GCC Global Announces Change of CFO and Delay in Filing Year-End Required Filings
GCC Global Announces Change of CFO and Delay in Filing Year-End Required Filings
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 16, 2023) - GCC Global Capital Corporation (TSXV: GCCC.H) ("GCC" or the "Company") announces that Yonghong Hu has resigned as the Company's Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") and Corporate Secretary, and the Company appoints Zhizhen (Andrew) Liu as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary, effectively immediately. The Company wishes to thank Ms. Hu for her services and contributions to the Company and wishes her success in her future endeavors.
不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 10 月 16 日)- 海灣合作委員會全球資本公司 (TSXV: GCCC.H) (”GCC“或者”公司“)宣佈胡永紅已辭去公司首席財務官(“CFO”)兼公司秘書職務,公司任命劉志真(Andrew)爲首席財務官兼公司秘書,立即生效。公司感謝胡女士對公司的服務和貢獻,並祝願她在未來的工作中取得成功。
The Company also announces that it has made an application to the British Columbia Securities Commission to approve a temporary management cease trade order (the "MCTO") under National Policy 12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders ("NP 12-203"), which, if granted, will prohibit trading in securities of the Company by the chief executive officer and chief financial officer of the Company until the Required Filings (as defined below) and all continuous disclosure requirements have been filed by the Company, and the MCTO has been lifted. During the period in which the MCTO is effective, the general public, who are not insiders of the Company, will continue to be able to trade in the Company's listed securities. The MCTO application has been made, but there is no guarantee or assurance that the MCTO will be granted.
該公司還宣佈,它已向不列顛哥倫比亞省證券委員會申請批准一項臨時管理層停止交易令(即MCTO“) 根據第12-203號國家政策 管理層停止交易訂單 (”NP 12-203“),如果獲得批准,它將禁止公司首席執行官兼首席財務官交易公司證券,直到公司提交必要申報(定義見下文)和所有持續披露要求並且MCTO被解除爲止。在MCTO生效期間,非公司內部人士的公衆將繼續能夠交易公司的上市證券。MCTO申請已經提出,但不能保證或保證MCTO會獲得批准。
The Company expects it will be unable to file its audited financial statements for the financial year ended June 30, 2023, and the management's discussion and analysis and related Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer certificates for this period (collectively, the "Required Filings") by October 30, 2023, filing deadline (the "Filing Deadline"). The Company's failure to file its Required Filings by the Filing Deadline is due to the change of CFO and Corporate Secretary, and delay in receiving funds to initiate the audit of the Company's financial statements. The Company is expecting to receive funds shortly; the preparation of the required reports is underway, and the Company will engage an auditor to perform the audit accordingly.
公司預計,它將無法提交截至2023年6月30日的財政年度的已審計財務報表,也無法提交管理層的討論和分析以及該期間的相關首席執行官和首席財務官證書(統稱爲”所需申報“) 在 2023 年 10 月 30 日之前,申報截止日期(即”申請截止日期“)。公司未能在申報截止日期之前提交所需申報,這是由於首席財務官和公司秘書的變動,以及延遲收到啓動公司財務報表審計的資金。公司預計不久將獲得資金;所需報告的準備工作正在進行中,公司將聘請核數師進行相應的審計。
The Company anticipates that it will be in a position to remedy the default by filing the Required Filings on or before December 15, 2023. The MCTO will be in effect until the Required Filings are completed. The Company intends to satisfy the provisions of the alternative information guidelines set out in section 10 of NP 12-203 so long as the Required Filings are outstanding.
公司預計,通過在2023年12月15日當天或之前提交所需申報表,它將能夠糾正違約行爲。MCTO 將在所需申報文件完成之前生效。只要所需申報尚未提交,公司就打算滿足NP 12-203第10節中規定的替代信息指南的規定。
About GCC Global Capital Corporation
GCC Global Capital Corporation is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange as an Investment Issuer. The Company focuses on real estate, natural resources, and high-tech industries.
For further information, please contact Andrew Liu, CFO by email at aliu@gcccglobal.com or by phone at 778-866-2860.
欲了解更多信息,請發送電子郵件至 aliu@gcccglobal.com 或致電 778-866-2860 聯繫首席財務官劉安德魯。
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