
Encouraging Copper Results From Maiden Scout Drill Program at Dora Prospect

Encouraging Copper Results From Maiden Scout Drill Program at Dora Prospect

Dora Prospect的首次侦察演习计划取得了令人鼓舞的铜业成绩
newsfile ·  2023/09/05 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 5, 2023) - CopperCorp Resources Inc. (TSXV: CPER) (OTCQB: CPCPF) ("CopperCorp" or the "Company") is pleased to report assay results from its maiden scout drilling program at the Dora prospect located in the Skyline Project, western Tasmania, Australia.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年9月5日)-CopperCorp Resources Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CPER)(场外柜台股票代码:CPCPF)(以下称“CopperCorp”或“公司”)高兴地报告了其在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州西部Skyline Project的Dora探矿首次侦察钻探项目的分析结果。



  • Results received for the Company's maiden drill program designed as a scout concept test of the 5km-long outcropping mineralization system at the Dora prospect1,2. The scout program is the first drilling to target the under-explored trend and was co-funded by the Tasmanian government under their Exploration Drilling Grant Incentive (EDGI) scheme.
  • 该公司的首次钻探计划收到的结果是作为多拉探矿区长5公里的露头矿化系统的侦察概念测试1,2。该侦察计划是第一个针对勘探不足趋势的钻探计划,由塔斯马尼亚政府根据他们的勘探钻探赠款激励(EDGI)计划共同资助。
  • Two diamond core holes (D3-001 and D2-002) totalling 788.7m drilled on the Dora 3 target testing outcropping Cu-Au anomalies. The target concept was confirmed with both holes intersecting broad zones of anomalous IOCG-style copper mineralization. Best intercepts include:

    • 29.0m @ 0.18 % Cu from 248m, including 4.0m @ 0.46% Cu and 0.12g/t Au and 31.4g/t Ag from 249m (D3-001).
    • 34.0m @ 0.12% Cu from 212m (D3-002).
  • Copper mineralization comprising disseminated, breccia, and vein style chalcopyrite in moderate to strongly magnetite-chlorite to potassic (k-feldspar) altered host rocks. The intensity of alteration and mineralization and generally low tenure of copper grades possibly indicates that the holes intersected the lower-grade, less intense parts of a larger IOCG system.

  • The results are highly encouraging and emphasize the exploration potential at the Dora prospect and greater Skyline project area and further exploration work is being planned to expand the Company's understanding of the potential of this system.

  • 在多拉3号靶区钻了两个总长788.7m的钻石芯孔(D3-001和D2-002),测试发现了铜-金异常。目标概念得到证实,两个洞都与IOCG式铜矿化异常的宽阔地带相交。最佳拦截包括:

    • 29.0M@0.18%铜2.48亿美元,包括4.0M@0.46%铜和0.12g/t Au和31.4g/t Ag249米(D3-001)。
    • 34.0M@0.12%铜从212米(D3-002)开始。
  • 铜矿化由中-强磁铁矿-绿泥石-钾质(钾长石)蚀变容矿岩石中的浸染状、角砾岩和脉状黄铜矿组成。蚀变和矿化的强度以及铜品位普遍较低的储量可能表明,这些洞与较大的IOCG系统中较低品位、强度较低的部分相交。

  • 结果非常令人鼓舞,并强调了在Dora勘探和大天际线项目区的勘探潜力,目前正在计划进一步的勘探工作,以扩大公司对该系统潜力的了解。

Stephen Swatton, President and CEO of CopperCorp, commented:


"This limited drill program at the Dora has confirmed the presence of IOCG style mineralization at the Dora prospect. On a district scale, the larger IOCG system is interpreted to extend over a strike length of some 95km - over which the Company holds a dominant land position including the newly acquired and highly prospective Razorback Project3. The IOCG system has genetic connections with the world class Mount Lyell copper deposit (see figure 2). Further drilling at Dora had to be postponed due to challenging and atypical weather conditions encountered for the duration of the drilling contract. This first scout program has proved proof of concept and Dora warrants further exploration and drilling as this limited program has barely tested the target."


Skyline Project
The Skyline Project (EL16/2018) covers 97 km2 of prospective ground along the eastern margin of the highly mineralized Cambrian-aged Mount Read Volcanics (MRV) belt. Two large-scale operating mines lay within 5 km of the project - the Mt Lyell Cu-Au deposit (3 Mt Cu and 3 Moz Au @ 1.0% Cu and 0.3g/t Au)4, and the Henty Au deposit (1.64 Moz Au @ 12.5 g/t Au)4.

天际线项目(EL16/2018)覆盖97公里2.沿着高度矿化的寒武纪古老的里德火山(MRV)带东缘的潜在地面。在该项目周围5公里范围内有两个正在运营的大型矿山--莱尔山铜金矿床(3Mt铜和3Moz Au,含1.0%铜和0.3g/t Au)4.,和恒提金矿(1.64MozAu@12.5g/t Au)4.

At the Dora prospect a northwest trending zone of highly prospective outcropping Cu-Au mineralization extends over a strike length of approximately 5km1. Despite evidence for a potentially significant Cu-Au system at Dora, the area had previously remained untested by drilling. CopperCorp identified four priority target areas at Dora2, with two of the target areas (Dora 2 and Dora 3) originally selected for initial drilling2. Only the Dora 3 target area was tested by drilling as the program was cut short due to adverse weather conditions and associated logistical issues.

在多拉远景区,一条极具远景的露头铜金矿化的西北走向带延伸了约5公里的走向。1。尽管有证据表明多拉可能存在重要的铜-金系统,但该地区此前仍未经过钻探测试。铜业公司确定了多拉的四个优先目标区域2.,其中两个目标区(Dora 2和Dora 3)最初被选为初始钻探2.。由于不利的天气条件和相关的后勤问题,该计划被缩短,因此只对Dora 3目标区域进行了钻探测试。

Exploration Concept


The Mount Read Volcanics (MRV) is an arcuate belt of Cambrian aged calc-alkaline volcanic sequences and broadly co-magmatic granitoid intrusives. It is host to several world-class polymetallic base metal, Cu-Au, and Au-only deposits. The MRV formed in sub-marine rift basins related to a post-subduction extensional tectonic regime during the Middle Cambrian Tyennan-Delamerian Orogeny.


CopperCorp has recognized a large, district-scale magmatic-hydrothermal IOCG style Cu-Au and REE system is developed along the eastern margin of the MRV belt associated with a spine of Cambrian aged magnetite-series, K-Ba-REE rich, alkaline granitoid-porphyry intrusives that drive the mineralization system. The regional tectonic setting (post-collisional/back-arc setting), calc-alkaline volcanic host rocks and style of Cu-Au mineralization/alteration of the MRV can be broadly compared with the Andean Coastal Cordillera IOCG belt which hosts numerous large Cu-Au deposits such as Candelaria (470Mt @ 0.95% Cu, 0.22g/t Au).

CopperCorp已经确认了一个大型的区域性岩浆-热液IOCG式的铜-金和稀土系统,该系统沿着MRV带的东缘发育,与寒武纪古老的磁铁矿系列、富含K-BA-REE的碱性花岗岩-斑岩侵入岩有关,驱动了成矿系统。其区域构造环境(碰撞后/弧后环境)、钙碱性火山容矿岩石和铜-金矿化/蚀变类型可广泛地与安第斯海岸科迪勒拉IOCG带进行比较,后者拥有大量大型铜-金矿床,如Candelaria(470mt@0.95%Cu,0.22g/t Au)。

The exploration potential of the IOCG system is illustrated by historical drill intercepts into IOCG style mineralization at CopperCorp's recently acquired Razorback Project3 including 13.4m @ 1.6% Cu and 1.6g/t Au from 61.6m (drillhole JP2)3 at the Jukes prospect. Potential for rare earth element (REE) mineralization is also recognized with previous exploration drilling returning REE intercepts of 30.0m @ 2.1% TREO (drillhole SDD005)3, and anomalous REE's in surface rock chip sampling up to 16.2% TREO3 at the South Darwin prospect with limited follow-up exploration.

在CopperCorp最近收购的Razorback项目中,对IOCG样式矿化的历史钻探截获表明了IOCG系统的勘探潜力3.包括13.4M@1.6%铜和1.6g/t Au距离61.6米(JP2钻孔)3.朱克斯的前景。稀土元素(REE)成矿潜力也被认为是以前的勘探钻探返回的稀土元素截获的30.0M@2.1%TREO(钻孔SDD005)3.,地表岩屑样品中的稀土元素异常可达16.2%TREO3.在南达尔文勘探区进行有限的后续勘探。

Drilling Results
Dora 3 Target Area:
The Dora 3 target area comprises an elongate zone, some +500m in strike length (open), of outcropping mineralization in an altered volcaniclastic host rock sequence. Anomalous assays from rock sampling in the Dora 3 area has included up to 1.03% Cu with 0.4g/t Au, 21g/t Ag and 0.13% Zn1,2.

DORA 3目标区

The Company completed a scout drilling program at the Dora 3 target comprising 2 drill holes for a total of 788.7m. Drilling was designed to test for IOCG style mineralization highlighted by surface mapping and geochemistry. No previous drilling had been undertaken in the target area.

该公司在Dora 3目标完成了一项侦察钻探计划,其中包括2个总长788.7米的钻孔。钻探的目的是测试地表测绘和地球化学突出的IOCG样式的矿化。此前在目标区域没有进行过任何钻探。

Both drill holes intersected multiple zones of low-grade disseminated and vein style chalcopyrite mineralization (see Figures 4-6). Elevated values of gold, silver, lead and zinc are associated with the copper mineralization. Mineralized assay intervals for D3-001 and D3-002 are detailed in Table 2 and include best results of:




  • 29.0m @ 0.18 % Cu from 248m, including 4.0m @ 0.46% Cu and 0.12g/t Au and 31.4g/t Ag from 249m.
  • 29.0M@0.18%铜2.48亿美元,包括4.0M@0.46%铜和0.12g/t Au和31.4g/t Ag249米起。



  • 34.0m @ 0.12% Cu from 212m (D3-002).
  • 34.0M@0.12%铜从212米(D3-002)开始。

Host rock lithology in the drill holes comprises quartz-feldspar-phyric rhyolites, diverse felsic volcaniclastic rocks, feldspar-biotite-hornblende-phyric andesites and related mafic-intermediate volcaniclastic rocks. Both holes intersected similar styles of hydrothermal alteration including K-feldspar-chlorite, chlorite-magnetite-pyrite, and sericite-chlorite-carbonate alteration facies. Copper mineralization in the form of disseminated, blebby and whispy stringer-vein chalcopyrite is predominantly associated with the chlorite-magnetite alteration zones.


The alteration types and mineralization styles in the Dora drill holes are consistent with those observed elsewhere in the district-scale MRV IOCG system and also in IOCG terrains worldwide. At the Company's recently acquired Razorback Project, high-grade Cu-Au and REE intercepts in historical drilling is associated with similar host rocks and alteration/mineralization styles as observed in the Dora prospect holes. Deep levels of the Mt Lyell copper-gold system (3Mt contained copper) are also known to contain zones of significant magnetite contents that have been previously interpreted to have affinities with Razorback style mineralization.

多拉钻孔中的蚀变类型和矿化类型与区域规模的MRV IOCG系统中的其他地方以及世界各地的IOCG地形中观察到的一致。在本公司最近收购的Razorback项目中,在历史钻探中截获的高品位铜-金和稀土元素与Dora探矿洞中观察到的相似的容矿岩石和蚀变/矿化类型有关。莱尔山铜-金系统的深层(3Mt含铜)也被认为含有大量磁铁矿,以前曾被解释为与Razorback风格的矿化有亲缘关系。

Other Business


New Tenements Granted
As previously reported (refs) the Company previously submitted tenement applications for EL15/2022 (Whiskey Creek Project) and EL8/2023 (Razorback Project). Both these tenements have now been granted and the Company looks forward to providing further information and updates on these tenements in the near future.


Drill Hole Location Data


Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation (m) Azimuth Inclination Depth (m)
D3-001 387745 5354686 765 240 -50 392.5
D3-002 387745 5354686 765 290 -60 396.2
孔ID 向东 北距 高程(米) 方位角 倾角 深度(米)
D3-001 387745 5354686 七百六十五 240 -50 392.5
D3-002 387745 5354686 七百六十五 二百九十 -60 396.2

Table 1. Dora 3 target area CopperCorp drill hole location and summary data (this news release).

表1.DORA 3目标区铜业公司钻孔位置及汇总数据(本新闻稿)。

Significant Mineralized Intervals (0.1% Cu cut-off)


Hole Number From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Cu (%) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Pb (%) Zn (%)
D3-001 133.0 136.0 3.0 0.13 0.02 1.8 0.004 0.04
D3-001 152.0 159.0 7.0 0.11 0.03 6.3 0.04 0.08
D3-001 214.0 228.0 14.0 0.13 0.03 6.5 0.12 0.3
D3-001 248.0 277.0 29.0 0.18 0.04 16.0 0.23 0.23
including 249.0 253.0 4.0 0.46 0.12 31.4 0.45 0.51
and 272.0 277.0 5.0 0.24 0.05 43.3 0.48 0.18
D3-002 212.0 246.0 34.0 0.12 0.03 2.3 0.03 0.11
including 234.0 236.0 2.0 0.36 0.2 6.6 0.26 0.36

275.0 291.0 16.0 0.10 0.02 4.5 0.11 0.10

302.0 303.0 1.0 0.18 0.37 4.0 0.05 0.04
孔数 发件人(M) 至(M) 间隔(M) CU(%) Au(克/吨) 银(克/吨) PB(%) 锌(%)
D3-001 133.0 136.0 3.0 0.13 0.02 1.8 0.004 0.04
D3-001 152.0 159.0 7.0 0.11 0.03 6.3 0.04 0.08
D3-001 214.0 228.0 14.0 0.13 0.03 6.5 0.12 0.3
D3-001 248.0 277.0 29.0 0.18 0.04 16.0 0.23 0.23
包括 249.0 253.0 4.0 0.46 0.12 31.4 0.45 0.51
272.0 277.0 5.0 0.24 0.05 43.3 0.48 0.18
D3-002 212.0 246.0 34.0 0.12 0.03 2.3 0.03 0.11
包括 234.0 236.0 2.0 0.36 0.2 6.6 0.26 0.36

275.0 291.0 16.0 0.10 0.02 4.5 0.11 0.10

302.0 303.0 1.0 0.18 0.37 4.0 0.05 0.04

Table 2: Dora 3 target area significant drillhole mineralized intercepts reported in this news release. Reported grades are calculated as down-hole length weighted averages. A 0.1% Cu lower cut-off grade is applied. Intercepts are downhole intervals.

表2:本新闻稿中报告的DORA 3目标区重要钻孔矿化截获情况。报告的等级以井下长度加权平均值计算。下限品位为0.1%的铜。截距是指井下的井段。

Figure 1. Location plan showing CopperCorp's exploration licenses and project areas in western Tasmania, Australia.


Figure 2. Skyline and Razorback project areas with TMI magnetics image.


Figure 3. Drill hole locations with TMI RTP image and surface rock sample copper assays.

图3.用TMI RTP图像和地表岩石样品铜分析的钻孔位置。

Figure 4. Photo of drill core from hole D3-001, 250.0m, showing disseminated chalcopyrite in k-feldspar-chlorite-magnetite altered rhyolite.

图4.250.0m D3-001孔钻孔岩心照片,显示K-长石-绿泥石-磁铁矿蚀变流纹岩中有浸染状黄铜矿。

Figure 5. Photo of drill core from hole D3-001, 261.8m, showing whispy chalcopyrite veins in chlorite-magnetite altered andesite.


Figure 6. Photo of drill core from hole D3-001, 273.8m, showing whispy chalcopyrite-pyrite veins in k-feldspar and chlorite-magnetite altered andesite.


About the Skyline Project
The Skyline Project (EL16/2018) covers 97 km2 of prospective ground along the eastern margin of the highly mineralized subduction-related, Cambrian-aged calc-alkaline volcanic arc of the Mount Read Volcanics belt. Two large-scale operating mines lay within 5 km of the project - the Mt Lyell Cu-Au deposit (3 Mt Cu and 3 Moz Au @ 1.0% Cu and 0.3g/t Au)4, and the Henty Au deposit (1.64 Moz Au @ 12.5 g/t Au).4 The project was acquired by the Company through its acquisition of Georgina Resources Pty Ltd in November 2020. Further information on the project is detailed within the NI43-101 technical report1.

天际线项目(EL16/2018)覆盖97公里2.沿着里德山火山带与高度矿化的俯冲相关的寒武纪钙碱性火山弧东缘的远景地面。在该项目周围5公里范围内有两个正在运营的大型矿山--莱尔山铜金矿床(3Mt铜和3Moz Au,含1.0%铜和0.3g/t Au)4.,和恒提金矿(1.64MozAu@12.5g/tAu)。4.该项目由本公司于2020年11月通过收购Georgina Resources Pty Ltd.获得。有关该项目的详细信息见NI43-101技术报告1

About CopperCorp
CopperCorp is a well-financed mineral exploration company with approximately C$5.2M in working capital as of June 30, 2023 and is exploring in locations that could host world class size copper-gold deposits in western Tasmania, Australia.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control on Assay Results
Full information on historical exploration activities and results at the Dora prospect and Skyline Project are included in the Company's Technical Report with an effective date of September 14, 20221.


Information on historical and recent prospecting, mining, and exploration activities at the Skyline Project and Dora prospect and other prospective areas contained within this news release has been reviewed and verified by the Qualified Person. Historical and recent data is considered sufficiently consistent between generations of past explorers, and sufficiently consistent with recent results, to provide confidence that compiled and reviewed assay results are indicative of the tenor of the samples. In the opinion of the Qualified Person, sufficient verification of the data has been undertaken to provide sufficient confidence that past exploration programs were performed to adequate industry standards and the data reported is fit for substantiating the prospectivity of the project in general, supporting the geological model/s proposed, planning exploration programs, and identifying/generating targets for further investigation.


CopperCorp's diamond core drill holes are drilled at HQ and NQ core diameters using triple tube to maximize recovery. Core recovery is generally good in mineralized zones (95-100%) with poorer recoveries associated with brittle faulting on zone margins. Sample collection is supervised by CopperCorp geological staff. Mineralized zones are marked up for sampling by an experienced geologist. Half core is split by diamond saw on nominal 1.0m sample lengths while respecting geological contacts. Samples are bagged and ticketed prior to delivery by Company personnel to the ALS commercial laboratories in Burnie, Tasmania, for sample preparation. The half core samples are crushed to 80% passing 2mm, riffle split to 500g and then pulverized to pass 75um. Coarse duplicate sampling is conducted every 20 samples to assess variability of the coarse crush. Cu and multi-element assay is by 4-acid digest followed by ICP-MS at ALS laboratories by method ME-ICP61a. Au assay is by 30g fire assay at ALS laboratories by method Au-AA25. Certified reference materials (CRMs), blank and duplicate QAQC samples are included in sample submissions at 20 sample intervals. All QAQC samples were within acceptable limits (2 standard deviations for CRMs, duplicates <5%).

CopperCorp的钻石岩芯钻孔使用三管钻取HQ和NQ岩心直径,以最大限度地提高采收率。岩心回收率一般在矿化带(95%-100%)较好,而与带边缘的脆性断层有关的回收率较差。样本采集由CopperCorp地质工作人员监督。矿化带被标记为由有经验的地质学家取样。在尊重地质接触的情况下,半芯由标称为1.0米样品长度的钻石锯劈开。样品在公司人员送到位于塔斯马尼亚州伯尼的ALS商业实验室进行样品准备之前,会被装进袋子并贴上罚单。半芯样品粉碎至80%,通过2 mm,碎屑裂解至500g,然后粉碎至75um。粗重复抽样每20个样本进行一次,以评估粗碎的可变性。铜和多元素测定采用4酸消化-电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP61a)方法。金的测定是在肌萎缩侧索硬化症实验室用Au-AA25方法进行的30克火试金。经认证的标准物质(CRM)、空白和重复的QAQC样本包括在提交的样本中,间隔为20个样本。所有QAQC样品均在可接受的范围内(标准偏差2个,重复性

Mineralized Interval Calculations
Reported significant mineralized intervals in this news release are calculated as down-hole length-weighted intercepts using a 0.1% Cu lower cut-off grade and generally carry a maximum internal dilution of 4m. No top-cut grade was applied. True widths of drill hole intercepts are yet to be determined; however, it is estimated that true widths are in the range of 70% to 95% of reported intervals.


Qualified Person
The Company's disclosure of technical or scientific information related to the Skyline Project and the Dora prospect in this news release was reviewed and approved by Sean Westbrook, VP Exploration for the Company. Mr. Westbrook is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. This news release also contains information about adjacent properties on which the Company does not have an interest. Information sources regarding the adjacent properties are listed in the References section of this news release. The QP has been unable to verify the information on these adjacent properties and the information is not necessarily indicative to the mineralization on the properties that is the subject of this news release.


1Independent Technical Report on EL16/2018 Walford Peak (Skyline Project), Tasmania, Australia. Prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties (NI 43-101). Effective date September 14, 2022 (CPER TSXV News Release September 21, 2022).
2CPER: TSXV News Release 21st February 2023.
3CPER: TSXV News Release 6th June 2023.
4Seymour, D.B., Green, G.R., and Calver, C.R. 2007. The Geology and Mineral Resource of Tasmania: a summary. Geological Survey Bulletin 72. Mineral Resources Tasmania, Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Tasmania.

1关于EL16/2018澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚Walford Peak(天际线项目)的独立技术报告。根据加拿大国家文书43-101《矿物属性披露标准》(NI 43-101)编制。生效日期:2022年9月14日(CPER TSXV新闻稿,2022年9月21日)。

Stephen Swatton
President, CEO & Director


Alexander Muir, CFA
Manager, Corporate Development & Investor Relations


Additional information about CopperCorp can be found on its website: and at .


CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION: This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian securities legislation relating to drilling results, planned drilling, drilling and exploration programs, the interpretation of drilling results, the merits and potential of the Dora prospect and the Skyline Project, mineralization and the potential to expand the mineralization, the definition of higher grade mineralization zones, plans for future exploration and drilling and the timing of same, the receipt of assay results and reporting of same, the merits of the Company's mineral projects, funding of drilling programs and other plans of the Company. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they are generally, but not always, identified by the words "encouraging", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "interpret", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "aims", "suggests", "often", "target", "future", "likely", "pending", "potential", "goal", "objective", "prospective", "possibly", "preliminary" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "can", "could" or "should" occur, or other statements, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions that forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made, and that such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements include risks associated with exploration and drilling; the timing and content of upcoming work programs; geological interpretations based on drilling that may change with more detailed information; possible accidents; the possibility that the Company may not be able to secure permitting and other governmental approvals necessary to carry out the Company's plans; the risk that the Company will not be able to raise sufficient funds to carry out its business plans; the possibility that future exploration results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; increases in costs; environmental compliance and changes in environmental and other local legislation and regulation; interest rate and exchange rate fluctuations; changes in economic and political conditions; and other risks involved in the mineral exploration industry. The reader is urged to refer to the Company's Management's discussion and Analysis, publicly available through the Canadian Securities Administrators' System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) at for a more complete discussion of risk factors and their potential effects.


Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions, including management's assumptions about the following: the availability of financing for the Company's exploration activities; operating and exploration costs; the Company's ability to attract and retain skilled staff; timing of the receipt of necessary regulatory and governmental approvals; market competition; and general business and economic conditions. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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