
Yangaroo Announces Q1'2023 Results

Yangaroo Announces Q1'2023 Results

Yangaroo 公布 2023 年第一季度业绩
newsfile ·  2023/05/30 16:44

Consecutive Quarterly Positive Normalized EBITDA


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 30, 2023) - YANGAROO Inc. (TSXV: YOO) (OTC Pink: YOOIF) ("Yangaroo", "Company"), a software leader in media asset workflow and distribution solutions, today announced its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2023. The full text of the Financial Statements and Management Discussion & Analysis is available at and at . Please note that all currency in this press release is denominated in United States dollars, unless otherwise noted.

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年5月30日)-YANGAROO Inc.(TSXV:YOO)(场外粉色:YOOIF)(杨加鲁人“,”公司“),媒体资产工作流程和分销解决方案的软件领导者,今天公布了截至2023年3月31日的第一季度财务业绩。财务报表和管理层讨论与分析的全文可在和在。请注意,本新闻稿中的所有货币都以美元计价,除非另有说明。

We are pleased to report that the first quarter is off to a positive start for 2023. The first quarter of 2023 showed significant advancements with respect to operating income and cash-flow generation, as compared to prior-year quarter losses, and improved sales volume and revenue, when adjusted for seasonality. Although sales were down on a year-on-year basis, each division is showing positive signs of recovery from a challenging previous 12-months.


The Advertising Division increased delivery volumes and sales on a per customer basis which is a positive sign of a market recovery in advertising creative production and campaign volumes. The Awards Division results were marginally down compared to this time in the prior-year, however, the result attributed to the timing of our award show customers and we expect to recover and exceed prior-year Awards Division revenue in 2023. The Music Division revenue was down, on a year-over-year basis, mostly due to fewer new music video deliveries by the major record labels. Music audio deliveries were relatively flat on a year-over-year basis.


  • Advertising Division

    • Revenue of $1,434,590 in Q1'23 versus revenue of $1,466,655 in Q1'22

  • Entertainment Group (Music & Awards Divisions)

    • Revenue of $410,663 in Q1'23 versus revenue of $522,387 in Q1'22

  • 广告部

    • 23年第1季度的收入为1,434,590美元,而22年第1季度的收入为1,466,655美元

  • 娱乐集团(音乐和奖项部门)

    • 23年第1季度的收入为410,663美元,而22年第1季度的收入为522,387美元

Grant Schuetrumpf, CEO of Yangaroo, commented, "We are encouraged by the progress made in stabilizing our business after a challenging 2022, as reflected in the consecutive and sequential quarters of Normalized EBITDA generation. Moreover, we have observed modest improvements in business development and sales opportunities compared to the same period in the previous year. With a cautious and realistic approach, we remain committed to carefully capitalizing on these prospects to foster steady growth in the future.

Yanaroo首席执行官Grant Schuetrampf表示:“我们对在经历了具有挑战性的2022年之后在稳定业务方面取得的进展感到鼓舞,这反映在标准化EBITDA世代的连续和连续的季度。此外,我们观察到与去年同期相比,业务发展和销售机会略有改善。我们将以谨慎和现实的方式,继续致力于谨慎利用这些前景,以促进未来的稳定增长。

"To drive new revenues across our divisions, we have taken a measured and realistic approach to capture the new opportunities. With the Advertising Division, we have expanded our solution to include TV Legal Clearance, Analytics, increased post-production capabilities, and overall platform improvements and other technology integrations. We expect this expansion to create greater opportunities. For the Music Division, we acknowledge the volume challenges faced in early Q1'23, specifically with large record-label music video releases. However, we are pleased to note an improvement in volume towards the end of the quarter. We remain dedicated to developing the music division and enhancing the user experience to maximize their music promotion opportunities. Furthermore, our Award Shows Division is actively working on completing the new Awards technology, which will enable us to offer a comprehensive solution to a broader market, thereby extending our reach and potential."


  • Operating Expenses and Normalized EBITDA

    • The Company completed additional head-count reductions in the current quarter and incurred restructuring expenses of $138,513. Continued reductions in head-count resulted in a salary expenses of $1,233,466 or a savings of $563,071 versus the first quarter of 2022.

    • Technology, production, and marketing and promotional expenses continued to decline with savings of $103,177 versus the first quarter of 2022 resulting from continued efforts to reduce over-head expenditures.

    • Second consecutive quarter of significant Normalized EBITDA; the Company generated $116,143 of Normalized EBITDA in Q1'23 and $833,974 of Normalized EBITDA in Q4'22.

  • 运营费用和标准化EBITDA

    • 该公司在本季度完成了进一步的裁员,并产生了138,513美元的重组费用。继续减少人数导致薪金支出1233466美元,与2022年第一季度相比节省563 071美元。

    • 由于继续努力减少管理费用,技术、生产、营销和促销费用继续下降,与2022年第一季度相比节省了103,177美元。

    • 连续第二个季度实现显著的规格化EBITDA;公司在23年第一季度产生了116,143美元的规格化EBITDA,在4‘22季度产生了833,974美元的规格化EBITDA。

Dom Kizek, CFO of Yangaroo, commented, "We continued to right-size the business in the first quarter of 2023 with the implementation of an additional restructuring round. This included another round of head-count reductions and elimination of non-core over-head expenditures. Additionally, we generated strong positive EBITDA for the second consecutive quarter and continue to be focused on generating strong cash-flows and EBITDA on a go forward basis."


Looking into the remainder of 2023, Yangaroo remains focused on executing its growth strategy, expanding its customer base, and continuing to invest in its platform. While the advertising and entertainment markets remain unstable and uncertain, the Company is well-positioned to capitalize on organic and non-organic growth opportunities.


Q1'2023 Financial Highlights


  • Revenue in Q1'2023 was $1,845,253 compared to $2,097,353 and $1,989,042 in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2022, respectively.

    • Revenue decreased by $252,100 or 12% versus Q4'2022. The decrease in revenue was due to lower Advertising revenue with a decrease of $85,306 or 6%, and by lower Music and Awards revenue with a decrease of $166,794 or 29%. The decrease in Advertising revenue is attributed to seasonality with the prior fourth quarter typically being the highest volume and spend period while the first quarter of the year is typically much lower volume period. The decrease in Music revenue is also primarily attributed to seasonality as the first quarter is typically a slower period for independent artists and music labels. The decline in Awards revenue is primarily attributed to cyclicality in our customer's award show schedules which typically peak in the summer periods.

    • Revenue decreased by $143,789 or 7% versus Q1'2022. The decrease in revenue is primarily attributed to lower Advertising revenue of $32,066 or 2% as well as decreased Awards and Music revenue of $111,724 or 21%. The primary factors affecting advertising sales in the current quarter were an expectation of a recession in the United States and Canada, which adversely impacts our customers' marketing and advertising budgets, inflationary environment adversely impacting consumer spending power, and the macro-environment and supply chain issues adversely impacting inventory in the automotive and other manufacturing industries. The decline in Awards revenue is primarily attributed to structural changes to award show schedules resulting from a COVID-19 to a post-COVID-19 environment.

  • Operating expenses in Q1'2023 were $2,100,123 compared to $1,426,919 and $2,492,222 in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2022, respectively.

    • Operating expenses increased by $673,204 or 47% versus Q4'2022. The increase in operating expenses is primarily attributed to significantly higher salaries and related costs partially off-set by lower legal and professional services fees. The increase in salaries and related costs is primarily attributed to one-time employment tax credit of approximately $538,019 that the Company recognized in the fourth quarter of 2022. This employment tax-credit is non-recurring and we expect to collect the full proceeds by the end of the second half of 2023.

    • Operating expenses decreased by $392,099 or 16% versus Q1'2022. The decrease in operating expenses is primarily attributed to a reduction of employee headcount, enacted primarily in the first half of 2022, which is fully realized in 2023, and a continued focus on lower marketing and technology spend as part of the Company's cash saving measures. Savings in salaries, technology, and marketing expenditures were off set by higher legal and professional fees related to ongoing acquisition and restructuring matters.

  • Normalized EBITDA in Q1'2023 was $116,143 in comparison to normalized EBITDA of $833,974 in the fourth quarter of 2022 and normalized EBITDA loss of $259,847 in the first quarter of 2022.

    • Normalized EBITDA decreased by $717,831 compared to Q4'2022. The decrease is primarily attributed to the lower Advertising revenues, primarily attributed to seasonality and lower customer volumes, and significantly higher operating expenses, primarily attributed to previous quarter's employment tax credit recognition.

    • Normalized EBITDA increased by $375,990 compared to Q1'2022. The increase is primarily attributed to significantly lower operating expenses, primarily attributed to reduced salaries and marketing and technology costs, as discussed in further detail above.

  • 2023年第一季度的收入为1,845,253美元,而2022年第四季度和2022年第一季度的收入分别为2,097,353美元和1,989,042美元。

    • 收入与2022年第四季度相比下降了252,100美元,降幅为12%。收入减少是由于广告收入减少85,306美元或6%,以及音乐和大奖收入减少166,794美元或29%。广告收入的下降归因于季节性,前四季度通常是销量和支出最高的时期,而今年第一季度通常是销量低得多的时期。音乐收入的下降也主要归因于季节性,因为对于独立艺术家和唱片公司来说,第一季度通常是一个较慢的时期。颁奖收入的下降主要归因于我们客户的颁奖典礼日程安排的周期性,通常在夏季达到顶峰。

    • 与2022年第一季度相比,收入下降了143,789美元,降幅为7%。收入减少的主要原因是广告收入减少32,066美元或2%,以及奖项和音乐收入减少111,724美元或21%。影响本季度广告销售的主要因素是对美国和加拿大经济衰退的预期,这对我们客户的营销和广告预算造成不利影响,通胀环境对消费者购买力产生不利影响,以及宏观环境和供应链问题对汽车和其他制造业的库存产生不利影响。颁奖典礼收入下降的主要原因是,从新冠肺炎到后新冠肺炎环境,颁奖典礼日程发生了结构性变化。

  • 2023年第一季度的运营费用为2,100,123美元,而2022年第四季度和2022年第一季度的运营费用分别为1,426,919美元和2,492,222美元。

    • 与2022年第四季度相比,运营费用增加了673,204美元,增幅为47%。业务费用增加的主要原因是薪金和相关费用大幅增加,部分抵消了法律和专业服务费用下降的影响。工资及相关成本的增加主要归因于公司在2022年第四季度确认的约538,019美元的一次性就业税收抵免。这项就业税收抵免是非经常性的,我们预计在2023年下半年底之前收取全部收益。

    • 与2022年第一季度相比,运营费用减少了392,099美元,降幅为16%。运营费用的减少主要归因于主要在2022年上半年实施的员工人数减少,并将于2023年全面实现,以及作为公司现金节约措施的一部分,继续专注于降低营销和技术支出。工资、技术和营销支出的节省被与正在进行的收购和重组相关的更高的法律和专业费用所抵消。

  • 2023年第一季度的正常化EBITDA为116,143美元,而2022年第四季度的正常化EBITDA为833,974美元,2022年第一季度的正常化EBITDA亏损为259,847美元。

    • 与2022年第四季度相比,标准化EBITDA减少了717,831美元。这一下降主要归因于广告收入下降,主要归因于季节性和客户数量减少,以及运营费用大幅上升,主要归因于上一季度的就业税收抵免。

    • 与2022年第一季度相比,标准化EBITDA增加了375,990美元。增加的主要原因是业务费用大幅降低,这主要是由于薪金以及营销和技术费用减少,如上文进一步详细讨论的那样。

Financial Highlights





Cash and cash equivalents $ 204,604
$ 296,748
$ 346,744
$ 607,289
Working capital (deficiency) $ (224,819 ) $ 217,710
$ (1,701,222 ) $ (1,517,889 )
Liquidity $ 781,378
$ 737,680
$ 639,320
$ 1,033,533
Revenue $ 1,845,253
$ 2,097,353
$ 1,733,140
$ 1,915,307
Operating expenses $ 2,100,123
$ 1,426,919
$ 1,987,591
$ 2,259,186
Other expenses (income) $ 109,749
$ 148,123
$ (109,995 ) $ (2,133,145 )
Income (loss) for the period $ (364,619 ) $ 522,311
$ (144,456 ) $ 1,789,266
EBITDA $ (13,324 ) $ 816,075
$ 108,087
$ 2,047,149
EBITDA Margin %



Normalized EBITDA (loss) $ 116,143
$ 833,974
$ 2,205
$ (42,766 )
Normalized EBITDA
Margin %








现金和现金等价物 $ 204,604
$ 296,748
$ 346,744
$ 607,289
营运资金(不足) $ (224,819 ) $ 217,710
$ (1,701,222 ) $ (1,517,889 )
流动性 $ 781,378
$ 737,680
$ 639,320
$ 1033,533
收入 $ 1845,253
$ 2097,353
$ 1733,140
$ 1915,307
运营费用 $ 2,100,123
$ 1426,919
$ 1987,591
$ 2259,186
其他费用(收入) $ 109,749
$ 148,123
$ (109,995 ) $ (2,133,145 )
当期收入(亏损) $ (364,619 ) $ 522,311
$ (144,456) ) $ 1,789,266
EBITDA $ (13,324 ) $ 816,075
$ 108,087
$ 2047,149



归一化EBITDA(亏损) $ 116,143
$ 833,974
$ 2205
$ (42,766 )








Cash and cash equivalents $ 783,159
$ 768,251
$ 1,271,871
$ 1,036,381
Working capital $ (1,649,976 ) $ 911,861
$ 1,985,484
$ 1,996,580
Liquidity $ 1,862,483
$ 2,148,594
$ 2,645,390
$ 2,448,355
Revenue $ 1,989,042
$ 2,305,594
$ 2,429,867
$ 1,759,691
Operating expenses $ 2,492,222
$ 2,611,535
$ 2,405,178
$ 1,659,981
Other expenses (income) $ 94,395
$ 24,783
$ (33,797 ) $ 147,983
Income (loss) for the period $ (597,575 ) $ (330,724 ) $ 58,486
$ (48,273 )
EBITDA $ (340,172 ) $ (99,125 ) $ 329,554
$ 92,454
EBITDA Margin %



Normalized EBITDA (loss) $ (259,847 ) $ (164,899 ) $ 338,404
$ 528,285
Normalized EBITDA (loss)
Margin %








现金和现金等价物 $ 783,159
$ 768,251
$ 1271,871
$ 1,036,381
营运资本 $ (1649,976) ) $ 911,861
$ 1985,484
$ 1996,580
流动性 $ 1862,483
$ 2,148,594
$ 2645,390
$ 2,448,355
收入 $ 1989,042
$ 2,305,594
$ 2429,867
$ 1759,691
运营费用 $ 2492,222
$ 2611535
$ 2,405,178
$ 1659,981
其他费用(收入) $ 94,395
$ 24,783
$ (33,797 ) $ 147,983
当期收入(亏损) $ (597,575 ) $ (330,724) ) $ 58,486
$ (48,273) )
EBITDA $ (340,172 ) $ (99,125 ) $ 329,554
$ 92,454



归一化EBITDA(亏损) $ (259,847 ) $ (164,899 ) $ 338,404
$ 528,285







Yangaroo is a technology provider in the media and entertainment industry, offering a cloud-based software platform for the management and distribution of digital media content. Yangaroo's Digital Media Distribution System ("DMDS") platform is a patented cloud-based platform that provides customers with a centralised and fully integrated workflow directly connecting radio and television broadcasters, digital display networks, and video publishers for centralised digital asset management, delivery and promotion. DMDS is used across the advertising, music, and entertainment awards show markets.


YANGAROO Inc. is a publicly listed company incorporated on July 28, 1999 under the laws of Ontario as Inc. and changed to its present name on July 17, 2007. YANGAROO trades on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V") under the symbol YOO and in the U.S. under OTC Pink: YOOIF.

YANGAROO Inc.是一家上市公司,于1999年7月28日根据安大略省的法律注册为 Inc.,并于2007年7月17日更名为现在的名称。YANGAROO在多伦多证券交易所创业板(“TSX-V”)的交易代码为YOO,在美国的交易代码为OTC PINK:YOOIF。

The address of the Company's corporate office and principal place of business is 360 Dufferin Street, Suite 203, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 3G1.

该公司公司办公室和主要营业地点的地址是:安大略省多伦多Dufferin Street 360,Suite 203,邮编:M6K 3G1。

# # #


For YANGAROO Investor Inquiries:
Dom Kizek
Ph: (416) 534 0607 #162

电话:(416)534 0607#162

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor Its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively referred to herein as "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements other than statements of present or historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "anticipate", "achieve", "could", "believe", "plan", "intend", "objective", "continuous", "ongoing", "estimate", "outlook", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "should" or similar words, including negatives thereof, suggesting future outcomes.


Forward-looking statements are subject to both known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of YANGAROO, that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of YANGAROO to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: the use of proceeds of the offering, receipt of all necessary approvals of the offering, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; negotiation uncertainties and other risks of the technology industry. Although YANGAROO has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.


Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, some of which are described herein. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause YANGAROO's actual performance and results to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, neither YANGAROO assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise such statements to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise.


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