
Ontario Securities Commission Lawsuit Against Former Canntrust Executives Lands On Its Face

Ontario Securities Commission Lawsuit Against Former Canntrust Executives Lands On Its Face

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/12/20 14:54

The Ontario Securities Commission asked for a leave to withdraw the charges against former CannTrust Holdings Inc. (OTCEM:CNTTQ) CEO Peter Aceto, former chairman Eric Paul and former vice-chairman Mark Litwin on December 14th, reported Global News.

安大略省证券委员会 要求一个 允许撤回 对前者的指控 CannTrust 控股公司 (OTCEM: CNTTQ) 首席执行官 彼得·阿塞托,前主席 埃里克·保罗 和前副主席 马克·利特温 12 月 14 日第四,据《环球新闻》报道。

The three former executives were charged with fraud and authorizing, permitting or acquiescing in the commission of an offense. Litwin and Paul were also facing insider trading charges. Litwin and Aceto were charged with making a false prospectus and false preliminary prospectus.


According to Graham Lee, a former director of quality and compliance, cultivation in unlicensed spaces was discussed "very openly" at the company.

根据 格雷厄姆·李,曾任质量与合规总监,该公司 “非常公开” 地讨论了在无牌空间种植的问题。

The OSC's case fell apart when Litwin's lawyer Scott Fenton cross-examined Lee.

当利特温的律师时 OSC 的案子破裂了 斯科特·芬顿 盘问了李。

Fenton presented Lee with the license for the facility issued under the Cannabis Act and Health Canada regulations to CannTrust on Nov. 9, 2018. It listed "standard cultivation and standard processing" as authorized activity at the lone building on CannTrust's property and did not specify any rooms.

芬顿于2018年11月9日向李颁发了根据《大麻法》和加拿大卫生部法规向CannTrust颁发的该设施的许可证。它将 “标准种植和标准加工” 列为CannTrust财产上唯一一栋建筑物的授权活动,但没有具体说明任何房间。

"Were you confused regarding the operation of the Cannabis Act and its regulations?" Fenton said.


"At times," said Lee.

“有时,” 李说。

The three men were acquitted just one day later and freed of charges linked to the alleged unlicensed growing of thousands of kilograms of weed at CannTrust's Ontario facility near Niagara in 2019.

这三个人 被无罪释放 仅仅一天后,就摆脱了与被指控有关的指控 未经许可的种植 2019年,CannTrust位于尼亚加拉附近的安大略省工厂里有数千克大麻。

"The OSC had a reputation for a while for being weak on enforcement and this outcome doesn't help. This was a really high-profile prosecution that was supposed to really change that perception, and clearly with this outcome, the OSC is going to have some soul searching to do," said Doug Sarro, the lawyer and University of Toronto adjunct professor.


This is the epilogue of the troubles that bankrupted the company since the audit by Health Canada in 2019.


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获取每日剂量的大麻新闻 在 Benzinga 大麻上。不要错过该行业的任何重要发展。

Photo: Benzinga; Sources: courtesy of AJEL, lindsayfox via Pixabay

照片:Benzinga;资料来源:由 AJEL、lindsayfox 通过 Pixabay 提供

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