
Palantir Partners With Ukrainian Tennis Star Elina Svitolina

Palantir Partners With Ukrainian Tennis Star Elina Svitolina

Palantir 與烏克蘭網球明星 Elina Svitolina 合作
PR Newswire ·  2023/06/29 06:59

Palantir deepens support for Ukraine with sponsorship of champion tennis player, humanitarian, and mother

Palantir 加深了對它的支持 烏克蘭 由冠軍網球運動員、人道主義者和母親贊助

DENVER, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Palantir Technologies Inc. (NYSE: PLTR) ("Palantir") today announced its support of Ukrainian professional tennis player and humanitarian, Elina Svitolina ("Elina"). The partnership with Elina deepens Palantir's commitment to supporting Ukraine and its ongoing efforts to resettle refugees, document war crimes and facilitate additional reconstruction projects.

丹佛2023年6月29日 /PRNewswire/ — Palantir Technologies Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:PLTR)(“Palantir”)今天宣佈支持烏克蘭職業網球選手兼人道主義者埃琳娜·斯維託利納(“Elina”)。與 Elina 的合作加深了 Palantir 對支持的承諾 烏克蘭 以及它爲重新安置難民, 記錄戰爭罪行和促進其他重建項目所做的持續努力.

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Elina Svitolina (Image credit Women's Tennis Association)
Elina Svitolina(圖片來源:女子網球協會)

The sponsorship with Elina, Ukraine's highest-ranked player in Women's Tennis Association history, is the first sponsorship of this kind for Palantir. Born out of Palantir's mission to defend and support Ukraine in the war efforts, the sponsorship will also support the Elina Svitolina Foundation, ("the Foundation") launched in 2019. The Foundation initially served and encouraged youth in Ukraine through scholarships, programs, and special events. Since the start of the war, the Foundation has redirected its focus to provide necessary support to young Ukrainian tennis players and their families by relocating them to European tennis academies and helping them safely chase their tennis dreams.

與 Elina 的贊助, 烏克蘭的 女子網球協會歷史上排名最高的選手是帕蘭蒂爾首次獲得此類贊助。誕生於 Palantir 的防禦和支援使命 烏克蘭 在戰爭努力中,贊助還將支持2019年成立的埃琳娜·斯維託利納基金會(“基金會”)。該基金會最初爲年輕人提供服務和鼓勵 烏克蘭 通過獎學金、項目和特別活動。自戰爭開始以來,該基金會已將工作重點轉移到爲年輕的烏克蘭網球運動員及其家人提供必要的支持,將他們轉移到歐洲網球學院,幫助他們安全地追逐自己的網球夢想。

"Palantir has been a friend to Ukraine since the Russian aggression began," said Elina Svitolina. "I am thankful for the work they are doing in helping my government continue its fight to peacefully exist within our own borders. Palantir is helping that cause and my decision to partner with them helps advance our humanitarian missions."

“Palantir 一直是... 的朋友 烏克蘭 自從俄羅斯開始侵略以來,” 埃琳娜·斯維託利納說。“我感謝他們在幫助我的政府繼續努力爭取在本國境內和平共處方面所做的工作。Palantir正在幫助這項事業,我決定與他們合作有助於推進我們的人道主義使命。”

As ambassador for United24, Elina focuses on the Rebuild Ukraine program. She has taken part in numerous restoration projects, including the rebuilding of a residential building, home to more than 100 Ukrainian families. Elina's humanitarian efforts focus on helping her native Ukraine rebuild, a goal being supported by Palantir technology on the ground throughout the country. The partnership with Elina deepens Palantir's relationship with Ukraine, working shoulder to shoulder with our counterparts focusing on the reconstruction in war-torn areas.

作爲United24的大使,Elina專注於重建烏克蘭計劃。她參與了許多修復項目,包括重建一棟居住着100多個烏克蘭家庭的住宅樓。Elina的人道主義工作側重於幫助她的家鄉 烏克蘭 重建,這一目標得到了全國各地的Palantir技術的支持。與 Elina 的合作加深了 Palantir 與 Palantir 的關係 烏克蘭, 與我們的同行並肩合作, 重點在飽受戰爭蹂躪的地區進行重建.

"The employees of Palantir are proud to stand behind Elina and her work on behalf of Ukrainian relief," said Lisa Gordon, Head of Global Communications and Brand at Palantir. "We are aligned in our support and commitment to the people of Ukraine and thrilled about the potential impact of this partnership."

他說:“Palantir的員工很自豪能夠支持Elina和她爲烏克蘭救濟所做的工作。” 麗莎·戈登,Palantir 全球傳播和品牌主管。“我們對美國人民的支持和承諾是一致的 烏克蘭 並對這種夥伴關係的潛在影響感到興奮。”

Palantir CEO Alex Karp was the first western CEO to visit Ukraine in June 2022, following the start of the war. Since that time, Palantir's efforts in Ukraine have been focused on the resettling refugees, providing technology to Ukrainians on the battlefield, and reestablishing schools in war-torn areas.

Palantir 首席執行官 亞歷克斯·卡普 是第一位訪問的西方首席執行官 烏克蘭2022 年 6 月,在戰爭開始之後。從那時起,Palantir 在 烏克蘭 重點是重新安置難民, 爲戰場上的烏克蘭人提供技術, 並在飽受戰爭蹂躪的地區重建學校.

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements may relate to, but are not limited to, Palantir's expectations regarding the amount and the terms of the contract and the expected benefits of our software platforms. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time those statements are made and were based on current expectations as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management as of that time with respect to future events. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. These risks and uncertainties include our ability to meet the unique needs of our customer; the failure of our platforms to satisfy our customer or perform as desired; the frequency or severity of any software and implementation errors; our platforms' reliability; and our customer's ability to modify or terminate the contract. Additional information regarding these and other risks and uncertainties is included in the filings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Except as required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise.


Media Contact
Lisa Gordon
[email protected]




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