
BP Buys $100M Worth Of Tesla Superchargers For Third-Party Network Expansion

BP Buys $100M Worth Of Tesla Superchargers For Third-Party Network Expansion

Benzinga ·  2023/10/27 04:05

BP (NYSE:BP) is sinking $100 million into buying Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) Supercharger hardware. This investment makes it the first company to acquire DC fast-charging equipment from Tesla for third-party charging network use.

BP (紐約證券交易所代碼:BP)正在投入1億美元進行收購 特斯拉 (納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)增壓器硬件。這項投資使其成爲第一家從特斯拉收購直流快速充電設備供第三方充電網絡使用的公司。

The purchase is part of BP's EV charging business, BP Pulse, The Verge reported. The business intends to invest up to $1 billion by 2030 to build a nationwide charging network, including $500 million in the next two to three years.

據The Verge報道,此次收購是英國石油公司電動汽車充電業務BP Pulse的一部分。該公司打算到2030年投資高達10億美元,建立全國性的充電網絡,包括在未來兩到三年內投資5億美元。

The Supercharger hardware has a charging capacity of up to 250kW and uses a Magic Dock connector. This connector allows for compatibility with the standardized North American Charging Standard (NACS) plug from Tesla or a CCS Combo attachment supporting most other EVs.

增壓器硬件的充電容量高達 250kW,並使用 Magic Dock 連接器。該連接器可兼容特斯拉的標準化北美充電標準 (NACS) 插頭或支持大多數其他電動汽車的 CCS Combo 附件。

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另見:由於電動汽車製造商 “領先競爭對手”,儘管短期 “痛苦加劇”,但凱茜·伍德的方舟仍看好特斯拉

Starting next year, BP Pulse aims to install these new chargers at BP family brands and third-party locations like Hertz rental car sites. The initial deployment will be in Houston, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, DC.

從明年開始,BP Pulse的目標是在英國石油家族品牌和赫茲租車網站等第三方地點安裝這些新充電器。最初的部署將在休斯頓、鳳凰城、洛杉磯、芝加哥和華盛頓特區。

BP Pulse has already installed over 27,000 charging stalls and plans to set up more than 100,000 worldwide by 2030. The Tesla Superchargers purchased by BP will operate on Omega software, different from Tesla's system. This software facilitates charging for fleet operators like Hertz and supports a Plug-and-Charge protocol, eliminating the need for a card tap or app activation.

BP Pulse已經安裝了超過27,000個充電站,並計劃到2030年在全球建立超過10萬個充電站。英國石油公司購買的特斯拉增壓器將在歐米茄軟件上運行,這與特斯拉的系統不同。該軟件便於像赫茲這樣的車隊運營商充電,並支持即插即用協議,無需觸摸卡片或激活應用程序。

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