WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund (NYSEARCA:DGS – Get Rating) crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $43.92 and traded as high as $45.91. WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund shares last traded at $45.85, with a volume of 168,200 shares trading hands.
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund Trading Down 0.3 %
The stock's 50 day moving average price is $45.67 and its 200 day moving average price is $43.92.
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund alerts:
Institutional Trading of WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund
A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Bogart Wealth LLC acquired a new stake in WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund in the third quarter valued at approximately $97,000. Almanack Investment Partners LLC. bought a new position in WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund during the third quarter worth $108,000. US Bancorp DE lifted its stake in WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 26.0% during the third quarter. US Bancorp DE now owns 3,100 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $124,000 after purchasing an additional 640 shares during the last quarter. Prime Capital Investment Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund in the fourth quarter worth $225,000. Finally, Asset Dedication LLC increased its position in WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 19.2% in the fourth quarter. Asset Dedication LLC now owns 5,397 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $238,000 after buying an additional 868 shares during the period.
About WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund
(Get Rating)
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund (the Fund) seeks investment results that closely correspond to the price and yield performance of the WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Index (the Index). The Index is a fundamentally weighted index that measures the performance of primarily small-cap stocks selected from the WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Index.
See Also
- Get a free copy of the StockNews.com research report on WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund (DGS)
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月曜日の取引では,WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金(NYSEARCA:DGS−GET格付け)が200日移動平均を突破した。同株の200日移動平均値は43.92ドル、最高取引価格は45.91ドルだった。WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金株の最新報は45.85ドル、出来高は16.82万株
一部の機関投資家とヘッジファンドは最近同社の株を売買した。Bogart Wealth LLCは第3四半期にWisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金の新株式を買収し、約97,000ドルの価値がある。Almanack Investment Partners LLC。第3四半期に10.8万ドルのWisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金の新商品を購入した。US Bancorp DEは第3四半期にWisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金における持株割合を26.0%向上させた。US Bancorp DEは現在この取引所取引基金の株3100株を保有しており,12.4万ドルの価値があり,これまで前四半期に640株購入してきた。Prime Capital Investment Advisors LLCは第4四半期にWisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金の新株式を買収し、22.5万ドルの価値がある。最後に、資産奉仕有限責任会社は第4四半期にWisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金の頭寸を19.2%増加させた。資産奉納有限責任会社は現在、同取引所取引基金5,397株を保有し、23.8万ドルの価値があり、その間にまた868株を購入した
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金(本基金)は,WisdomTree新興市場SmallCap配当指数(The Index)の価格と収益表現に密接に関連する投資結果を求めている。この指数は1つの基本的な加重指数であり、WisdomTree新興市場配当指数から選ばれたのは主に小株の表現である。
- WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap配当基金(DGS)に関するStockNews.comの研究報告を無料で取得
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