
SEGO Extends the Northern Margin of the Southern Gold Zone and Drill Test Geophysical Anomalies South of the Southern Gold Zone

SEGO Extends the Northern Margin of the Southern Gold Zone and Drill Test Geophysical Anomalies South of the Southern Gold Zone

newsfile ·  2022/11/22 10:15

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 22, 2022) - Sego Resources Inc. (TSXV: SGZ) ("Sego" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the results of a seven drill hole program located in the Southern Gold Zone of the Miner Mountain Porphyry Copper-Gold project near Princeton, B.C., 15 km north of the Porphyry Copper Mountain Mine. The drill program tested the northern and western extensions of the Southern Gold Zone for the potential of deeper porphyry copper-gold mineralization defined by geophysical anomalies.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年11月22日)-赛戈资源公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SGZ)(“赛戈”或“公司”)我们很高兴地宣布了位于不列颠哥伦比亚省普林斯顿附近Miner Mountain斑岩铜金矿项目南部金矿带的七个钻孔项目的结果,该项目位于斑岩铜矿以北15公里处。钻探计划测试了南部金矿带的北部和西部延伸部分,以确定地球物理异常所确定的更深部斑岩铜金矿化的潜力。



  • Extended the moderately north-dipping Southern Gold Zone, intersected (0.95 gpt Au over 80 m) and terminated the Southern Gold Zone to the west.
  • Drilled the deep magnetic and chargeability anomalies to the south of the Southern Gold Zone to intersect broad intervals of strong disseminated magnetite and pyrite that contain low Au and Cu values.
  • Completed surface mapping and petrology within and around the Southern Gold Zone to identify the fine-grained nature of the host rocks, structural controls and alteration assemblages controlling or tracking Au mineralization and unexposed porphyry Cu-Au mineralization.
  • Future work will fill-in drill holes within an ~80 m space between previous drill holes in the Southern Gold Zone.
  • Geochemical and chargeability data will be evaluated to support a deep drill test of porphyry Cu-Au mineralization located north of the Southern Gold Zone.
  • A resource calculation of the Southern Gold Zone mineralization and on-going petrology to point towards porphyry copper-gold targets, not well exposed at surface, are planned for early 2023.
  • 向北延伸适度向北倾斜的南方金矿带,相交(0.95 Gpt Au超过80米),并在西面终止南方黄金带。
  • 钻探了南部金矿带南部的深部磁性和可充电性异常,使其与含Au和Cu值较低的强浸染性磁铁矿和黄铁矿的大范围区间相交。
  • 完成了南部金矿带及其周围的地表测绘和岩石学,以确定容矿岩石的细粒性质、控制或追踪金矿化的构造控制和蚀变组合以及未暴露的斑岩铜金矿化。
  • 未来的工作将在南方黄金区以前的钻孔之间约80米的空间内填充钻孔。
  • 将对地球化学和可充电性数据进行评估,以支持对位于南部金矿带北部的斑岩铜金矿化进行深部钻探测试。
  • 计划于2023年初对南方金矿带矿化的资源计算和正在进行的岩石学指向地表未很好暴露的斑岩铜金矿目标。

2022 Diamond Drill Hole Results


The seven drill hole 2022 program that totaled 1,582 m was two pronged: DDHs 59, 60-64 to test the western and northern extension of the Southern Gold Zone and DDHs 59 and 65 to explore deep blind and deep inverted chargeability-magnetic anomalies located ~200 m south of the Southern Gold Zone (Figure 1). The inverted geophysical data was recalculated to locate the true position of the anomalies in a volume of rock and to explore targets not exposed at surface.


DDH 59 was collared 47 m north on section locating DDH 50 and 52 to test both targets to depth (Figure 1), the northern extension of the Southern Gold Zone and to explore the deep western margin of the chargeability and magnetic anomalies. Based on the inverted data, the anomalies were anticipated to occur at 250 to 400 m vertical depths.


Figure 1. Recent (red) and previous (black) Au values and meterage plotted within the Southern Gold Zone Boundary on a geological plan.


Maps And Tables available at


Table 1. 2022 Drill Program Results from the South Gold Zone


Diamond Drill
From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t)
DDH 59 63.12 143.12 80.00 0.95
DDH 60 9.14 60.80 51.66 0.24
DDH 61 9.14 48.77 39.63 0.27
DDH 62 8.52 100.58 NSA
DDH 63 4.90 106.68 NSA
DDH 64 6.65 100.58 NSA
DDH 65 5.20 368.81 NSA
NSA - No Significant Assays
发件人(M) 至(M) 间隔(M) Au(克/吨)
DDH 59 63.12 143.12 80.00 0.95
DDH 60 9.14 60.80 51.66 0.24
DDH 61 9.14 48.77 39.63 0.27
DDH 62 8.52 100.58 国安局
DDH 63 4.90 106.68 国安局
DDH 64 6.65 100.58 国安局
DDH 65 5.20 368.81 国安局

DDH 59 intersected the extension of the Southern Gold Zone and returned 0.95 gpt Au over 80 m (Table 1, News Release June 13, 2022). The hole defined the northern extension of Southern Gold Zone and defined a steep northern dip of the zone defined by Au data from DDHs 50 to 52 (previously reported News Release August 11, 2021 and January 31, 2022 and Table 2). Deeper portions of the hole intersected altered green interbedded andesitic tuff and lapilli tuffs and microdiorite that contain very fine-grained disseminated pyrite and magnetite to the end of the hole at 447 m. The pyrite and magnetite are the likely cause of the chargeability and magnetic anomalies; however, Au and Cu values are low.

DDH 59与南部黄金区的延伸相交,在80米范围内返回0.95Gpt Au(表1,2022年6月13日发布的新闻稿)。该洞定义了南部黄金区的北部延伸,并确定了从DDHs 50到52的Au数据所定义的区域的北部陡峭倾角(之前报道的新闻稿为2021年8月11日和2022年1月31日以及表2)。深部与蚀变绿互层安山质凝灰岩和黄金石凝灰岩及微闪长岩相交,含极细粒浸染状黄铁矿和磁铁矿,至447m处。黄铁矿和磁铁矿可能是充电性和磁性异常的原因,但Au和Cu值较低。

DDHs 60 and 61 are both located on the same section 50 m west of DDHs 54 and 55 section (Figure 1). They intersected shallow unmineralized monzonite and deeper mineralized microdiorite or monzodiorite that penetrated a faulted contact into lower unmineralized massive to laminated sediments and tuff, that extended to the bottom of these holes. On this section the Southern Gold Zone is a moderate northwest-dipping ~25 m true wide zone that contains 0.24 gpt Au over 51.7 m in DDH 60, whereas the deeper intersection in DDH 61 returned 0.27 gpt Au over 39.6 m (Table 1).

DH60和DH61都位于DH54和DH55以西50米的同一段上(图1)。它们与浅层未矿化二长岩和较深矿化微闪长岩或二长闪长岩相交,后者穿过断层接触进入较低的未矿化块体,直到延伸到这些孔的底部的层状沉积物和凝灰岩。在这一剖面上,南部金矿带是一个中等的北西倾约25m的真宽带,DDH60在51.7m处含0.24gpt Au,而在DDH61深部交汇处39.6m以上含0.27gpt Au(表1)。

DDHs 62, 63 and 64 are short drill holes in two sections on the west slopes below and west of the mineralized Southern Gold Zone. They penetrated volcanic and diorite pervasively altered to moderate strength propylitic assemblages and carried low Au and Cu values.

DDH 62、63和64是矿化南部金矿带下方和以西西坡上的两个区段的短钻孔。它们侵入了火山和闪长岩,普遍地改变为中等强度的青绿岩组合,并携带低的Au和Cu值。

DDH 65 was collared 50 m north of DDH 49 and on the same section as DDH 53 and inclined 60° to 160° (Figure 1). The hole was positioned to test to the eastern deep margin of the same strong coincident inverted (see Figure 1) magnetic and chargeability anomalies ~200 m south of the Southern Gold Zone and to also intersect with DDH 59. The top of the hole intersected unmineralized K feldspar-chlorite-calcite altered monzonite or monzodiorite to 152 m. From 268 m to the end of the hole at 368 m the hole intersected moderate chlorite±biotite-calcite-magnetite alteration assemblage in massive to breccia diorite that intrudes lesser amounts of volcanic rocks. The breccia matrix contains abundant magnetite and several % fine-grained disseminated widespread magnetite within this interval, and are the likely cause of both geophysical anomalies. Sporadic 1% pyrite and trace chalcopyrite noted in the interval did not return significant Au or Cu values.

DDH 65在DDH 49以北50m处与DDH 53位于同一断面上,并倾斜60°至160°(图1)。该洞位于同一强烈重合的东部深部边缘(见图1),测试南部金矿带以南约200米处的磁性和可充电性异常,并与DDH 59相交。钻孔顶部与未矿化的钾长-绿泥石-方解石相交,蚀变二长岩或二长闪长岩至152m,从268m至孔底368m处,与侵入少量火山岩的块状至角砾状闪长岩的中等绿泥石±黑云母-方解石-磁铁矿蚀变组合相交。角砾岩基质中含有丰富的磁铁矿和若干%的细粒分散分布的磁铁矿,是这两种地球物理异常的可能原因。间隔中发现零星的1%黄铁矿和微量黄铜矿不返回显著的Au或Cu值。

Proposed Drill Program


Drill holes are proposed on a subparallel section midway between sections DDHs 59-52-50 and DDHs 55-54, which are spaced ~80 m apart (Figure 2). All of these previous holes carried significant values (Table 2). The steep slope with small cliffs and a gully prohibited early drill programs that could have drill tested this section. The first and second holes will be collared ~45 m apart on the northern end of the section and will be inclined 50° to 160°. A third hole inclined 50° to 340° will be positioned in the southern end of the section and will be drilled northerly to the first two holes to track the Southern Gold Zone mineralization below the cliffs. On the same pad, a fourth shallow (~50 m) hole at -50° at 160° will locate the base of the Southern Gold Zone. The other proposed drill holes above will be ~140 m long and will track the Southern Gold Zone at depth to add to a later resource calculation as described below.

建议在DDH 59-52-50和DDH 55-54段之间的半平行区段上钻孔,这两个区段相距约80米(图2)。所有这些以前的洞都具有重要的价值(表2)。陡峭的斜坡上有小悬崖和沟壑,阻止了早期的钻探计划,这些计划本来可以测试这一段。第一个和第二个孔将在该段的北端相距约45m,倾斜50°至160°。第三个倾斜50°至340°的孔将位于该区段的南端,并将向北钻至前两个孔,以追踪悬崖下的南方金矿带矿化。在同一地块上,第四个浅孔(~50m)位于-50°和160°之间,将位于南方金矿带的底部。上述其他拟议钻孔将长约140米,并将在深度追踪南方黄金区,以增加下文所述的稍后资源计算。

An ~400 m deep drill hole oriented -50° at 340° on the northern end of this new drill section will explore the potential for porphyry copper-gold mineralization deep below the inaccessible steep slope to the north (Figure 1). Spotty Cu soil anomalies in the area and a chargeability anomaly below the slope are potential clues of deeper mineralization. Historical drill holes located ~340 m north of the Southern Gold Zone intersected spotty chalcopyrite and bornite.


Figure 2 Proposed drill holes labelled A to F shown in bright green in the Southern Gold Zone and Au over metres values plotted on a geological map. The trace of proposed hole E will extend 2 times longer north than shown on the figure.


Maps and Tables available at


Table 2. Significant 2021 and 2022 DDH Intersections in the Southern Gold Zone


Diamond Drill
From (m) To (m) Interval
Au (g/t)
DDH 46 3.04 62.15 59.10 1.03
DDH 47 12.19 100.30 88.10 1.08
DDH 48 139.50 152.23 12.70 0.18
DDH 49 19.00 84.12 65.10 0.60
DDH 50 11.28 105.48 94.20 0.86
DDH 52 3.00 77.52 74.50 0.79
DDH 53 3.10 86.00 86.50 0.16
DDH 54 3.47 57.54 54.10 0.37
DDH 55 4.40 84.90 80.50 0.69
DDH 56 3.50 38.45 34.90 0.15
DDH 56 48.80 59.20 10.40 0.17
DDH 57 56.50 103.90 57.40 0.43
DDH 59 63.12 143.12 80.00 0.95
DDH 60 9.14 60.80 51.66 0.24
DDH-61 9.14 48.77 39.63 0.27
发件人(M) 至(M) 间隔
DDH 46 3.04 62.15 59.10 1.03
DDH 47 12.19 100.30 88.10 1.08
DDH 48 139.50 152.23 12.70 0.18
DDH 49 19.00 84.12 65.10 0.60
DDH 50 11.28 105.48 94.20 0.86
DDH 52 3.00 77.52 74.50 0.79
DDH 53 3.10 86.00 86.50 0.16
DDH 54 3.47 57.54 54.10 0.37
DDH 55 4.40 84.90 80.50 0.69
DDH 56 3.50 38.45 34.90 0.15
DDH 56 48.80 59.20 10.40 0.17
DDH 57 56.50 103.90 57.40 0.43
DDH 59 63.12 143.12 80.00 0.95
DDH 60 9.14 60.80 51.66 0.24
DDH-61 9.14 48.77 39.63 0.27

An outlier proposed drill hole to be located 175 m east of the Southern Gold Zone on an upper bench is designed to drill below a vertical 60 m long drill hole 63-9 previously logged and recorded by Climax Copper Company Ltd. in a 1964 assessment report. A 14 m felsite unit at the bottom of the hole contained several % disseminated pyrite thought to reflect the known chargeability anomaly in the area. Chalcopyrite was not recognized, and no core was analyzed for Cu or Au in the entire hole by the previous owners. An additional single hole (~140 m long) is proposed inclined at 50° at 160° to explore below the felsite unit.


Resource Calculation


An initial resource estimate of the Southern Gold Zone is planned in the New Year following the proposed drill program utilizing results from the proposed holes and past DDH results (summarized in Figure 2, Table 2). Interpretation of geological features, particularly rock types, alteration assemblages, mineralized and post-mineral faults, will guide the control of the gold mineralization and the resource calculation.


Quality Assurance and Quality Control


HQ diamond drill core is delivered by the drill contract to the on-site logging facility where it is photographed, logged for geotechnical and geological data and subjected to other physical tests including magnetic susceptibility analysis. Samples are identified, recorded, split by wet diamond saw, with one half of the core remaining on site and the remainder half shipped to MSALABS in Langley, BC for sample preparation and analysis. MSALABS is ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001 certified. Samples were analyzed using an aqua regia digestion with an ICP finish.


Control samples comprising certified reference samples, duplicates and blank samples were systematically inserted into the sample stream and analyzed as part of the Company's quality assurance/quality control protocol.


Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release was reviewed and approved by Ron Britten, Ph.D., P.Eng., who is a Qualified Person under the definitions established by NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息由Ron Britten,Ph.D.,P.Eng审查和批准,根据NI 43-101的定义,他是一名合格人员。

About the Project


Sego is 100% owner of the Miner Mountain project, an alkalic copper-gold porphyry exploration project near Princeton, British Columbia. The property is 2,056 hectares in size and is located 15 kilometres north of the Copper Mountain Mine operated by Copper Mountain Mining Corporation and Mitsubishi Copper. Sego has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Upper Similkameen Indian Band on whose Traditional Territory the Miner Mountain project is situated. Sego has received an Award of Excellence for its reclamation work at Miner Mountain.

Sego是Miner Mountain项目的100%所有者,该项目位于不列颠哥伦比亚省普林斯顿附近,是一个碱性铜金斑岩勘探项目。该物业占地2,056公顷,位于铜山矿业公司和三菱铜业运营的铜山矿以北15公里处。塞戈与上西米尔卡明印第安人乐队签订了一份谅解备忘录,矿工山项目位于该地区的传统领地上。Sego因其在Miner Mountain的开垦工作而获得了优秀奖。

For further information please contact:


J. Paul Stevenson, CEO
(604) 682-2933
Or toll free 1-866-683-2933

(604) 682-2933

The source version of this press release, please view


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Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained in this news release.


This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statement of historical facts that address future production, reserve potential, exploration drilling, exploitation activities and events or developments that the Company expects re: forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, as well as general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and those actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.


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