
Avoid Vinco Ventures Stock After Recent Boardroom Drama

Avoid Vinco Ventures Stock After Recent Boardroom Drama

避免在最近的董事會戲劇後投資 Vinco 投資股票
InvestorPlace ·  2022/09/20 22:56

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


While $Vinco Ventures (BBIG.US)$ stock languishes in the market graveyard,  some traders continue to dabble in it.

雖然 $Vinco Ventures (BBIG.US)$股票在市場墓地停擺,一些交易員繼續涉足它。

Maybe it's as a result of it being a possible gamma short squeeze opportunity (as InvestorPlace's Chris MacDonald discussed on Sep 9), or for reasons more related to its fundamentals (namely, its stake in video sharing app Lomotif).

也許這是因為它是一個可能的伽瑪短擠壓機會(如 投資者广场 克里斯·麥克唐納在 9 月 9 日討論),或者出於與其基本面更相關的原因(即其在視頻共享應用程序中的股份) LOMOTIF).

I wouldn't hold my breath when it comes to a gamma squeeze. So far, this has failed to play out. Furthermore, as negative overall market sentiment keeps dampening the appeal of meme stocks, it's doubtful shares in this digital holding company will see the sort of en-masse buying necessary to drive such a squeeze.


As for the Lomotif catalyst? Even as the high potential of this key asset may have made this stock worth a closer look, this is no longer the case after some boardroom drama that played out over the summer.


BBIG Vinco Ventures $0.98

BBIG 域高企業 0.98 美元

BBIG Stock and Its C-Suite Shakeup

BBIG 股票及其 C 套房

Vinco Ventures experienced an organizational shakeup over the summer as a battle broke out in its boardroom. Back in July, the faction of the company's board associated with its strategic partner ZASH Global allegedly attempted to take over the company without full board approval.

Vinco Ventures 在夏季經歷了一場組織的動搖,因為一場戰鬥在其會議室爆發。早在七月份,該公司董事會的派別與其戰略合作夥伴有關 扎什全球據稱試圖在未經全面董事會批准的情況下接管該公司。

As a result, the board removed the ZASH-associated insiders from their co-CEO roles, leaving John Colucci as its sole CEO. Besides sending BBIG stock sharply lower after all of this was disclosed to the public on July 25, it also led to the trading of shares being temporarily halted on the Nasdaq exchange, between Aug. 4 and Aug. 16.

結果,董事會從他們的聯合首席執行官角色中刪除了扎什相關的內部人員,離開約翰·科盧奇(John Colucci)擔任其唯一的首席執行官。除了在 7 月 25 日向公眾披露後,BBIG 股票大幅走低外,還導致股票在交易時暫時停止交易。 納斯達 交易所,8 月 4 日至 8 月 16 日之間。

This was due to the exchange requesting additional information from Vinco, most likely related to this incident. Since   the company no longer had a majority-independent board, it was out of compliance with Nasdaq's director independence rules.

這是由於交易所要求 Vinco 提供額外信息,很可能與此事件有關。由於該公司不再擁有多種獨立董事會,因此不遵守納斯達克的董事獨立規則。

After trading resumed, the stock surged back above $1 per share. Short-lived renewed excitement for meme stocks beat out any concerns about the boardroom/C-suite chaos. Shares have pulled back, but many traders are still oblivious to this factor. Even as the battle rages on and could still materially affect the company's future.

交易恢復後,股票飆升至每股 1 美元以上。模因股票的短暫重新興奮擊敗了對董事會/C 套房混亂的任何擔憂。股票已經回落,但許多交易者仍然忽略了這一因素。即使戰鬥肆虐,仍然可能對公司的未來產生重大影響。

What This Means for its Lomotif Catalyst

這對其 Lomotif 催化劑意味著什麼

The fight between Vinco and the ZASH-associated insiders (also known as the "Farnsworth Group," after ZASH co-founder Ted Farnsworth) is far from over. It's simply changed venues. The two groups are now duking it out in the courts, with the company suing the Farnsworth Group for its above-mentioned actions.

Vinco 與扎什相關的內部人士(也稱為「法恩斯沃思集團」,在 ZASH 聯合創始人泰德·法恩斯沃思之後)之間的鬥爭還遠遠沒有結束。它只是改變了場地。這兩個團體現在正在法院挖掘出來,該公司起訴法恩斯沃思集團的上述行動。

While the case plays out, former Co-CEO Lisa King has been reappointed per a court order. In addition, the court has also appointed a third, independent Co-CEO (Ross Miller). Both King and Miller will serve alongside Colucci.

在案件發生時,前聯合首席執行官麗莎·金(Lisa King)根據法院命令重新任命。此外,法院還任命了第三位獨立聯合首席執行官(Ross Miller)。國王和米勒都將與科倫奇一起服役。

Only time will tell whether the company will prevail in its case and perhaps receive compensation for damages caused by the Farnsworth Group's actions. However, anything it receives monetarily could be severely outweighed by the negative effect this clash causes, which is bad news for BBIG stock.

只有時間才能告訴公司是否會在其情況下佔上風,並可能獲得法恩斯沃思集團的行為造成的損害賠償。但是,這種衝突引起的負面影響可能會嚴重超過它收到的任何東西,這對 BBIG 股票來說是個壞消息。

As you may know, Vinco and ZASH co-own a joint venture that holds an 80% stake in Lomotif. The two entities have been at work to scale up the startup, which is very similar to TikTok. With the two parties now on bad terms, it's unclear whether further development of Lomotif remains in the cards.

如您所知,Vinco 和 ZASH 共同擁有一家持有 Lomotif 80% 股份的合資企業。這兩個實體一直在努力擴大啟動,這是非常相似的 提克托克。由於雙方現在的條件不好,目前尚不清楚 Lomotif 的進一步發展是否仍然在卡片中。

The Verdict on BBIG Stock

關於 BBIG 股票的裁決

To say that the Lomotif catalyst could be coming off the table is more than mere speculation. On Aug. 15, Vinco announced plans to launch a completely-different social media venture, using technology licensed from AI-Pros Inc. It may be gearing up to move on from Lomotif completely.

要說 Lomotif 催化劑可能會從桌子上下來,不僅僅是猜測。8 月 15 日,Vinco 宣布計劃推出一個完全不同的社交媒體企業,使用許可的技術 人工智能-優點。它可能正在準備從 Lomotif 完全移動。

In short, it may be becoming far less likely whether this key potential catalyst will ever play out. It's debatable whether this new social media "venture" of Vinco's will get off the ground. Much less, achieve the kind of success Lomotif may have been able to achieve.

簡而言之,這種關鍵的潛在催化劑是否會發揮出來的可能性可能遠低得多。這是值得商榷的這個新的社交媒體「創業」是否會脫穎而出。更不用說,實現 Lomotif 可能已經能夠實現的那種成功。

As there's far more uncertainty behind its main positive (Lomotif), this may not be enough to counter its many negatives. These include a history of shareholder dilution, as well as delays in its financial filings. With all of this in mind, BBIG stock (which earns a D in my Portfolio Grader) is a no-go situation.

由於其主要積極性(Lomotif)背後存在更多的不確定性,因此這可能不足以抵抗其許多負面影響。這些措施包括股東稀釋的歷史,以及其財務申報延遲。考慮到所有這一切,BBIG 股票(賺取 D 在我的股票 投資組合平地機)是一個禁止的情況。

On the date of publication, neither Louis Navellier nor the InvestorPlace Research Staff member primarily responsible for this article held (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.


Louis Navellier, who has been called "one of the most important money managers of our time," has broken the silence in this shocking "tell all" video… exposing one of the most shocking events in our country's history… and the one move every American needs to make today.

路易斯·納維利爾(Louis Navellier)被稱為「我們這個時代最重要的資金經理之一」,在這個令人震驚的「告訴所有人」視頻中打破了沉默... 揭露了我們國家歷史上最令人震驚的事件之一... 以及每個美國人今天所需要做的一舉一動。

The post Avoid Vinco Ventures Stock After Recent Boardroom Drama appeared first on InvestorPlace.

後避免域高創投股票最近的董事會戲劇首次出現在 InvestorPlace.

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