
Beyond Oil Signs UK Distributor Agreement With Vital Hospitality Ltd.

Beyond Oil Signs UK Distributor Agreement With Vital Hospitality Ltd.

Beyond Oil 与 Vital Hospitality Ltd.
Accesswire ·  2023/08/09 07:30

Agreement is Beyond Oil's First Commercial Distribution Partnership in Europe


VANCOUVER, BC and KIBBUTZ YIFAT, ISRAEL / ACCESSWIRE / August 9, 2023 / Beyond Oil Ltd. (CSE:BOIL)(OTCQB: BEOLF) ("Beyond Oil" or the "Company"), a food-tech innovation company extending the life of frying oil, reducing costs and waste, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a distributor agreement (the "Distribution Agreement") with Vital Hospitality Ltd. ("Vital Hospitality"). The Distribution Agreement gives Vital Hospitality the rights and a license to market and sell Beyond Oil's product to food service customers in the United Kingdom.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省和以色列基布兹伊法特/ACCESSWIRE/2023年8月9日 /Beyond Oil Ltd.(CSE:煮沸)(OTCQB:BEOLF)(“超越石油“或”公司),一家延长油炸寿命,降低成本和浪费的食品技术创新公司,高兴地宣布,它已经与经销商签订了协议(分销协议“)与VITAL HOTITIATION Ltd.(”重要的热情好客《经销协议》授予VITAL HOTITY向英国食品服务客户销售Beyond Oil产品的权利和许可证。

"Vital Hospitality is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions which support our customer base to simplify their day-to-day operations while lowering both their operating costs and carbon footprint," stated Justin Samuels, Founder and CEO of Vital Hospitality. "Throughout our trial period in the UK, we thoroughly evaluated Beyond Oil's product and its remarkable capacity to extend oil life and its simplicity of use. Additionally, I had the pleasure of meeting the Beyond Oil team in Israel and witnessing firsthand the satisfaction of several of their customers who have successfully incorporated the product into their operations. After careful consideration, we are confident that this product will significantly enhance our customers' experiences in various ways, such as cost savings, improved food quality, and waste reduction. Notably, we are impressed by its potential to reduce the carbon footprint of the food-service industry, aligning perfectly with our commitment to sustainable practices. We eagerly anticipate introducing this innovative solution to our customers in the United Kingdom."

VITAL Hotality创始人兼首席执行官贾斯汀·塞缪尔表示:“VITAL HOTITality致力于提供尖端的解决方案,支持我们的客户群简化日常运营,同时降低他们的运营成本和碳足迹。在我们在英国的整个试用期内,我们对Beyond Oil的产品及其延长石油使用寿命的非凡能力和使用简单性进行了彻底的评估。此外,我有幸在以色列会见了Beyond Oil团队,并亲眼目睹了他们的几个客户的满意,他们成功地将产品整合到了他们的业务中。经过仔细考虑,我们有信心这款产品将在各种方面显著提升我们客户的体验,如节省成本、提高食品质量和减少浪费。值得注意的是,我们对其减少食品服务行业碳足迹的潜力印象深刻,这与我们对可持续实践的承诺完美一致。我们热切期待向我们在英国的客户推出这种创新的解决方案。“

"It is with great pleasure that we announce our partnership with a renowned expert in the UK food service industry," said Jonathan Or, Co-Founder and CEO of Beyond Oil. "Vital Hospitality is at the forefront of product innovation in the food service industry - and we are looking forward to providing them with a ground-breaking solution for their valued customers. We eagerly anticipate their support in introducing our disruptive product to the food industry in the United Kingdom."

Beyond Oil联合创始人兼首席执行官乔纳森·奥尔表示:“我们非常高兴地宣布与英国餐饮服务行业的一位知名专家建立合作伙伴关系。”重要酒店处于餐饮服务行业产品创新的前沿,我们期待着为他们的尊贵客户提供开创性的解决方案。我们热切期待他们支持我们将我们的颠覆性产品引入英国的食品行业。

Distribution Agreement


The Distribution Agreement establishes Vital Hospitality as a distributor of Beyond Oil's product in the food service market in the United Kingdom. Under the terms of the Distribution Agreement, Vital Hospitality will market, distribute and sell Beyond Oil's product to its existing and prospective customers in the United Kingdom and will also be responsible for providing training and support services to such customers. The Distribution Agreement is dated August 8, 2023, has an initial term of four (4) years and will renew for an additional three (3) year term, subject to certain conditions.

根据经销协议,VITAL HOTITY将成为Beyond Oil产品在英国餐饮服务市场的分销商。根据分销协议的条款,VITAL HOTITality将向其在英国的现有和潜在客户营销、分销和销售Beyond Oil的产品,并将负责向这些客户提供培训和支持服务。分销协议日期为2023年8月8日,初始期限为四(4)年,并将根据某些条件续订三(3)年。

Product Highlights


Frying Oils Recovery: Extensive testing indicates that the Beyond Oil Product extends the usable life of frying oil, improves product quality, and reduces frying oil costs. As a preferential adsorbent, the product reduces and prevents the formation of harmful components such as free fatty acids ("FFA"), total polar materials ("TPM"), acrylamide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ("PAHs"), trans fats, and other impurities, ensuring frying oil stays fresh and fried food tastes fantastic.

油炸油回收利用:广泛的测试表明,Beyond Oil产品延长了煎炸油的使用寿命,提高了产品质量,降低了煎炸油成本。作为一种优先的吸附剂,该产品减少和防止有害成分的形成,如游离脂肪酸(FFA),总的极性物质(TPM)、丙烯酰胺、多环芳烃(多环芳烃)、反式脂肪和其他杂质,确保煎炸油保持新鲜,油炸食品味道极佳。

One-of-a-Kind: Beyond Oil has developed a unique solution that can absorb the FFAs and TPMs generated in frying oil, together with other harmful components and undesired off-flavors, colors, and odors.

独一无二的:Beyond Oil开发了一种独特的解决方案,可以吸收煎炸油中产生的FFA和TPM,以及其他有害成分和不受欢迎的异味、颜色和气味。

Patent Protected: The Company also has a portfolio of registered and patent-pending solutions that extend the shelf-life of produced and used vegetable oils.


Potential Cost-Savings: One of Beyond Oil's unique value propositions is that it can dramatically lower costs for quick-service restaurants by significantly extending the useful life of the oil while meeting food quality and safety requirements. For more information on how the Beyond Oil Product extends the life of frying oil, see the Company's news release dated December 12, 2022.

潜在的成本节约:Beyond Oil独特的价值主张之一是,它可以显著延长油的使用寿命,同时满足食品质量和安全要求,从而大幅降低快餐店的成本。有关Beyond Oil产品如何延长煎炸油使用寿命的更多信息,请参阅该公司日期为2022年12月12日的新闻稿。

Distribution Ready: The Company received a non-objection letter from the US Food & Drug Administration ("FDA") in March 2022, on the basis that all the Beyond Oil Product ingredients meet food-grade specifications of the FDA. In May 2022, Beyond Oil received a non-objection letter from Health Canada and a National Sanitation Foundation certification. Beyond Oil is legally permitted to sell its product into the Israeli market according to the processing-aid and filtering-aid regulations.

分发准备就绪:本公司收到美国食品和药物管理局(“FDA”)的无异议函。林业局2022年3月,在所有Beyond Oil产品成分符合FDA食品级规格的基础上。2022年5月,Beyond Oil收到了加拿大卫生部的反对信和国家卫生基金会的认证。根据加工辅助和过滤辅助法规,Beyond Oil被合法地允许向以色列市场销售其产品。

How the Beyond Oil Product Works


The Beyond Oil Product integrates into the existing filtration systems of both commercial and industrial fryers. The combination of active filtration by the powder and passive filtration by the filter and filtration machine ensures the best results by removing other degradation particles. The powder remains on the filter and creates an additional layer which provides the microfiltration benefit.

Beyond Oil产品集成到商业和工业油炸机的现有过滤系统中。粉末的主动过滤和过滤器和过滤机的被动过滤相结合,通过去除其他降解颗粒确保了最佳的效果。粉末仍然留在过滤器上,并产生一层额外的层,提供微过滤的好处。

About Beyond Oil Ltd.

Beyond Oil Ltd.简介

Beyond Oil is an innovative food-tech company dedicated to transforming the way we consume and produce food. We provide sustainable solutions for the food industry, prioritizing environmental protection and the well-being of its workers and customers. Our innovative solutions help reduce costs for our partners and clients while ensuring responsible and eco-friendly practices. We are committed to environmental responsibility, minimizing the carbon footprint of the food industry on our planet. By implementing cutting-edge techniques, we deliver a healthier final product by reducing the formation of carcinogenic substances in fried food. Our vision is to create a more sustainable future where food safety, cost efficiency, and environmental consciousness come together seamlessly. For more information, visit our website at: .

Beyond Oil是一家创新的食品科技公司,致力于改变我们消费和生产食品的方式。我们为食品行业提供可持续的解决方案,优先考虑环境保护和员工和客户的福祉。我们的创新解决方案有助于为我们的合作伙伴和客户降低成本,同时确保负责任和环保的做法。我们致力于环境责任,最大限度地减少食品行业在地球上的碳足迹。通过采用尖端技术,我们通过减少油炸食品中致癌物质的形成,提供更健康的最终产品。我们的愿景是创造一个更可持续的未来,将食品安全、成本效益和环境意识无缝地结合在一起。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站:。

About Vital Hospitality Ltd.

关于VITAL Hotality Ltd.

Vital Hospitality is based in London, UK, and imports and distributes cost-effective and innovative maintenance, cleaning, and hygiene solutions for commercial kitchens and bakeries across the United Kingdom. Vital Hospitality sells a range of award-winning products and solutions that help its customers reduce costs, simplify processes and reduce their carbon footprint. Vital Hospitality provides an extraordinary level of customer service and support to the brands it represents across the UK, which helps them to build long-lasting partnerships with independent and large-brand restaurant operators, hotels, public houses, caterers, bakeries, and other high-volume food producers. Vital Hospitality is focused on providing customized solutions, training, and ongoing support for its customers to ensure that the solutions are seamlessly integrated into their daily operational workstreams. For more information visit:

VITAL HOTITality总部设在英国伦敦,为英国各地的商业厨房和面包店进口和分销具有成本效益的创新维护、清洁和卫生解决方案。VITAL Hoitality销售一系列屡获殊荣的产品和解决方案,帮助客户降低成本、简化流程并减少碳足迹。VITAL HOTITality为其在英国各地代表的品牌提供非凡水平的客户服务和支持,帮助他们与独立和大品牌餐厅运营商、酒店、餐饮公司、面包店和其他高产量食品生产商建立长期的合作伙伴关系。VITAL Hoitality专注于为客户提供定制的解决方案、培训和持续支持,以确保解决方案无缝集成到他们的日常运营工作流中。有关更多信息,请访问:

Jonathan Or
CEO and Co-founder


Caroline Sawamoto
Investor Relations


Forward Looking Statement and Information


The Canadian Securities Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the Company and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and are based upon management's current expectations, beliefs and projections, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain. Such expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith. However, there can be no assurance that management's expectations, beliefs and projections will be achieved, and actual results may differ materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. In addition, we cannot assure that any patent will issued as a result of a pending patent application or, if issued, whether it will issue in a form that will be advantageous to us. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. For a more detailed description of the risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, reference is made to the Company's reports filed from time to time at . Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, subsequent events or circumstances, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. If the Company does update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect thereto or with respect to other forward-looking statements. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. The Company is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites.


SOURCE: Beyond Oil Ltd.

资料来源:Beyond Oil Ltd.

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