

Institutions: Hong Kong stocks await a critical policy window period, and the market may maintain a volatile trend

中金策略 ·  Jul 9, 2023 21:43

Source: CICC Strategy
Authors: Liu Gang, Wang Muyao, Zhang Weihan


Following a short period of stabilization over the previous week, the Hong Kong stock market pulled back sharply last week, falling almost to a low point at the end of May. Among them, the value sector had the highest decline.Looking ahead, July is the key policy window period for the Chinese and American markets.It plays a decisive role in future market trends. Affected by these two factors, the US core CPI is affected by the low base and the decline is slow, and the possibility that China will introduce a new round of large-scale stimulus policies is low.The Chinese and American markets are likely to maintain a volatile trend in July.The current fluctuation in the global market since July confirms our view to a certain extent.We think the market may maintain a volatile trend for at least the foreseeable future. However, the early rapid pullback in the US debt and Hong Kong stock markets is not entirely a bad thing.In the current situation where downside protection is sufficient, the risk return of the market is showing some appeal.

In this context, we recommend that investors stick to the two strategies we have recommended over the past few months before more effective policy initiatives are introduced:1) Make a band,That is, when the market is oversold (such as at the current level), there is a low allocation, and profits return when expectations are sufficient;2) Structuring and adhering to a “dumbbell” strategy in the midst of uncertainty can have both balance and hedging effects(High dividend ratio plus high quality growth sector).

Main text

Wait for the critical policy window

Market outlook

Following a short period of stabilization over the previous week, the Hong Kong stock market pulled back sharply last week, falling almost to a low point at the end of May. Among them, the value sector had the highest decline.Concerns about the Fed's policy tightening have heated up and driven interest rates on US bonds to rise rapidly, which is the main factor in the correction in the Hong Kong stock market.Interest rates on 10-year US Treasury bonds have once again broken through the 4% mark, the exchange rate of the offshore renminbi against the US dollar has risen again, and foreign capital has flowed out again. These factors all suppress investor sentiment, and the reaction of the Hong Kong stock market is particularly obvious. Furthermore, it is worth noting that in a context where pressure on real estate and local government debt still exists, the market's concerns about the profitability and asset quality of the banking sector have increased, and the banking sector has borne the brunt of this last week.

Chart: Interest rates on 10-year US Treasury bonds broke through the 4% mark for the first time since March last week

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

As we stated in our monthly report on overseas asset allocation released at the beginning of this month,July is a critical policy window period for the Chinese and American markets.It plays a decisive role in future market trends. Affected by these two factors, the US core CPI is affected by the low base and the decline is slow, and the possibility that China will introduce a new round of large-scale stimulus policies is low.The Chinese and American markets are likely to maintain a volatile trend in JulyThe current fluctuation in the global market since July confirms our view to a certain extent. Looking ahead, we think the market may maintain a volatile trend for at least the foreseeable future.

However, the early rapid pullback in the US debt and Hong Kong stock markets is not entirely a bad thing.This is because: 1) We judge that the US core CPI may decline rapidly in the third quarter, soCurrently, interest rates on 10-year US Treasury bonds are relatively high.However, investors still need to wait and see until the US CPI data is released in mid-July; 2) The Hang Seng Index once again approached the 18,000 mark, and the overall net market ratio fell below 1 times (the current net market ratio of the Hang Seng Index and the Hang Seng State-owned Enterprises Index fell 0.97 times and 0.91 times, respectively), and the share of short selling transactions climbed to a high of 27% on July 5. In our opinion,In the current situation where downside protection is sufficient, the risk return of the market is showing some appeal.Premier Li Qiang of the State Council hosted a symposium of experts on the economic situation on July 6, proposing that a number of targeted, integrated, and highly collaborative policies and measures should be introduced in a timely manner and implemented as soon as possible [1].We believe it is more important to implement effective policies (finance or real estate) that are expected to achieve credit expansion than simple monetary easing or implementation of support measures at other levels.The Politburo meeting of the Central Committee scheduled to be held at the end of July may play a catalytic role.

Chart: The current net market ratio of the Hang Seng Index and the Hang Seng State-owned Enterprises Index has dropped 0.97 times and 0.91 times

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

On the domestic side, China's Caixin PMI fell month-on-month in June, and the market wait-and-see policy showed positive signs of subsequent implementation results.After a series of previous economic data fell short of expectations, the latest released data also confirmed that domestic economic growth pressure still exists and has failed to boost market sentiment. In June, China's Caixin manufacturing PMI fell 0.4ppt month-on-month; the service sector PMI fell 3.2ppt month-on-month, the lowest level since February. Although positive signs of domestic policy continue to appear, including the Premier of the State Council hosting a symposium of experts on the economic situation, proposing that a series of policies and measures for steady growth will be introduced, and that the central bank will lower interest rates on US dollar deposits to balance the pressure of the devaluation of the RMB exchange rate. The Politburo meeting scheduled to be held at the end of July will be an important window for policy games. Furthermore, the punishment of platform companies such as Ant Group and Tenpay Connect, a subsidiary of Tencent, by the Central Bank of China can also be seen as a positive sign. The financial management department's focus has shifted from promoting centralized rectification of the financial business of platform companies to normalized supervision, indicating that the worse situation may be over [2].

On the outside side, expectations of the Fed's interest rate hike are heating up, so it is recommended to pay attention to the decisions of the US CPI and FOMC meetings in July.The Federal Reserve released the minutes of the June FOMC meeting. Almost all officials think it will raise interest rates several times this year. This hawkish view has caused the market's expectations of interest rate hikes after July to heat up again. The 10-year US Treasury interest rate has once again broken through the 4% mark since March of this year. Furthermore, the latest economic and employment data released by the US shows that inflationary pressure still exists, and expectations for interest rate hikes in July have basically been determined. In June, the US ISM service sector PMI rose above expectations and recorded 53.9 (vs. May 50.3). The number of non-farm payrolls in the US increased by 209,000 in June, lower than the forecast of 230,000, but the wage growth rate exceeded market expectations. Also, US Treasury Secretary Yellen's visit to China and the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Committee (PCAOB) once again reviewing more news and developments of Chinese securities companies are also worth paying close attention to.

In this context, we recommend that investors stick to the two strategies we have recommended over the past few months before more effective policy initiatives are introduced:1) Make a band,That is, when the market is oversold (such as at the current level), there is a low allocation, and profits return when expectations are sufficient;2) Structuring and adhering to a “dumbbell” strategy in the midst of uncertainty can have both balance and hedging effects(High dividend ratio plus quality growth section) (Please refer to our reports published on April 9 and May 14, respectively”Focus on “dumbbell” structural opportunities” and”Can the high-dividend state-owned enterprise market continue?”).

Chart: The share of short selling on the 5-day moving average rose to over 17%

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

Specifically, the main logic underpinning our views and the factors we needed to focus on last week mainly include:

1) On July 6, the Premier of the State Council hosted a symposium of experts on the economic situation and will introduce a series of policies and measures for steady growth.Premier Li Qiang of the State Council pointed out that China is currently in a critical period of economic recovery and industrial upgrading. It is necessary to focus on playing a “combo punch” of good policies, introducing and quickly implementing a number of targeted, integrated, and highly collaborative policy measures around steady growth, stable employment, risk prevention, etc. Focusing on the top priority of high-quality development, greater efforts are being made to transform the mode, adjust the structure, and increase kinetic energy. By enhancing the interactivity of work to enhance the scientific nature of decision-making, establish and improve a normalized communication mechanism between the government and various types of enterprises, such as private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises [1].

2) The financial management department imposed penalties on institutions such as Ant Group, and the focus of work shifted from promoting centralized rectification of the financial business of platform enterprises to normalized supervision.On July 7, the financial administration imposed a fine of 7.123 billion yuan on Ant Group and its subsidiaries, demanding that Ant Group shut down the “Mutual Treasure” business carried out in violation of regulations and to compensate consumers for their interests in accordance with the law. Furthermore, in response to problems discovered during previous law enforcement inspections, the financial administration also recently imposed administrative penalties on the Postbank, Ping An Bank, People's Insurance Insurance, and Tenpay Connect. In the next step, the financial management department will implement financial policies and measures to promote the healthy development of the platform economy [2].

3) The minutes of the Federal Reserve's June FOMC meeting “went wild,” and expectations of interest rate hikes are heating up again.According to the minutes of the June meeting released by the Federal Reserve, almost all Fed officials said at the June meeting that policy may be tightened further, although the rate of tightening will be slower than the rapid rate hike in monetary policy since the beginning of 2022. Of the 18 participants, all but 2 expect to raise interest rates at least once this year, while 12 expect to raise interest rates twice or more. The July interest rate hike has basically been decided [3].

4) The number of new non-farm payrolls in the US in June fell short of expectations, and wage growth was higher than expected.The US added 209,000 new non-farm payrolls in June, lower than the forecast of 230,000. There is a big discrepancy between the US non-agricultural data for June and the ADP employment report due to the different caliber. According to the US ADP employment report, the number of people employed in the US private sector increased by 497,000 after the seasonal adjustment in June, more than double the market forecast of 225,000. Furthermore, the US labor force participation rate in June was 62.6%, the same as the previous value, and the unemployment rate fell slightly to 3.6% (3.7% in May); wage growth remained the same 0.4% month-on-month, higher than the forecast of 0.3%, and 4.4% higher than market expectations of 4.2%. Structurally, employment is still dominated by service industries such as education and health, and the number of new jobs added to the construction industry has also remained high.

5) Liquidity: Overseas active funds diverted from overseas Chinese stock markets last week, and southbound capital continued to flow in.Specifically, data from EPFR shows that overseas active funds once again switched to an outflow of overseas Chinese stock markets last week, with an outflow of 231 million US dollars. Meanwhile, mainland Chinese investors increased their Hong Kong stock holdings by a total of HK$6.71 billion through Hong Kong Stock Connect last week.

Chart: Overseas active funds turned out of the overseas Chinese stock market last week

Source: EPFR, Wind, CICC Research Division

Investment advice

Although the “push is not enough to support the bottom” policy may correspond to the short-term “top and bottom” of the market, we believe that there are structural opportunities in the Hong Kong stock market, similar to the second half of 2019. In terms of configuration policies,We recommend that investors continue to participate in the opportunities brought about by market fluctuations or adopt a dumbbell allocation strategy.Focus on state-owned enterprises with high dividend potential (dividend cash flow) and high-quality growth sectors with better profits (operating cash flow, such as the Internet, software and hardware, and some healthcare sectors), and investment targets that benefit from future policy shifts by the Federal Reserve.

Focus on events

The Economic Work Conference of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the end of July; the Federal Reserve's July FOMC meeting; Sino-US relations.





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