 samples of the typical vein material at this undocumented site on the SW claims also confirmed the high-grade results reported in March (36.3 g/t Au and 4.8% Cu in the southern trench and 5.8 g/t Au and 1.55% Cu in a 2nd trench 12 m to the north). The April samples assayed 33.7 g/t Au from a ~40 cm wide rock in the southern trench and 7.53 g/t Au from a sample of one of several quartz veins 8-10 cm wide in the northern trench.
  • Dozer Trench Au-Cu: The "bulldozer trench" located 125 m SE of the Bismark site was also revisited and sampled. Numerous copper (chrysocolla) stained rocks are found at this site in the overburden but the bedrock source has not been located as yet. A 30 cm mineralized boulder collected in 2021 and reported in March assayed 13.5 g/t Au and 4.34% Cu. Two samples collected in April have now assayed 18.3 g/t Au from a quartz vein and 27.7 g/t Au from a piece of the copper-stained host rock to the vein material.
  • Montreal Gold-Silver Mine: Additional samples collected here from a range of vein material types on the ~500 m long series of old mine dumps confirmed the high assays reported in March 2022 (ranging from essentially nil to 24 g/t Au, 3.1% Cu and 8 g/t Ag). The 4 samples collected in April assayed from 0.045 g/t Au up to 18.85 g/t Au and confirmed the association of gold with copper (chalcopyrite) bearing vein material.
  • Alteration Mapping: Romios has engaged Photosat Inc. of Vancouver BC to produce a series of alteration mineral maps of the Kinkaid property using Short Wave Infrared imagery from the WorldView-3 satellite. Many of the Au-Ag-Cu showings at Kinkaid are associated with prominent clay, jarosite and other hydrothermal alteration minerals that are expected to be clearly evident on these hyperspectral survey maps. This satellite imagery is expected to allow Romios geologists to quickly and efficiently trace out many of the poorly documented, high-grade mineral showings on this large, treeless claim block.
  • 南方銅-重晶石:還對2021年11月最初抽樣的這一遠景進行了額外的抽樣和測繪。這個地方過去是一個小規模的採礦作業(為了重晶石?)3月份報道的Romios從大約30釐米寬的靜脈中提取的樣本進行了檢測212克/噸銀(6.8盎司/噸銀),2.3%銅和1克/噸金鉍、銻和水銀值升高。這條記錄不佳的遠景礦脈位於地面和衞星圖像上可見的300米長的變色區域內,現在被認為是熱液礦脈系統的一部分。今年4月在這裏採集的三個石英脈材料樣品的金分析結果從0.48g/t金到1.29克/噸Au;銅和銀的檢測正在進行中。
  • 俾斯麥金-銀-銅戰壕:對這一未記錄地點的兩個典型靜脈材料樣本的化驗結果也證實了3月份報道的高級別結果(南部海溝中Au含量為36.3 g/t,銅含量為4.8%;2號海溝中Au含量為5.8 g/t,銅含量為1.55%發送北面12米的壕溝)。對四月份的樣本進行了檢測33.7克/噸Au從南部海溝中一塊約40釐米寬的巖石7.53克/噸Au取自北部海溝8-10釐米寬的幾個石英脈中的一個。
  • Au-Cu型推土機溝:還對俾斯麥遺址東南125米處的“推土機戰壕”進行了複查和取樣。在該地點的覆蓋層中發現了大量的銅(金剛石)污染巖石,但基巖來源尚未確定。對2021年收集並於3月報道的一塊30釐米礦化巨石進行了化驗13.5克/噸金和4.34%銅。4月份收集的兩個樣本現在已經檢測出18.3克/噸Au從石英脈中提取27.7克/噸Au從一塊染着銅的主巖到脈狀物質。
  • 蒙特利爾金銀礦:從長約500米的老排土場系列上收集的一系列礦脈物質類型的額外樣本證實了2022年3月報告的高化驗結果(從基本上為零到24克/噸金、3.1%銅和8克/噸銀).4月份收集的4個樣品的化驗結果從0.045克/噸金到18.85克/噸Au證實了金與含銅(黃銅礦)脈狀物質的共生關係。
  • 變更映射:羅米奧斯已經委託公元前温哥華的Photosat Inc.使用WorldView-3衞星的短波紅外圖像製作了一系列Kinkaid地產的蝕變礦物地圖。金凱德的許多Au-Ag-Cu顯示與突出的粘土、黃鉀鐵礬礦和其他熱液蝕變礦物有關,預計這些礦物將在這些高光譜調查地圖上清晰可見。這張衞星圖像有望讓羅米奧斯地質學家快速有效地追蹤到這個沒有樹木的大型索賠區塊上許多記錄不佳的高品位礦藏。

"Romios' brief prospecting and sampling program in April at Kinkaid has returned some surprisingly good gold results from poorly documented old showings, most of which are simply listed as "barite occurrences" in the government database," commented John Biczok, Romios' VP of Exploration. He continued, "the association of barite with high-grade gold-silver epithermal style mineralization is now well understood but may not have been in decades past when these prospects were first explored. With the price of gold being so much lower at that time, the gold potential of many prospects was often ignored if the grades were not over 1 oz/t Au. We look forward to the upcoming satellite image study and further field work to define these vein systems more fully and advance the best targets to the drill stage."


2022 Exploration Plans


Romios plans to undertake a program of detailed geological mapping and sampling across the Kinkaid property in 2022 with emphasis on the numerous mineralized showings. A drone magnetic survey is expected to be particularly useful in tracing the skarn horizon targets under cover and a hyperspectral satellite image study is expected to outline the alteration zones associated with the Au-Ag-Cu vein systems. Diamond drilling of several showings is anticipated.


Map #1 - Mineral prospects on Romios' Kinkaid Project with the maximum gold assays for each site from sampling in April 2022.


Photo #1 - Sample #E268328 from the "Au-Cu Adits" dump site. Massive, black, tarnished chalcopyrite (copper-iron sulphide) and green secondary copper mineral staining in a white quartz vein. Assayed 1.7 g/t Au. Copper and silver results pending. One of very many such pieces at this site, some assaying up to 17.9 g/t Au.

照片1--“Au-CuAdits”垃圾場的樣本#E268328。白色石英脈中的塊狀、黑色、有光澤的黃銅礦(銅鐵硫化物)和綠色次生銅礦。Au含量為1.7g/t。銅和白銀的結果待定。這是這個地點的許多這樣的碎片之一,有些化驗結果高達17.9g/t Au。



All samples were submitted to the ISO/IEC 17025 accredited ALS laboratory in Reno, Nevada for assay. As a matter of procedure, a rigorous quality assurance and quality control program was implemented in the form of blanks and Certified Reference Material standards at every 10th position in the sample series. The assay results of these standards and blanks were well within the acceptable ranges.


Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by John Biczok, P. Geo., VP-Exploration for Romios Gold and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. In addition to his extensive experience with several major mining companies exploring for a wide variety of ore deposit types across Canada and India, Mr. Biczok spent 12 years conducting exploration and research at the Musselwhite gold mine in NW Ontario.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由羅米奧斯金礦勘探副總裁John Biczok和National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員審閲和批准。除了在加拿大和印度幾家大型礦業公司勘探各種礦藏的豐富經驗外,Biczok先生還花了12年時間在安大略省西北部的MusselWhite金礦進行勘探和研究。

About Romios Gold Resources Inc.

關於Romios Gold Resources Inc.

Romios Gold Resources Inc. is a progressive Canadian mineral exploration company engaged in precious- and base-metal exploration, focused primarily on gold, copper and silver. It has a 100% interest in the Lundmark-Akow Lake Au-Cu property and 4 additional claim blocks in northwestern Ontario and extensive claim holdings covering several significant porphyry copper-gold prospects in the "Golden Triangle" of British Columbia. Additional interests include the Kinkaid Nevada claims covering numerous Au-Ag-Cu workings and two former producers: the La Corne molybdenum mine property (Quebec) and a former high-grade gold producer - the Scossa mine property in Nevada. The Company also retains an ongoing interest in several properties including a 20% carried interest in five of Honey Badger Mining's claim blocks in the Thunder Bay silver district of northwestern Ontario; a 2% NSR on McEwen Mining's Hislop gold property in Ontario; and a 2% NSR on Enduro Metals Corp.' Newmont Lake Au-Cu-Ag property in BC.

Romios Gold Resources Inc.是一家不斷進取的加拿大礦產勘探公司,從事貴金屬和賤金屬勘探,主要專注於金、銅和銀。它擁有Lundmark-Akow Lake Au-Cu礦的100%權益,並在安大略省西北部擁有另外4個索賠區塊,並廣泛持有不列顛哥倫比亞省“金三角”幾個重要的斑巖銅金礦遠景。其他權益包括內華達州Kinkaid的索賠,涉及多個Au-Ag-Cu開採和兩個前生產商:La Corne鉬礦(魁北克)和前高品位黃金生產商-內華達州的SCossa礦。該公司還保留了幾處物業的持續權益,包括蜜獾礦業在安大略省西北部桑德貝銀區的五個索賠區塊20%的附帶權益;McEwen礦業在安大略省的Hislop金礦2%的NSR;以及Enduo Metals Corp.的2%的NSR。不列顛哥倫比亞省紐蒙特湖的Au-Cu-Ag財產。

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This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or include the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements and shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such statements. TSX Venture Exchange or its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information, please contact:


Stephen Burega, President - 647-515-3734 or


John Biczok, P. Geo., VP of Exploration - 613-410-7877 or

John Biczok,P.Geo,勘探副總裁-613-410-7877,電子郵件:jbi

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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