Each trading day features hundreds of headlines and press releases on Benzinga Pro, a source for traders to see the latest news on the overall market and individual tickers.
Here is a look at the most-searched stocks on Benzinga Pro during May 2023. Year-to-date and 52-week ranges are based on June 7, 2023 prices.
1. SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF(NYSE:SPY)
Month End Price: $417.85
52-Week Range: $348.11 to $431.73
YTD Return: +12.3%
January/February/March/April Search Rank: 1st/1st/1st/1st
2022 Search Rank: 1st
2. Tesla Inc(NASDAQ:TSLA)
Month End Price: $203.93
52-Week Range: $101.81 to $314.67
YTD Return: +109.8%
January/February/March/April Search Rank: 2nd/2nd/2nd/2nd
2022 Search Rank: 2nd
3. Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ...