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glad I sold it days ago
moomoo, this story is a lie ! I have a document showing his contract simply expired today, he was not fired. I will be starting a lawsuit against you and the publisher of this fake news story and submit my findings to the sec . you are in violation of us securities law publicizing miss information that contributed to the losses incurred by investors.
he wasn't fired, you are idiots
Hello Mooer, thank you for your feedback. This news is forwarded from MarketWatch and some words in it may not be very accurate. We are very sorry if you feel trouble. Upon checking with the official statement from the company, we found that the CEO, Matthew Furlong, has no specified term and may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other. In essence, this means that while the article may not have used the exact word "terminated," the CEO's departure from the company was a high possibility.
It's important to note that when we say someone is "fired," it typically implies that they are let go due to poor performance or some other negative reason. In essence, the wording of the article conveyed the main point that the CEO would no longer go to be at the helm of GameStop. Please check other major media's coverage:
I hope this explanation clears up any confusion about the situation. Please feel free to let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Reason For Report