
7 Monkeypox Vaccine Stocks to Buy Before They Shoot Higher

7 Monkeypox Vaccine Stocks to Buy Before They Shoot Higher

InvestorPlace ·  2022/08/17 09:30

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


Monkeypox stocks, our topic for today, have had a mostly mixed performance so far in 2022. It is likely, however, that they could benefit from the similar tailwinds enjoyed by companies, such as Pfizer (NYSE:PFE), BioNTech (NASDAQ:BNTX), and Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA), which have developed the Covid-19 vaccines that have now become household names.

我们今天的话题是 Monkeypox 股票在 2022 年到目前为止的表现喜忧参半。但是,他们很可能会从辉瑞(纽约证券交易所代码:PFE)等公司所享受的类似利好中受益, 生物科技公司 (纳斯达克股票代码:BNTX),以及 Moderna (纳斯达克股票代码:MRNA),他们开发了Covid-19疫苗,这些疫苗现已成为家喻户晓的名字。

Monkeypox is a smallpox-like disease caused by the monkeypox virus. Both viruses share the same genus: Orthopoxvirus. Originally relegated to certain central and western African countries, the disease has spread to some 31,000 people globally. There are around 10,000 cases stateside. Yet, the majority of monkeypox cases are relatively mild.

猴痘是一种由猴痘病毒引起的天花样疾病。两种病毒具有相同的属: 正痘病毒。该疾病最初被降级到某些中非和西非国家,现已传播到全球约31,000人。美国大约有10,000例病例。但是,大多数猴痘病例相对较轻。

The disease's relative mildness aside, fears of a possible Covid-like monkeypox pandemic have alleviated some of the recent woes afflicting the biotech industry. Not entirely of course, as the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index, for example, is still down around 10% year to date (YTD). Meanwhile, the broader NASDAQ Composite has fallen almost 16% over the same period.

除了这种疾病的相对温和之外,对可能出现类似COVID的猴痘大流行的担忧缓解了最近困扰生物技术行业的一些困境。当然不完全是,因为 NASDAQ 生物技术指数例如,今年迄今为止(年初至今)仍下降了约10%。同时,更广泛的 纳斯达克综合 同期下降了近16%。

With governments worldwide stockpiling vaccines and treatments, monkeypox researchers and vaccine manufacturers could see a sharp increase in share prices. With that information, here are seven monkeypox stocks to buy in August.


APDN Applied DNA Sciences $3.33 BVNRY Bavarian Nordic $16.16 CMRX Chimerix $2.68 GOVX GeoVax Labs $2.25 IDNA iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF $33.64 SIGA SIGA Technologies $24.32 TNXP Tonix Pharmaceuticals $1.48
APDN Applied DNA Sciences 3.33 美元 BVNRY 巴伐利亚北欧 16.16 美元 CMRX Chimerix 2.68 GOVX Geovax Labs 2.25 IDNA iShares 基因组学免疫学和医疗保健 ETF 33.64 SIGA SIGA Technologis 24.32 TNXP Tonix Pharmicals 1.48

Applied DNA Sciences (APDN)

应用 DNA 科学(APDN)

Source: ktsdesign /
来源:ktsdesign /

52-week range: $0.62 – $7.35

52 周区间: 0.62 美元 — 7.35 美元

Our first on this list of monkeypox stocks is a testing play, Applied DNA Sciences (NASDAQ:APDN) offers DNA-based biotechnology solutions. The company operates in three primary business markets: the manufacture of DNA for use in nucleic acid-based therapeutics; the detection of DNA in molecular diagnostics testing services; and the manufacture and detection of DNA for industrial supply chain security services.

我们在猴痘股票清单上的第一只是一场测试游戏, 应用 DNA 科学 (纳斯达克股票代码:APDN)提供基于DNA的生物技术解决方案。 该公司在三个主要业务市场开展业务:制造用于核酸治疗的DNA;在分子诊断测试服务中检测DNA;以及制造和检测用于工业供应链安全服务的DNA。

Management released third quarter FY22 results on Aug. 11. Revenue came in at $4.3 million, compared with $1.7 million for the same period last year. Net loss per share was 13 cents compared to 48 cents for the same period last year.

管理层已发布 2022 财年第三季度 8 月 11 日的结果。收入为430万美元,而去年同期为170万美元。每股净亏损为13美分,而去年同期为48美分。

Recently, APDN announced that its wholly-owned clinical laboratory subsidiary, Applied DNA Clinical Labs (ADCL), has developed a PCR-based test to detect the monkeypox virus through its genetic signature. If approved by various health authorities, "the test will be used to power ADCL's monkeypox testing services."

最近,APDN 宣布了 其全资临床实验室子公司Applied DNA临床实验室(ADCL)已开发出一种基于PCR的测试,可通过其遗传特征检测猴痘病毒。如果获得各卫生机构的批准,“该测试将用于为ADCL的猴痘测试服务提供支持。”

APDN stock is down about 17% year-to-date (YTD) and 45% over a 12-month period. Shares trade at 1.68 times sales. Meanwhile, the 12-month median price forecast for APDN stands at $7.00.

APDN股票今年迄今为止(年初至今)下跌了约17%,在12个月内下跌了45%。股票交易价格为销售额的1.68倍。同时,APDN的12个月中位价格预测为 7.00 美元

Bavarian Nordic (BVNRY)

巴伐利亚北欧 (BVNRY)

Source: angellodeco /

52-week range: $5.85 – $19.31

52 周区间: 5.85 美元 — 19.31 美元

Bavarian Nordic (OTCMKTS:BVNRY) is a Danish biotechnology and pharmaceutical company. The company manufactures the only two vaccines approved in the U.S. for monkeypox: Imvanex and Jynneos. This alone makes it a top pick as far as monkeypox stocks go.

巴伐利亚北欧 (OTCMKTS: BVNRY)是一家丹麦的生物技术和制药公司。该公司生产美国仅有的两种获准用于猴痘的疫苗:Imvanex和Jynneos。就猴痘股票而言,仅此一项就使其成为首选。

In early May, Bavarian Nordic reported Q1 financials. Revenue was 320 million Danish Kroner (DKK), decreasing from 535 million DKK the year before. Cash and equivalents totaled 2.95 billion DKK.


The company recently announced an additional contract to provide 350,000 doses of its Jynneos smallpox/monkeypox vaccine to an undisclosed Asia/Pacific Region country. The company already has contracts with governments in the U.S., Canada, and others. For instance, Jynneos is part of the Strategic National Stockpile, which contains enough vaccines to vaccinate every person stateside.


As a result of these positive developments, BVNRY stock has jumped up 11.7% YTD. Shares are trading at 13.1 times sales.


Chimerix (CMRX)

Chimerix (CMRX)

Source: Pavel Kapysh /
资料来源:Pavel Kapysh /

52-week range: $1.27 – $7.42

52 周区间: 1.27 美元 — 7.42 美元

Biopharma play Chimerix (NASDAQ:CMRX) is known for TEMBEXA, an oral antiviral in tablet and oral suspension formulations used for the treatment of smallpox disease. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 2021.

生物制药游戏 Chimerix (纳斯达克股票代码:CMRX) 以 TEMBEXA 而闻名,这是一种用于治疗天花疾病的片剂和口服悬浮液制剂中的口服抗病毒药物。它于 2021 年 6 月获得美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 的批准。

Management released Q2 results on Aug. 8. Revenue came in at $0.4 million. Net loss per share was 27 cents compared with 21 cents for the year-ago quarter.

管理层已发布 Q2 8 月 8 日的结果。收入为40万美元。每股净亏损为27美分,而去年同期为21美分。

In Late June, Chimerix announced that the Public Health Agency of Canada awarded a contract up to $25.3 million to procure TEMBEXA. Long-term CMRX shareholders would know that earlier in the year, the company agreed with Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE:EBS) for Emergent to sell Chimerix's exclusive worldwide rights to TEMBEXA. Therefore, the exact amount of royalties for Chimerix needs to be finalized.

六月下旬,Chimerix 宣布了 加拿大公共卫生局授予了一份高达2530万美元的采购TEMBEXA的合同。CMRX的长期股东会知道,今年早些时候,该公司同意这一点 新兴生物解决方案 (纽约证券交易所:EBS) 让 Emergent 出售 Chimerix 的全球独家版权TEMBEXA。因此,Chimerix的特许权使用费的确切金额需要最终确定。

CMRX stock is down about 58% YTD and 56% over a 12-month period. Wall Street's 12-month median price forecast for CMRX is $6.00.

CMRX股票年初至今下跌了约58%,在12个月内下跌了56%。华尔街对CMRX的12个月中位价预测为 6.00 美元

GeoVax Labs (GOVX)

GeoVax Labs (GOVX)

Source: Flabygasted /
资料来源:Flabygasted /

52-week range: $0.55 – $7.50

52 周区间: 0.55 美元 — 7.50 美元

Next on our list of monkeypox stocks is GeoVax Labs (NASDAQ:GOVX). GeoVax is a clinical-stage, pre-revenue pharma company with a focus on vaccines and immunotherapies. Its current research programs center around Covid-19, various hemorrhagic fever viruses, Zika virus, malaria, and various forms of cancer. The company utilizes recombinant-DNA-based genetic engineering to develop its drugs.

我们的猴痘股票清单上的下一只是 GeoVax Labs (纳斯达克股票代码:GOVX)。GeoVax 是一家处于临床阶段、未盈利的制药公司,专注于疫苗和免疫疗法。其目前的研究项目围绕Covid-19、各种出血热病毒、寨卡病毒、疟疾和各种形式的癌症。该公司利用基于重组DNA的基因工程来开发其药物。

In early August, GeoVax provided Q2 earnings. Loss per share was 18 cents, compared to a loss per share of 21 cents the prior year. Cash and equivalents totaled $30.9 million.


Recently, the company announced that its GEO-CM04S1 vaccine was being evaluated for effectiveness against monkeypox. GeoVax also revealed that its hemorrhagic fever virus vaccine will also be assessed as a possible candidate for monkeypox. GeoVax anticipates both vaccines will show effectiveness against the virus.

最近,该公司宣布正在评估其 GEO-CM04S1 疫苗对猴痘的有效性。GeoVax还透露,其出血热病毒疫苗也将被评估为猴痘的可能候选疫苗。GeoVax预计这两种疫苗都将显示出对抗该病毒的有效性。

Yet, despite the potential, GOVX stock has lost close to a third of its value since January. Shares are trading at 80.4 times sales.


iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF (IDNA)

iShares 基因组学免疫学和医疗保健 ETF (IDNA)

52-Week Range: $24.77-$55.55

52 周区间: 24.77-55.55 美元

Dividend Yield: 1.15%

股息收益率: 1.15%

Expense Ratio: 0.47% per year

费用比率: 每年 0.47%

Recent metrics suggest that the global biotechnology market can hit $3.9 trillion by 2030, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.9% between 2022 and 2030. Thus, our next choice is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that focuses on global biopharmaceutical and healthcare companies.


The iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF (NYSEARCA:IDNA) invests in businesses that could benefit from the long-term growth and innovation in genomics, immunology, as well as bioengineering. Many of these stocks are involved in critical research and development (R&D). The fund was first listed in June 2019.

iShares Genomics 免疫学和医疗保健ETF(NYSEARCA: IDNA)投资于可能受益于基因组学、免疫学和生物工程长期增长和创新的企业。这些股票中有许多参与了关键研发(R&D)。该基金于2019年6月首次上市。

IDNA, which tracks the NYSE FactSet Global Genomics and Immuno Biopharma Index, currently holds a basket of 41 holdings. The top 10 stocks comprise more than 40% of $217.2 million in net assets. More than two-thirds of the companies come from the U.S. Next in line are businesses from Germany (7.6%), Japan (6.4%), China (4.5%), and Denmark (3.9%).

IDNA,追踪纽约证券交易所 FactSet 全球基因组学和免疫生物制药指数 目前持有一篮子41只股票。排名前十的股票占2.172亿美元净资产的40%以上。超过三分之二的公司来自美国,排在第二位的是来自德国(7.6%)、日本(6.4%)、中国(4.5%)和丹麦(3.9%)的企业。

Leading names include biotechnology company Beam Therapeutics (NASDAQ:BEAM); clinical-stage genome editing firm Intellia Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NTLA); Cayman Islands-based biotech name Beigene (NASDAQ:BGNE); clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company Fate Therapeutics (NASDAQ:FATE); and Moderna.

主要公司包括生物技术公司 光束疗法 (纳斯达克股票代码:BEAM);临床阶段的基因组编辑公司 英特利疗法 (纳斯达克股票代码:NTLA);总部位于开曼群岛的生物技术公司名称 百济神州 (纳斯达克股票代码:BGNE);临床阶段的生物制药公司Fate Therapeutics(纳斯达克股票代码:FATE);以及 Moderna。

IDNA has dropped nearly 22% since January and 35.5% over the past 12 months. Trailing price-to-earnings (P/E) and price-to-book (P/B) ratios stand at 12.36x and 2.19x, respectively. Interested readers whose long-term portfolios can handle short-term choppiness could invest in the promising prospects of the biotech sector through IDNA.


SIGA Technologies (SIGA)


Source: Dmitry Kalinovsky /

52-week range: $5.49 – $25.54

52 周区间: 5.49 美元 — 25.54 美元

SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ:SIGA) is a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company. It offers, TPOXX, an antiviral medication used to treat smallpox and other pox viruses, including monkeypox. It is also available through the Strategic National Stockpile.

SIGA 科技 纳斯达克股票代码:SIGA)是一家商业阶段的制药公司。它提供TPOXX,一种用于治疗天花和其他痘病毒(包括猴痘)的抗病毒药物。它也可以通过国家战略储备获得。

In early August, SIGA posted Q2 metrics. Revenue totaled $16.7 million, compared to $8.7 million the previous year. Diluted income per share was 3 cents. Cash and equivalents totaled $114.5 million.


The company recently announced its TPOXX antiviral medication will be used in an experimental treatment protocol in the Central African Republic, CAR. The company will provide up to 500 doses to the study, sponsored by Oxford University in the U.K.


SIGA stock has skyrocketed almost 230% since the beginning of the year. Shares are trading at 12.6 times sales.


Tonix Pharmaceuticals (TNXP)

托尼克斯制药 (TNXP)

Source: Sisacorn /
资料来源:Sisacorn /

52-week range: $1.19 – $24.89

52 周区间: 1.19 美元 — 24.89 美元

Last on our list of monkeypox stocks is the clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company Tonix Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TNXP). Its portfolio comprises of candidates for the central nervous system ("CNS"), immunology and infectious diseases.

我们的猴痘股票清单上的最后一只是 临床阶段的生物制药公司 托尼克斯制药 (纳斯达克股票代码:TNXP)。它是 投资组合包括中枢神经系统(“CNS”)、免疫学和传染病的候选人。

Management reported Q2 results on Aug. 8. The pharma play has not recorded any revenues, yet. However, loss per share went down to $1.22 compared to $2.25 for the prior-year quarter. 

管理层报告 Q2 8 月 8 日的结果。这家制药公司尚未录得任何收入。但是,每股亏损降至1.22美元,而去年同期为2.25美元。

Recently, TNXP announced a collaboration with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) to seek regulatory approval for conducting a Phase 1 clinical study in Kenya. The study aims to develop TNX-8011 as a vaccine to protect against monkeypox and smallpox and is expected to start in the first half of 2023.

最近,TNXP 宣布了 与肯尼亚医学研究所(KEMRI)合作,寻求监管部门批准在肯尼亚进行1期临床研究。该研究旨在开发 TNX-8011 作为预防猴痘和天花的疫苗,预计将于 2023 年上半年开始。

TNXP stock is down 86% YTD struggling to stay above $1 per share to stay listed on the stock exchange. Therefore, it is a risky biotech and smallpox play, not suitable for most portfolios.


On Penny Stocks and Low-Volume Stocks: With only the rarest exceptions, InvestorPlace does not publish commentary about companies that have a market cap of less than $100 million or trade less than 100,000 shares each day. That's because these "penny stocks" are frequently the playground for scam artists and market manipulators. If we ever do publish commentary on a low-volume stock that may be affected by our commentary, we demand that's writers disclose this fact and warn readers of the risks.

关于细价股和低成交量股票:除了最罕见的例外,InvestorPlace不会对市值低于1亿美元或每天交易量低于100,000股的公司发表评论。那是因为这些 “便士股” 经常是骗子和市场操纵者的游乐场。如果我们确实对可能受到我们的评论影响的低成交量股票发表评论,我们要求InvestorPlace.com的作者披露这一事实并警告读者注意风险。

Read More: Penny Stocks — How to Profit Without Getting Scammed


On the date of publication, Tezcan Gecgil, Ph.D., is both long and short BNTX. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.

在出版之日,Tezcan Gecgil博士既做多又做空BNTX。本文中表达的观点是作者的观点,受InvestorPlace.com发布指南的约束。

The post 7 Monkeypox Vaccine Stocks to Buy Before They Shoot Higher appeared first on InvestorPlace.


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