According to Benzinga Pro data, during Q1, Globalstar (AMEX:GSAT) posted sales of $58.64 million. Earnings were up 34.77%, but Globalstar still reported an overall loss of $3.48 million. Globalstar collected $41.31 million in revenue during Q4, but reported earnings showed a $5.33 million loss.
What Is ROCE?
Earnings data without context is not clear and can be difficult to base trading decisions on. Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) helps to filter signal from noise by measuring yearly pre-tax profit relative to capital employed by a business. Generally, a higher ROCE suggests successful growth of a company and is a sign of higher earnings per share in the future. In Q1, Globalstar posted an ROCE of -0.01%.
It is important to keep in mind that ROCE evaluates past performance and is not used as a predictive tool. It is a good measure of a company's recent performance, but does not account for factors that could affect earnings and sales in the near future.
ROCE is a powerful metric for comparing the effectiveness of capital allocation for similar companies. A relatively high ROCE shows Globalstar is potentially operating at a higher level of efficiency than other companies in its industry. If the company is generating high profits with its current level of capital, some of that money can be reinvested in more capital which will generally lead to higher returns and, ultimately, earnings per share (EPS) growth.
For Globalstar, a negative ROCE ratio of -0.01% suggests that management may not be effectively allocating their capital. Effective capital allocation is a positive indicator that a company will achieve more durable success and favorable long-term returns; poor capital allocation can be a leech on the performance of a company over time.
Analyst Predictions
Globalstar reported Q1 earnings per share at $0.0/share, which did not meet analyst predictions of $0.0/share.
This article was generated by Benzinga's automated content engine and reviewed by an editor.
ベンジンガ・プロのデータによると、第1四半期には グローバルスター (アメックス:GSAT) の売上高は5,864万ドルでした。収益は34.77%増加しましたが、グローバルスターは依然として全体で348万ドルの損失を報告しました。グローバルスターは第4四半期に4,131万ドルの収益を上げましたが、報告された収益は533万ドルの損失を示しました。
コンテキストのない収益データは明確ではなく、取引判断の基準となるのが難しい場合があります。ROCE(使用資本利益率)は、企業が使用する資本に対する年間の税引前利益を測定することで、ノイズからのシグナルをフィルタリングするのに役立ちます。一般的に、ROCEが高いということは、企業の成長が成功したことを示し、将来の1株当たり利益の増加の兆候です。 第1四半期に、グローバルスターは-0.01%のROCEを計上しました。