WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund (NYSEARCA:DGS – Get Rating) shares crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $43.94 and traded as high as $45.28. WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund shares last traded at $45.22, with a volume of 109,030 shares trading hands.
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund Trading Down 0.2 %
The company has a 50 day moving average of $46.02 and a 200 day moving average of $43.94. The firm has a market cap of $2.57 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 7.93 and a beta of 0.82.
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund alerts:
Hedge Funds Weigh In On WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund
A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Boston Family Office LLC boosted its stake in WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 1.9% in the third quarter. Boston Family Office LLC now owns 23,650 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $942,000 after purchasing an additional 444 shares in the last quarter. US Bancorp DE lifted its stake in shares of WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 26.0% during the third quarter. US Bancorp DE now owns 3,100 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $124,000 after acquiring an additional 640 shares during the period. Asset Dedication LLC lifted its stake in shares of WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 19.2% during the fourth quarter. Asset Dedication LLC now owns 5,397 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $238,000 after acquiring an additional 868 shares during the period. JPMorgan Chase & Co. lifted its stake in shares of WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 21.7% during the first quarter. JPMorgan Chase & Co. now owns 7,823 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $417,000 after acquiring an additional 1,396 shares during the period. Finally, Whittier Trust Co. lifted its stake in shares of WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund by 4.1% during the fourth quarter. Whittier Trust Co. now owns 37,396 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $1,645,000 after acquiring an additional 1,459 shares during the period.
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund Company Profile
(Get Rating)
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund (the Fund) seeks investment results that closely correspond to the price and yield performance of the WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Index (the Index). The Index is a fundamentally weighted index that measures the performance of primarily small-cap stocks selected from the WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Index.
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在週五的交易中,WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap紅利基金(NYSEARCA:DGS-GET Rating)的股價突破了200日移動均線。該股的200日移動均線為43.94美元,最高交易價格為45.28美元。WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap紅利基金股票最新報45.22美元,成交量為109,030股。
對沖基金入股WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap股息基金
一些機構投資者和對沖基金最近買賣了該公司的股票。波士頓家族辦公室有限責任公司在第三季度將其在WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap紅利基金的持股增加了1.9%。Boston Family Office LLC現在持有該交易所交易基金的23,650股股票,價值942,000美元,上個季度又購買了444股。US Bancorp DE在第三季度增持了WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap股息基金的股份26.0%。US Bancorp DE目前持有該交易所交易基金3100股,價值12.4萬美元,在此期間又購買了640股。資產奉獻有限責任公司在第四季度增持了WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap紅利基金19.2%的股份。資產奉獻有限責任公司目前擁有5,397股交易所交易基金的股票,價值23.8萬美元,在此期間又購買了868股。摩根大通在第一季度增持了WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap紅利基金的股份21.7%。摩根大通在此期間增持了1,396股,目前持有該交易所交易基金7,823股股票,價值417,000美元。最後,惠蒂爾信託公司在第四季度增持了WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap紅利基金4.1%的股份。惠蒂爾信託公司目前持有該交易所交易基金37,396股,價值1,645,000美元,在此期間又購入了1,459股。
WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap股息基金(本基金)尋求與WisdomTree新興市場SmallCap股息指數(The Index)的價格和收益表現密切相關的投資結果。該指數是一個基本的加權指數,衡量從WisdomTree新興市場股息指數中挑選出來的主要是小盤股的表現。
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