
Preston Klassen Sells 380,605 Shares of Metacrine, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTCR) Stock

Preston Klassen Sells 380,605 Shares of Metacrine, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTCR) Stock

普雷斯頓出售 380,605 股梅特克林公司股票
Defense World ·  2023/01/29 02:51

Metacrine, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTCR – Get Rating) CEO Preston Klassen sold 380,605 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction on Thursday, January 26th. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.41, for a total value of $156,048.05. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief executive officer now owns 541,905 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $222,181.05. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available through this hyperlink.

梅塔克林公司(NASDAQ:MTCR-獲取評級)首席執行官普雷斯頓·克拉森於 1 月 26 日(星期四)在一次交易中出售了該公司股票的 380,605 股。該股票以 0.41 美元的平均價格出售,總價值 156,048.05 美元。交易完成後,首席執行官現擁有該公司股份的 541,905 股,價值約為 222,181.05 元。該銷售在向 SEC 提交的文件中披露,該文件可通過以下方式獲得 此超連結

Metacrine Stock Performance


NASDAQ MTCR opened at $0.48 on Friday. The stock has a 50-day simple moving average of $0.43 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $0.45. The firm has a market capitalization of $20.44 million, a P/E ratio of -0.47 and a beta of -0.92. Metacrine, Inc. has a fifty-two week low of $0.30 and a fifty-two week high of $0.68. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.34, a quick ratio of 12.15 and a current ratio of 12.15.

納斯達克 MTCR 在周五開盤 0.48 美元。該股有一個 50 天的簡單移動平均線 0.43 美元和 200 天的簡單移動平均線 0.45 美元。該公司的市值為 20.44 萬美元,市盈率為 -0.47,貝塔值為 -0.92。梅塔克林擁有五十兩周低點 0.30 美元,五十二周高點為 0.68 美元。該公司的債務與權益比率為 0.34,快速比率為 12.15,流動比率為 12.15。


Metacrine (NASDAQ:MTCR – Get Rating) last released its quarterly earnings data on Monday, November 14th. The company reported ($0.13) earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.11) by ($0.02). On average, equities analysts forecast that Metacrine, Inc. will post -0.62 earnings per share for the current year.

甲基林(NASDAQ:MTCR-獲取評分)最近一次發布了其季度收益數據,週一,11 月 14 日。該公司報告了本季度每股盈利(0.13 美元),缺少分析師的共識估計為(0.11 美元)(0.02 美元)。平均而言,股票分析師預測,本年度 Metacrine Inc. 將公佈每股盈利 -0.62。

Hedge Funds Weigh In On Metacrine


A number of institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of MTCR. State Street Corp raised its stake in shares of Metacrine by 482.8% during the 2nd quarter. State Street Corp now owns 72,186 shares of the company's stock valued at $36,000 after buying an additional 59,800 shares during the last quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC grew its position in shares of Metacrine by 112.5% during the 3rd quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC now owns 136,606 shares of the company's stock valued at $66,000 after acquiring an additional 72,306 shares during the period. Jane Street Group LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Metacrine during the 3rd quarter valued at about $84,000. Bank of New York Mellon Corp acquired a new stake in shares of Metacrine during the 1st quarter valued at about $126,000. Finally, Bank of America Corp DE grew its position in shares of Metacrine by 10.5% during the 1st quarter. Bank of America Corp DE now owns 263,340 shares of the company's stock valued at $161,000 after acquiring an additional 24,964 shares during the period. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 34.28% of the company's stock.
一些機構投資者最近修改了他們對 MTCR 的持有量。州街公司在第二季度將其在梅特克林股份的股份增加了 482.8%。在上個季度額外購買 59,800 股股票後,州街公司現在擁有該公司股票的 72,186 股價值 36,000 美元。城堡顧問有限責任公司在第三季度增長了 112.5% 在米特克林股份的地位。在此期間,城堡顧問有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 136,606 股,價值為 66,000 美元。簡街集團有限責任公司在第三季度收購了 Metacrine 的新股份,價值約為 84,000 美元。紐約梅隆銀行在第一季度收購了價值約 126,000 美元的 Metacrine 股份的新股份。最後,美國銀行公司 DE 在第一季度增長了 10.5% 在梅塔克林的股份地位。在此期間,美國銀行股份有限公司現在擁有該公司 263,340 股股份,價值為 161,000 美元。對沖基金和其他機構投資者擁有該公司股票的 34.28%。

Analysts Set New Price Targets


Separately, HC Wainwright restated a "neutral" rating on shares of Metacrine in a research note on Wednesday, November 16th.

此外,HC 溫賴特在 11 月 16 日(星期三)的一份研究報告中重申了對米克林股份的「中性」評級。

About Metacrine


(Get Rating)


Metacrine, Inc, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on discovering and developing therapies for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. It is developing MET642, which has completed Phase I clinical trial for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Metacrine, Inc was incorporated in 2014 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.

Metacrine, Inc 是一家臨床階段生物製藥公司,致力於發現和開發針對胃腸疾病患者的療法。它正在開發 MET642,該試驗已完成治療潰瘍性結腸炎的 I 期臨床試驗。梅塔克林公司成立於 2014 年,總部位於加利福尼亞州聖地牙哥。

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