
Cathie Wood Warns of 1929 Great Depression Scenario If Fed Doesn't Pivot, Says Inflation Could Turn Negative In 2023

Cathie Wood Warns of 1929 Great Depression Scenario If Fed Doesn't Pivot, Says Inflation Could Turn Negative In 2023

凱西·伍德(Cathie Wood)警告 1929 年大蕭條情景,如果美聯儲不支持,表示通貨膨脹可能會在 2023 年變為負面
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/11/14 07:28

The October inflation print gave investors a reason to cheer, given its implications for the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. Ark Invest founder Cathie Wood took to Twitter Saturday to offer her take on the inflation outlook.

鑑於其對美聯儲貨幣政策的影響,10 月份的通貨膨脹印刷為投資者提供了振作的理由。 方舟投資 創辦人 凱西·伍德 週六上推特為她提供了對通脹前景的看法。

A Serious Policy Mistake: Inflation is unwinding, Wood said. If her deduction is true, the economy could be heading back to the future with the "Roaring Twenties," the last time several general-purpose technologies, namely the telephone, electricity, and the internal combustion engine, evolved at the same time, she said, adding the setup is remarkably similar.

嚴重的政策錯誤: 伍德說,通貨膨脹正在放緩。如果她的扣除是真實的,那麼經濟可能會帶著「咆哮的二十年代」回到未來,這是最後一次幾種通用技術,即電話,電力和內燃機,同時進化,她說,增加了設置非常相似。

Prior to the Roaring Twenties, there was World War I and the Spanish Flu, Wood noted.


While both had a more serious impact on the global economy, today's combination is a strong echo that could result in much lower than expected inflation and a boom in innovation." 

-the money manager said.



The fallout of these two adverse developments have been a supply chain shock and other challenges that pushed inflation to over 20%, with inflation peaking at 24% in June 1920 and then dropping precipitously in a year to -15% in June 1921, she said.

她說,這兩種不利發展的後果是供應鏈震驚和其他挑戰,將通脹推至超過 20%,1920 年 6 月通脹率達到 24%,然後在一年內急劇下降至 1921 年 6 月的 -15%。

"We would not be surprised to see broad-based inflation turn negative in 2023," she added. Wood called out the Fed's current monetary policy stance as a "serious mistake."

她補充說:「看到 2023 年基礎廣泛的通脹率轉為負面,我們不會感到驚訝。」伍德將美聯儲目前的貨幣政策立場稱為「嚴重錯誤」。

While noting that the Fed raised interest rates less than twofold from 4.5% to 7% in 1919-20, she said the current Fed has increased interest rates 16-fold despite much lower inflation.

她指出美聯儲在 1919-20 年將利率從 4.5% 提高到 7% 不到兩倍,但她表示,儘管通脹率大幅降低,但目前的美聯儲卻增加了 16 倍的利率。

Fed Ignoring Deflationary Signals: If the Fed does not pivot now, a situation similar to the one seen in 1929 will play out, Wood said. She noted that the Fed raised rates too quickly in 1929 to put an end to financial speculation. Also, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act passed by Congress, levying over 50% tax on more than 20,000 goods pushed the global economy into the Great Depression, she added.

美聯儲忽略通縮信號: 伍德說,如果美聯儲現在不轉動,那麼類似於 1929 年看到的情況將發揮出來。她指出,美聯儲在 1929 年提高利率太快,以結束金融投機。還, 國會通過的斯莫特-霍利關稅法案, 徵收超過 50% 稅收超過 20,000 商品推動全球經濟進入大蕭條, 她補充說.

$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ CEO Elon Musk concurred with this view.

$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$執行長 伊隆麝香 同意這種觀點。


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 12, 2022


— 伊隆·馬斯克(@elonmusk)十一月十二日(2022)

The Fed is ignoring deflationary signals, Wood said. She sees the Chips Act as harming trade.


The University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index is at a record low, below levels hit in 2008-09 and 1979-82, a setup for a liquidity trap like that in the Great Depression when massive monetary stimulus failed." 

-Wood said.

密歇根大學的消費者信心指數處於歷史新低,低於 2008-09 年和 1979-82 的水平,這是在大規模貨幣刺激失敗時,大蕭條中出現了類似流動性陷阱的設置。」


Given conflicting data and the stark difference in these outcomes, the Fed should debate the possible risks associated with its current policy, at the least, instead of voting unanimously, she added.


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