
Apple Is Equipping Siri With Lip Reading Skills So You Can Turn Off The Always-on Mic

Apple Is Equipping Siri With Lip Reading Skills So You Can Turn Off The Always-on Mic

Apple 正在爲 Siri 配備 Lip Reading 技能,這樣你就可以關閉永遠開啓的麥克風
Benzinga ·  2023/08/03 21:46

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has filed a patent for teaching Siri how to read lips so it doesn't have to constantly listen in with the microphone for commands like "Siri" or "Hey, Siri".

蘋果公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL) 已申請教學專利 Siri 如何讀懂嘴脣這樣它就不必經常用麥克風收聽 “Siri” 或 “嘿,Siri” 之類的命令。

What Happened: Apple's latest patent filing reveals that it is trying to teach Siri how to get smarter by detecting and understanding the motions of its users to be more accurate about what they are trying to say.

發生了什麼: 蘋果最新的專利申請顯示,它正試圖教導Siri如何通過檢測和理解用戶的動作來變得更聰明,從而更準確地了解他們想說的話。

See Also: Why Is Apple Killing 100s Of ChatGPT-Like Apps On the Chinese App Store?

另請參閱: 爲什麼蘋果要在中國 App Store 上扼殺數百個類似 ChatGPT 的應用程序?

"Data is received from a motion sensor, for instance, recording the motion of a user as the user utters a spoken input," Apple said in its filing, describing how the technology would work. It also mentioned the use of an accelerometer and a gyroscope, both of which are already present in iPhones.


Reinforcements For Siri: While Apple seems to be pulling a page out of 1968 epic "2001: A Space Odyssey", it might actually need reinforcements from motion detection technology to make Siri more reliable at understanding voice commands.

Siri 的增援部隊: 儘管蘋果似乎正在從1968年史詩般的《2001:太空漫遊》中撤出一頁,但它實際上可能需要運動檢測技術的增援才能使Siri在理解語音命令方面更加可靠。

"Voice control systems can result in false positive responses," the filing says.


Motion detection would give Siri an additional data point to understand the user's commands. Apple says an always-on microphone also consumes power even when the user is not using voice commands.

運動檢測將爲 Siri 提供額外的數據點來理解用戶的命令。蘋果表示,即使用戶不使用語音命令,始終開啓的麥克風也會消耗電量。

"Continuously detecting and processing audio data expends power and processing capacity even when the user is not actively using voice control," Apple said in its patent filing as one of the reasons behind using motion detection.

蘋果在專利申請中說:“即使用戶沒有積極使用語音控制,持續檢測和處理音頻數據也會消耗功耗和處理能力,” 蘋果在專利申請中說,這是使用運動檢測的原因之一。

It adds that motion detection would be more power efficient, instead. "Motion sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes can detect these motions while expending relatively little power compared to audio sensors such as microphones," Apple says.


Not requiring always-on microphones would also be a positive when it comes to user privacy, but it remains to be seen how far in the development cycle this feature is.


Image source – Shutterstock

圖片來源 — Shutterstock

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