
美媒:拜登20秒内3个“弥天大谎”! 泽连斯基签令:剥夺!乌克兰宣布:终止!马斯克刚赢了这场官司

US media: Biden made 3 “outrageous lies” in 20 seconds! Zelensky signs order: deprivation! Ukraine announces: End! Musk just won this lawsuit

China Funds ·  Feb 4, 2023 20:37

Guo Xiejun, reporter of China Fund News.

Happy Lantern Festival, everyone! I will bring you the latest overseas information in the early morning.

Biden said he would not be responsible for inflation, US media said that he within 20 seconds three "big lies"; Trump's former campaign confidentiality agreement expired; local time 3, the Federal Court in San Francisco Tesla, Inc. CEO Musk due to 2018 tweets by Tesla, Inc. shareholders sued the case, that Musk did not rely on tweets or subsequent acts to engage in fraud, do not need to be held responsible New York may buy fuel made from Russian oil that is banned from India.

The European Union announced a price cap on Russian oil products; British Prime Minister Sunak spoke on the phone with Zelanski; and Ukraine terminated an agreement on space cooperation with Russia for peaceful research.

Forest fires in south-central Chile have killed at least 22 people; South African Vice President Mabza has resigned; Turkey has arrested 15 suspected extremist groups.

Biden said he would not be responsible for inflation, US media: three "big lies" in 20 seconds

According to the China News Service, Biden delivered a speech on the January work report of the United States in Washington on February 3 local time. A reporter asked him, "are you responsible for inflation?"

Biden gave a negative answer, saying: "do you remember the financial situation when I came here?" A large number of jobs have been lost and inflation is rising. We didn't make a decent thing here. We are in real economic difficulties. That's why I won't (responsible for it). Thank you. " With that, he left the scene handsomely.

"Biden fabricated inflation figures, saying that soaring prices" already exist "to avoid criticism"-the New York Post published an article entitled this on the same day, using data to refute Biden's claim.

When Biden took office in January 2021, inflation was just 1.4%, and then soared during his tenure to the highest level since the early 1980s, according to the consumer price index of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, quoted in the report. Before Biden's first year in office, inflation had never exceeded 4% since 1991.

In another article, the New York Post directly pointed out that Biden told three "big lies" in 20 seconds. Biden's economic lies show that he is either a deceived narcissist or an out-and-out liar. "

According to the Capitol Hill newspaper, in August 2022, Biden publicly said that the US inflation rate was zero in July. "although the prices of some things have gone up, the prices of others have fallen by the same amount." People are suffering, but it was true that inflation was zero last month. " The remarks led him to be called a "liar of the year" by netizens.

As for Biden's complacency because of the US employment data, US media pointed out that the United States did add 517000 jobs in January 2023, more than twice as much as expected. But this is not necessarily good news for inflation and reflects that the Fed's sharp rate hike has failed to solve the problem-it could prompt it to raise interest rates further, reduce investment and trigger a recession.

"No one would have thought of such a terrible number!" Seema Shah, chief global strategist at Principal Asset Management, an asset management company, said in a report on the 3rd. "when there is such explosive economic news, the Fed will not stop raising interest rates and consider cutting them."

Biden's comments also caused dissatisfaction among netizens, some pointed out: "Americans are poorer than when Biden took office, inflation has destroyed the savings of millions of people, and real wages are falling at the fastest rate in 40 years." In fact, most Americans say they are worse off under Biden, but instead of helping, Biden is bragging. "

Others satirize, "when people have to do two jobs to survive, yes, there are more jobs."

Musk just won the case.

A federal court in San Francisco formally ruled on Wednesday that Tesla, Inc. CEO Musk was sued by Tesla, Inc. shareholders for his 2018 tweets, saying Musk did not engage in fraud with the help of tweets or subsequent acts and was not held responsible, Reuters reported.

Mr Musk reportedly tweeted in 2018 that he was considering privatising Tesla, Inc. at $420 a share, adding that "the money is in place". The remark caused the share price to fluctuate and was sued by shareholders, and the plaintiff demanded billions of dollars in compensation.

After less than two hours of discussion, the jury reached a unanimous verdict that neither Musk nor Tesla, Inc. 's board of directors engaged in fraud with the help of tweets or subsequent acts.

Musk did not appear in court in San Francisco when the verdict was read, but he quickly tweeted that he was "deeply grateful" for the jury's decision and that "thank God the wisdom of the people won," the report said. " Earlier, Musk tried to transfer the case to Texas on the grounds that "the California jury may be biased against him," but failed.

"We are disappointed with the verdict and are considering the next step," Nicholas Porritt, a lawyer representing Tesla, Inc. investors, said in a statement.

Tesla, Inc. 's share price is reported to have risen 1.6 per cent after the verdict.

"the dark chapter of Musk and Tesla, Inc. is now over," Dan Ives, an analyst at Wedbush, an investment bank. He added, "some Tesla, Inc. investors are worried that if Mr Musk loses, he may have to sell more Tesla, Inc. shares."

After more than four years, the lawsuit finally reached a verdict. However, in another "2018 Tesla, Inc. compensation case" heard in Delaware court, Musk is still waiting for the judge's decision.

Trump's former select team confidentiality agreement expires.

Former US President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign has agreed to scrap a confidentiality agreement signed by hundreds of campaign workers and volunteers as part of a $450000 settlement reached by a former campaign assistant over a class action lawsuit, according to CNBC.

Trump, who defeated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 White House campaign, has been demanding confidentiality agreements from people who work for him for decades. In November, he announced that he would seek the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

The agreement, disclosed in a court filing on Friday, ends a lawsuit filed by Jessica Denson, a former Trump campaign aide, in United States District Court in Manhattan.

The settlement nullifies all other confidentiality agreements signed by Trump campaign employees, opening the door for them to openly discuss events related to the 2016 campaign and Trump himself. Without having to worry that he could engage in economically devastating legal retaliation.

David Bowles, a lawyer for Danson, said, "this compromise is actually the entire victory of Jessica Danson (Jessica Denson) and the 2016 Trump campaign."

"Trump's confidentiality agreement is invalid and unenforceable, and campaign workers should not live in its shadow," Bowles said. "

In April last year, an arbitrator ordered Trump's 2016 campaign to pay $1.3 million in legal fees to Omarosa Manigert Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former "apprentice" star who failed to sue her over a book about her as a White House adviser.

The ruling comes months after the same arbitrator ruled that the confidentiality agreement she signed during Trump's campaign was null and void under New York law, citing a decision on the Danson agreement.

Danson filed a lawsuit in 2020, saying the Trump campaign tried to keep her silent because she publicly accused her of being the target of abuse and sexism by another member of the campaign.

Danson's lawyer said in court documents that according to the law, the confidentiality agreement she signed with others was too broad. Lawyers quoted language that prevented the disclosure of "Mr. Trump insists on secrecy" and any information that might "publicly belittle or belittle" him.

Judge Paul Gartfield declared in a ruling in March 2021 that the non-disclosure and non-disparagement provisions were null and void for Danson, setting a potential precedent for future cases relating to confidentiality agreements.

The Trump campaign will pay $450000 in the settlement, the vast majority of which will be used to pay Danson's legal fees and related costs. Danson himself will receive $25000 under the deal.

All employees, contractors and volunteers will no longer be subject to confidentiality or non-derogatory agreements in the future, the Trump campaign said in 2016.

New York or bought from India, but banned from buying fuel made from Rosneft

New York has bought about 89000 barrels of gasoline and diesel a day from India this month, according to CCTV News. The purchase was the highest in nearly four years for New York to buy fuel from India, which is likely to be made from banned Russian oil, Bloomberg News reported.

EU announces price cap on Russian petroleum products

China news agency, Brussels, February 4-the European Union announced on the 4th that it would join hands with the United States, Canada, Britain, Japan and Australia to impose price caps on Russian petroleum products.

According to a notice issued by the European Commission on the same day, the price limit order came into effect on February 5, specifically setting a price ceiling of $100 per barrel for more expensive petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel and kerosene, and a price ceiling of $45 per barrel for cheaper petroleum products such as fuel oil and naphtha.

The announcement also said that the European Union will continue to monitor the price ceiling, which will be assessed and adjusted as appropriate in the future.

This is the third time that the European Union has imposed oil sanctions on Russia. In June last year, the EU announced a ban on the import of Russian crude oil and petroleum products, but temporarily suspended sanctions on Russian oil products exported to Europe through pipelines; in December last year, the EU joined forces with the United States, Canada, Britain, Japan and Australia to impose a price cap of $60 per barrel on Russian seaborne crude oil.

In response to EU sanctions, Russia has previously said that setting a price ceiling on Russian oil will lead to a sharp rise in global oil prices; Russia will not comply with the price cap and will not sell oil to countries that limit prices to Russia, but only to countries that are willing to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms.

British Prime Minister Sunak spoke on the phone with Zelanski

According to CCTV news, the British Prime Minister's Office released news on the 4th local time, British Prime Minister Sunak spoke on the phone with Ukrainian President Zelanski that afternoon.

The two leaders discussed the latest situation in Ukraine, and Sunak said his priority was to ensure that British defensive military equipment arrived in Ukraine as soon as possible. Sunak also said that Ukrainian soldiers had begun training in the Challenger 2 tank in Britain this week.

Zelansky signed an order to deprive ten former senior officials of their nationality

According to CCTV news, Ukrainian President Zelansky signed an order on the 4th local time, depriving ten former senior officials, including former Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Commission Klyuyev, of their Ukrainian nationality. These people are believed to have Russian nationality.

Ukraine terminates its agreement with Russia on space cooperation in peaceful research

According to CCTV news, on February 4, local time, Melinichuk, the representative of the Ukrainian government to the Supreme Rada (Parliament), said that Ukraine had terminated the intergovernmental agreement on space cooperation in peaceful research signed with Russia.

South African Vice President Mabuza resigned

According to CCTV News, the South African Broadcasting Corporation website reported on February 4 local time that South African Vice President David Mabza confirmed the same day that he had resigned as Vice President of South Africa.

At the 55th National Congress of South Africa's ruling ANC held in December 2022, Paul Masatile was elected vice president of the ANC. After Mabuza's resignation, Paul Masatile is expected to become vice president of South Africa.

Forest fires in south-central Chile have killed at least 22 people

According to CCTV news, Chilean Interior Minister Toa said Thursday that forest fires in the south-central part of the country have killed at least 22 people, injured 550 and destroyed more than 400 square kilometers of land. According to Chile's forestry ministry, 151 fires in the country have been brought under control and 80 are still active.

At present, the Biobio region, Neuflay region and Arakania region have entered a state of disaster emergency, and many others are on red alert. The Chilean government has ordered the army to participate in fighting the fire and turn to neighboring countries for help.

Turkey arrests 15 suspects linked to extremist groups

According to CCTV news, Turkey's NTV TV reported on the 4th that the anti-terrorism department in Istanbul has arrested 15 suspects who are said to have been instructed by extremist groups (ISIS) to plan attacks on local religious sites.

It is reported that there is a link between the suspects and extremist groups, but it is not clear whether they are related to the recent closure of consulates in Turkey by some Western countries as a "terrorist threat."

Recently, a number of Western countries have temporarily closed their embassies and consulates in Turkey, citing increased security threats, and issued travel warnings to urge citizens to remain vigilant. At least seven European countries are closing their consulates in Istanbul at different times. The United States has also issued security warnings for its citizens. On the 2nd, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the ambassadors of nine countries to Turkey.

Edit / Viola

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