


PR Newswire ·  2023/06/06 07:00

Celebrity Cruises' Celebrity Apex and Royal Caribbean International's Symphony of the Seas will be at the forefront of alternative fuel use thanks to extended sustainable biofuel tests this summer in Europe

得益於今年夏天延長可持續生物燃料測試,Celebrity Cruises的Celebrity Apex和皇家加勒比國際的海洋交響樂團將走在替代燃料使用的最前沿 歐洲

MIAMI, June 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- This summer, Royal Caribbean Group (NYSE: RCL) will set a new industry milestone in alternative fuel use when Celebrity Cruises' Celebrity Apex and Royal Caribbean International's Symphony of the Seas, set sail in Europe using sustainable biofuel to meet part of the ships' fuel needs. The landmark test will contribute critical data and research on the fuel's capabilities and supply chain infrastructure needed to further the industry's alternative fuel ambitions.

邁阿密2023年6月6日 /PRNewswire/ — 今年夏天,皇家加勒比集團(紐約證券交易所代碼:RCL)將在替代燃料使用方面樹立新的行業里程碑,屆時 Celebrity Cruises 名人 Apex 還有皇家加勒比國際的 海洋交響曲, 啓航 歐洲 使用可持續生物燃料來滿足船舶的部分燃料需求。這項具有里程碑意義的測試將提供有關燃料能力和供應鏈基礎設施的關鍵數據和研究,以進一步實現該行業的替代燃料目標。

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Celebrity Cruises' Celebrity Apex
Celebrity Cruises的名人頂峯
Royal Caribbean International's Symphony of the Seas

During the three-month test, Celebrity Apex will depart from the Port of Rotterdam and Symphony of the Seas will depart from the Port of Barcelona, using a biofuel blend that reduces the ships' carbon emissions. The biofuel blend is produced by purifying renewable raw materials like oils and fats and combining it with fuel oil to create an alternative fuel that is cleaner and more sustainable.

在三個月的測試中 名人阿佩克斯 將從港口出發 鹿特丹海洋交響曲 將從港口出發 巴塞羅那,使用生物燃料混合物來減少船舶的碳排放。生物燃料混合物是通過淨化油脂等可再生原材料並將其與燃料油結合來生產出更清潔、更可持續的替代燃料。

"Biofuels will play an increasingly important role in achieving, not only our own, but the entire maritime sector's decarbonization goals in the short and medium term. We take great pride in continuing to push our industry forward in exploring innovative fuel solutions that reduce carbon impact and preserve the vibrancy of the oceans we sail," said Jason Liberty, President and CEO, Royal Caribbean Group.

“生物燃料不僅將在實現我們自己的脫碳目標方面發揮越來越重要的作用,而且在實現整個海事部門的短期和中期脫碳目標方面也將發揮越來越重要的作用。我們非常自豪能夠繼續推動我們的行業向前發展,探索創新的燃料解決方案,以減少碳影響並保持我們航行的海洋的活力,” 他說 傑森利伯蒂,皇家加勒比集團總裁兼首席執行官。

The cruise company plans to continue increasing the use of alternative lower carbon fuel to meet the needs of its ships across the fleet. After the trials are completed this summer, Royal Caribbean Group plans to scale up the use of alternative fuels, including biofuels, across upcoming European summer sailings.


"With our sights set on a bright and sustainable future, we are committed to collaboration and innovation to ensure we deliver great vacation experiences, responsibly. With the completion of the trials our hope is to advance our ships' ability to meaningfully reduce emissions and propel forward strategic partnerships with suppliers and ports to ensure there is sufficient availability of biofuel and infrastructures to make maritime energy transition a reality," Liberty said.

“我們將目光投向光明和可持續的未來,我們致力於合作和創新,以確保我們負責任地提供出色的度假體驗。隨着試驗的完成,我們希望提高船舶的能力,以有意義地減少排放,推進與供應商和港口的戰略伙伴關係,以確保有足夠的生物燃料和基礎設施供應,使海上能源轉型成爲現實,” Liberty說。

This key step in Royal Caribbean Group's pursuit of alternative fuels follows closely after a biofuel trial on its California-based Navigator of the Seas, became the first a cruise ship to sail from a U.S. port while using renewable diesel fuel this past fall.

皇家加勒比集團尋求替代燃料的這一關鍵步驟緊隨其後的是對其進行生物燃料試驗 加利福尼亞基於 海洋領航員, 成爲去年秋天第一艘使用可再生柴油從美國港口啓航的遊輪。

With a sustainability journey that began over 30 years ago, Royal Caribbean Group has remained steadfast in its commitment to innovate, and advance, the solutions necessary for a better future. Building on a robust portfolio of technologies that improve energy efficiency, water treatment and waste management, trialing biofuels is a step that moves the company closer to achieving Destination Net Zero, its vision for net-zero emissions by 2050. To learn more about Royal Caribbean Group's sustainability efforts, information is available at .

在30多年前開始的可持續發展之旅中,皇家加勒比集團一直堅定不移地致力於創新和推進實現更美好未來所需的解決方案。在改善能源效率、水處理和廢物管理的強大技術組合基礎上,試用生物燃料是推動公司更接近實現Destination Net Zero(到2050年實現淨零排放的願景)邁出的一步。要了解有關皇家加勒比集團可持續發展工作的更多信息,請訪問。

About Royal Caribbean Group:


Royal Caribbean Group (NYSE: RCL) is one of the leading cruise companies in the world with a global fleet of 64 ships traveling to approximately 1,000 destinations around the world. Royal Caribbean Group is the owner and operator of three award-winning cruise brands: Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, and Silversea Cruises, and it is also a 50% owner of a joint venture that operates TUI Cruises and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises. Together, the brands have an additional 10 ships on order as of June 30, 2022. Learn more at or .

皇家加勒比集團(紐約證券交易所代碼:RCL)是全球領先的郵輪公司之一,其全球船隊由64艘船組成,前往全球約1,000個目的地。皇家加勒比集團是三個屢獲殊榮的郵輪品牌的所有者和運營商:皇家加勒比國際、Celebrity Cruises和Silversea Cruises,它也是運營TUI Cruises和Hapag-Lloyd Cruises的合資企業的50%所有者。截至2022年6月30日,這兩個品牌共訂購了另外10艘船。要了解更多信息,請訪問或。

SOURCE Royal Caribbean Group


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