
Europacific Metals Files a Ni 43–101 Technical Report for the Borba 2 Copper-Gold Property, Alentejo, Portugal

Europacific Metals Files a Ni 43–101 Technical Report for the Borba 2 Copper-Gold Property, Alentejo, Portugal

歐洲太平洋金屬公司爲葡萄牙阿連特茹的 Borba 2 Copper-Gold 項目提交了 Ni 43—101 技術報告
Accesswire ·  2023/05/19 17:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 19, 2023 / Europacific Metals Inc (previously Goldplay Mining Inc) (TSXV:EUP), (the "Company" or "Europacific") is pleased to announce the Company has filed a Technical Report for the Portuguese Borba 2 Project entitled, "Geology and mineralization of the Borba 2 copper-gold property, Alentejo, Portugal", (the "Technical Report"). The Technical Report was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). The Technical Report was prepared by Marcelo Pereira, EurGeol, of Geologia e Geotecnia, Consultores Lda, a Portuguese geological consulting group.

溫哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2023年5月19日/EuroPacific Metals Inc.(前身為Goldplay Mining Inc.)(TSXV:EUP),(“公司“或”歐洲太平洋“)很高興地宣佈,公司已為葡萄牙阿倫特霍的Borba 2專案提交了一份題為”Borba 2銅金礦的地質和礦化“的技術報告(以下簡稱”技術報告“)。該技術報告是根據國家儀器43-101-礦物專案披露標準(”NI 43-101“)編制的。該技術報告由葡萄牙地質諮詢集團Geologia e Geotecnia,Consultores LDA的Marcelo Pereira,EurGeol編寫。

The 32,851 ha Borba 2 concession in southern Portugal contains several mineral deposits, the most prominent of which is the Miguel Vacas open pit copper deposit which produced approximately 1 million lbs of copper from the oxide zone of a shear zone in schists at least 2000 meters along strike and 10 to 20 meters in width. The historic open pit covers a relatively short strike length and is 30 meters deep. Thirty four holes have been drilled below the oxide zone and have encountered copper sulfides in the steeply dipping shear zone, however the holes are too widely spaced and poorly sampled to generate a resource.

葡萄牙南部32,851公頃的Borba 2特許權包含幾個礦藏,其中最突出的是Miguel Vacas露天銅礦,該銅礦從沿走向至少2000米、寬度10至20米的片岩中剪切帶的氧化帶中生產了約100萬磅銅。歷史悠久的露天礦走向長度相對較短,深度為30米。已在氧化帶下方鑽了34個孔,並在陡峭的剪切帶遇到了銅硫化物,但這些孔的間距太大,取樣太差,無法產生資源。

Other mineral deposits in Borba 2 concession include Mostardeira, Bugalho, and Mocicos which are in general quartz-chalcopyrite-gold veins. A fifth separate deposit, Amagreira, has gold values up to 4.5 g/t gold in a volcanic tuff horizon.

Borba 2特許權中的其他礦藏包括Mostardeira、Bugalho和Mocicos,它們一般為石英-黃銅礦-金脈。第五個單獨的礦床Amgreira在火山凝灰岩地平線上的黃金價值高達4.5克/噸金。

Exploration Potential


Distinct types of mineralization exist over the Borba 2 concession. The both oxide and sulfide copper exists at Miguel Vacas, while gold and copper potential occurs in four other underexplored mineralized zones.

博爾巴2特許權上存在不同類型的礦化。Miguel Vacas同時存在氧化銅和硫化銅,而金和銅的潛力存在於其他四個未被勘探的礦化帶。

Dr. Chris Osterman, President and CEO of EuroPacific Metals commented: "This report summarizes the history of the extensive BORBA 2 concession. The potential for a near term copper oxide operation exists at Miguel Vacas coupled with underlying sulfide copper. The Almagreira prospect shows the potential for a broad epithermal (Carlin type?) hydrothermal gold system over a large area. The two historic smelter operations near Mostardeira show an area that received a great deal of attention in the late 1800's but little modern exploration since then on what appear to be orogenic gold copper veins. EuroPacific Metals sees a great deal of exploration synergy in a highly mineralized area as Europe looks to develop metals in a dependable, stable economic environment."

歐洲太平洋金屬公司首席執行官兼首席執行官克裡斯·奧斯特曼博士評論說:“這份報告總結了博爾巴2號特許權的歷史。Miguel Vacas與底層硫化銅礦相結合,存在近期運營氧化銅的潛力。阿爾馬格雷拉的前景顯示了廣泛的淺成熱液(卡林型?)大麵積的熱液金礦系統。莫斯塔代拉附近的兩個歷史悠久的冶煉廠運營展示了一個在19世紀末S受到極大關注的地區,但從那時起,似乎就是造山型金銅礦脈的現代勘探很少。歐洲太平洋金屬公司在一個高度礦化的地區看到了大量的勘探協同效應,因為歐洲希望在可靠、穩定的經濟環境中開發金屬。“

1. Miguel Vacas- Past Producing Copper Mine

1.Miguel Vacas-過去生產銅礦

The copper mine last operated in 1986 and has produced at an average grade of 1.2-1.4% Cu. The mine is located on a cupriferous metallogenic sub-province (Pb-Zn paragenetic association) with polyphase mineralization hosted by an epithermal breccia and vein-type structures in a major shear zone (Alpine age?). Historical near surface drilling (60 to 71.63m) intercepted 1.79 % Cu over 11.63 m including 2.29% Cu over 7.30 m. Non-compliant in-house resource estimation was completed by Rio Narcea in 2007 based on 20 historical holes and estimated:


  • Oxide ore (from 0 to 80m depth): 1.1 Mt @ 1.23% Cu.
  • Sulphide ore (from 80m to 250m): 4.4 Mt @ 1.24% Cu
  • 氧化礦(深度0~80m):1.1Mt,含1.23%銅。
  • 硫化礦石(80m至250m):4.4Mt,含1.24%銅

The readers should not rely on any historical estimates. The Company and the QP has not done sufficient work to classify historical estimate as a current resource. Company is not treating the historical estimate as a current resource. Additional work including drilling will be required to verify and upgrade historical estimates. The project remains open for exploration. This mineralized system is open in all directions and at depth.


2. Mostardeira Copper-Gold Mine


This Cu-Au mine area, located approximately 2 km south of the town of Estremoz represents a wide WSW-ESE shear zone that is developed for at least 700 m along strike and is open into both directions. This shear zone has been historically mined for Cu and Au with most of the mining works concentrated along a thin high-grade Cu zone (<2m) averaging over 5% Cu. Gold was also recovered from arsenopyrite rich zones within the vein system. Mineralization is hosted by Silurian and Devonian metasediments. Channel sampling by Rio Narcea (2006) has intercepted the following mineralized intervals: 2.60m grading 4.15 g/t Au, 0.40% Cu including 0.60m grading 11.20 g/t Au and 0.65 % Cu and another 3.60m interval grading 2.40 g/t Au, 0.82 % Cu and 80 g/t Ag. The average grade for the total of 34 samples analysed was 1.54 g/t Au, 22 g/t Ag and 0.25% Cu with a maximum of 11.20 g/t Au and a minimum of 0.10 g/t Au. A total of 4 holes were drilled by MAEPA in 2007 (total 485m) in the main Mostardeira workings. Highlights of the mineralized intercepts include: 1m grading 2.8 g/t Au, 5.9 g/t Ag and 0.18% Cu from 122.5m and 1.5 m grading 0.99 g/t Au , > 200 g/t Ag and 3.98% Cu from 177m (Hole MM1); 1m grading 5.72 g/t Au, 78.9 g/t Ag from 43.7m (Hole MM2); 0.5m grading 0.84 g/t Au, 27.1 % Ag, 3.89 % Cu from 26.3m and 1m grading 6.8 g/t Au, 12.8 g/t Ag from 40.5m (Hole MM2A); 0.7m grading 5.28 g/t Au, 1 g/t Ag from 100.6m, and 1m grading 1.26 g/t Au, 18.5 g/t Ag and 1.14% Cu from 114.3m (Hole MM3).

該銅金礦區位於埃斯特雷莫茲鎮以南約2公里處,是一條寬闊的西南向-東南向剪切帶,沿走向發展至少700米,並向兩個方向開放。該剪切帶歷史上曾開採過銅和金,大部分採礦工作集中在平均含銅5%以上的薄的高品位銅礦帶(200g/t Ag和3.98%銅,43.7m(MM2孔)1M品位5.72g/t Au、78.9g/t Ag;0.5m品位0.84g/t Au,27.1%Ag,3.89%銅,1m品位6.8g/t Au,12.8g/t Ag,40.5m品位(MM2a孔),0.7m品位5.28g/t Au,100.6m品位1g/t Ag,1M品位1.26g/t Au,18.5g/t Ag,1.14%銅(MM3孔)。

The project is open for exploration.


3. Bugalho Copper-Gold Mine


This mine was registered in 1866 has operated intermittently until around 1900. There are records for a total of 9 mine levels down to a total depth of 200m. Mineralization Includes three main veins that have been mined in the past: Vein 1 (main vein) - N50E/80 NW, up to 1.2 m thick, mined over 800m along strike; Vein2 - NS/50 E, average 1.3m thickness; Vein 3 - NS/90; no records on thickness. The mineralization is from a wide NE-SW trending anastomosing shear zone that can be mapped on 5 km along strike. Dump samples of silicified and sheared acid tuffs from the Bugalho mine area assay up to 10.97 g/t Au, 5.36% Cu and 20 g/t Ag. No drilling was done in this zone to date.

該礦於1866年註冊,一直斷斷續續地運營到1900年左右。總共有9個礦層的記錄,最深可達200米。礦化包括過去已開採的三個主要礦脈:1號脈(主脈)-N50E/80 NW,厚度可達1.2m,沿走向開採超過800m;Vein2-NS/50E,平均厚度1.3m;3-NS/90脈,厚度無記錄。礦化來自一條寬闊的NE-SW向網狀剪切帶,沿走向可繪製出5公里的地圖。從Bugalho礦區排出的矽化和剪切的酸性凝灰岩樣品中,Au含量高達10.97g/t,銅含量高達5.36%,銀含量高達20g/t。到目前為止,該地區沒有進行任何鑽探。

4. Almagreira Gold Prospect


This area has been identified by Rio Tinto during the early eighties and limited trenching and drilling have indicated the presence of gold mineralization associated with clay-sericite-silica alteration zones associated with a ENE-WSW fracture zone and represents an epithermal system (Carlin type?) identified in this sector hosted by brecciated acid volcanics and dolomites. More recent drilling by a JV between Rio Narcea Gold Mines and Kernow Resources carried out a limited campaign (834 m in 6 holes) in the main prospect area. Highlights comprise an interval of 5.45 m grading 1.53 g/t Au, including 2.47m grading 2.44 g/t Au from hole PAM-01. The highest individual value obtained came from a gossanous quartz-dolomite altered marble grading 5.77 g/t Au over an intercept of 0.75m. Hole PAM-02 intercepted an interval of 2m grading 3.7 g/t Au. The mineralized zone coincides with sections of intense silica-carbonate alteration with several massive gossan zones and localized fresh sulphide dissemination (chalcopyrite and pyrite).

力拓在80年代初發現了這一地區,有限的開挖和鑽探表明,與與ENE-WSW斷裂帶有關的黏土-絹雲母-硅質蝕變帶有關的金礦化的存在,代表了一個淺成熱液系統(Carlin型?)在這一地區發現了角礫型酸性火山岩和白雲巖。最近,Rio Narcea金礦和Kernow Resources之間的合資公司在主要探礦區進行了有限的鑽探活動(6個井834米)。亮點包括5.45米品位1.53克/噸金的間隔,包括2.47米品位2.44克/噸的PAM-01孔。獲得的最高個體價值來自於一塊石英白雲石蝕變大理岩,其金品位為5.77g/t,截距為0.75m。PAM-02井截距2m,品位3.7g/t Au。礦化帶與強烈的硅碳酸鹽蝕變帶相吻合,有幾個塊狀鐵帽帶和局部的新鮮硫化物(黃銅礦和黃鐵礦)侵入。

This Technical Report can be accessed under the Company's profile on SEDAR at and on the Company's website at .


Qualified Person


Jose Mario Castelo Branco, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration, is a "Qualified Person" for the purposes of NI 43-101, and he has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.

總裁勘探公司副總裁何塞·馬利奧·卡斯特洛·布蘭科是符合NI 43-101標準的“合格人員”,他已審核並批准了本新聞稿中包含的科學技術披露內容。

About Europacific Metals Inc


Europacific Metals Inc. is a Canadian public company listed on TSXV and in US on OTCQB. The Company holds brownfield gold, and copper-gold projects located in Portugal. The Company is focused on exploration in highly prospective geological settings in Europe and Eurasian jurisdictions.

EuroPacific Metals Inc.是一家加拿大上市公司,在多倫多證券交易所上市,在美國OTCQB上市。該公司在葡萄牙擁有棕地金礦和銅金專案。該公司專注於在歐洲和歐亞司法管轄區極具前景的地質環境中進行勘探。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Chris Osterman"


For further information please contact:


Europacific Metals Inc.
Mr. Chris Osterman, Chief Executive Officer
Suite 650 - 1021 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3

首席執行官Chris Osterman先生
溫哥華,BC V6E 0C3

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This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the exploration potential of the the Company's properties. Generally forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "anticipate", "will", "expect", "may", "continue", "could", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential" and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties relating to, among other things, results of future exploration and development activities, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, changes in commodity prices and unanticipated environmental impacts on operations. Although the Company believes current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered are appropriate and that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct or enduring. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The statements in this press release are made as of the date of this release. Except as required by law, the Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any forward-looking statements that are contained or incorporated in this press release. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


SOURCE: Europacific Metals Inc.


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