
Meituan Announces Financial Results for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023

Meituan Announces Financial Results for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023

PR Newswire ·  2023/11/28 04:21

HONG KONG, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Meituan (HKG: 3690) (the "Company"), a leading technology-driven retail company in China, today announced the unaudited consolidated results of the Company for the three months ended September 30, 2023.

香港,2023年11月28日 /PRNewswire/ — 中國領先的技術驅動型零售公司美團(HKG:3690)(“公司”)今天公佈了公司截至2023年9月30日的三個月未經審計的合併業績。

Company Financial Highlights


During the third quarter of 2023, our revenues increased by 22.1% to RMB76.5 billion from RMB62.6 billion for the same period of 2022. Our adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net profit increased on a year-over-year basis to RMB6.2 billion and RMB5.7 billion for this quarter, increasing by 28.9% and 62.4% respectively. We also achieved operating cash inflow of RMB11.2 billion for the third quarter of 2023. We held cash and cash equivalents of RMB25.1 billion and short-term treasury investments of RMB108.5 billion as of September 30, 2023.


"We continued to innovate by introducing the Everything Now lifestyle to consumers and further facilitated industrial digital transformation. We have expanded the service scope that consumers can enjoy on our platform and further diversified our product formats," said Meituan Founder and CEO Xing Wang. "We intend to play an active role in enhancing the industry ecosystem, create more job opportunities, and help stimulate consumption. Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on our 'Retail + Technology' corporate strategy and 'Help people eat better, live better'," added Mr. Wang.

“我們通過向消費者介紹Everything Now生活方式來繼續創新,進一步促進了行業數字化轉型。我們擴大了消費者可以在我們的平台上享受的服務範圍,並進一步多樣化我們的產品格式。” 美團創始人兼首席執行官王興說。“我們打算在改善行業生態系統、創造更多就業機會和幫助刺激消費方面發揮積極作用。展望未來,我們將繼續專注於我們的'零售+科技'企業戰略和'幫助人們吃得更好,生活得更好',” 王先生補充說。

Meituan CFO Shaohui Chen said, "During the quarter, our businesses delivered resilient growth, setting new records across multiple performance metrics. Our confidence in the long-term potential of our core business remains intact. These businesses have proven their resilience and strong adaptability over the past decade, and we believe our experiences and strong execution capabilities will equip us to confront challenges, strengthen our competitive moats and capitalize on new opportunities in the future. Meanwhile, we will continue to pursue high-growth strategies for our new initiatives and continuously improve operating efficiency."


Company Business Highlights


Core Local Commerce


For the third quarter of 2023, segment revenue increased by 24.5% year over year to RMB57.7 billion. Operating profit increased by 8.3% year over year to RMB10.1 billion with operating margin stood at 17.5%. The solid growth of food delivery operating profit was partially offset by the decline of in-store, hotel & travel operating profit on year-over-year basis.


During the third quarter, the number of On-demand Delivery transactions increased by 23.0% year over year. Food delivery maintained strong growth momentum with peak daily order volume reaching a new record of 78 million, doubled from three years ago. We enhanced our understanding of consumer needs while also empowered merchants with digital operations, which further unlocked consumption potential. The scale of medium- and high-frequency user base as well as their purchase frequency continued to grow rapidly. We iterated our membership program and offered different sizes of coupon packages to boost transaction frequency. We continued to strengthen consumer mindshare across scenarios. For instance, we achieved over 21 million milk tea orders during this year's milk tea marketing campaign, demonstrating the vast potential of the afternoon tea category. We also witnessed strong growth in late-night snacks leveraging our marketing and subsidy strategies during the summer. In addition, "Pin Hao Fan" onboarded more high-quality supply at affordable price to better satisfy consumer demand for low-price meals. Our campaigns to promote mega-hit products, such as "Shen Qiang Shou", not only cultivated consumer behavior to watch live streaming and transact on Meituan, but also helped merchants accumulate customers and enhance brand image. For Time-honored Brands, we launched dedicated live streaming sessions to unlock their growth potentials. For the broader merchants, we also introduced new customer management tools that help them grow customer base and revenue. Through these efforts, we further expanded the diversity and improved the quality of our platform's supply. Moreover, as the population of flexible employment grows, we provide job opportunities for more couriers and continue to enhance their welfare and work experience.

在第三季度,按需交付交易數量同比增長23.0%。食品配送保持強勁的增長勢頭,每日最高訂單量達到7,800萬份,比三年前翻了一番。我們增強了對消費者需求的理解,同時也爲商家提供了數字化運營,這進一步釋放了消費潛力。中高頻用戶群的規模及其購買頻率繼續快速增長。我們對會員計劃進行了迭代,並提供了不同大小的優惠券套餐,以提高交易頻率。我們繼續加強消費者在不同場景中的思維份額。例如,在今年的奶茶營銷活動中,我們獲得了超過2100萬份奶茶訂單,展示了下午茶品類的巨大潛力。我們還目睹了夏季利用我們的營銷和補貼策略實現深夜零食的強勁增長。此外,“品好粉” 以實惠的價格提供了更多高質量的供應,以更好地滿足消費者對低價餐食的需求。我們推廣 “申強手” 等大熱商品的活動不僅培養了消費者在美團上觀看直播和交易的行爲,還幫助商家積累客戶和提升品牌形象。對於歷史悠久的品牌,我們推出了專門的直播會議,以釋放他們的增長潛力。對於更廣泛的商家,我們還推出了新的客戶管理工具,幫助他們擴大客戶群和收入。通過這些努力,我們進一步擴大了多樣性並提高了平台供應的質量。此外,隨着靈活就業人口的增長,我們爲更多的快遞員提供工作機會,並繼續改善他們的福利和工作經驗。

During the third quarter, Meituan Instashopping demonstrated another stellar growth with order volume, merchant base and user base all increasing notably. In August, Meituan Instashopping's daily order volume peaked at over 13 million. This development was supported by the growing number of users across city tiers, especially in the lower-tier cities. Purchase frequency growth from core users also accelerated. Consumers now use our service in a wider range of timeframes and consumption scenarios. On the merchant side, we facilitated the digitization of small- and medium-sized merchants, and partnered with nearly 400 brands. As a result, annual Active Merchants grew by 30% year over year in the third quarter. Retailers increasingly diversified their SKU offerings to better fit the on-demand retail channel, expanding the LBS products on our platform. Meituan InstaMarts, now surpassing 5,000, effectively supplements traditional offline supply. During the third quarter, non-food categories such as electronics, home appliances, and beauty products continued to lead the growth. We believe that on-demand retail will continue to drive consumption expansion and empower offline merchants, and we remain confident in the growth potential and our leading position of Meituan Instashopping.


The in-store, hotel & travel business continued to grow robustly, with GTV increasing by over 90% year over year in the third quarter. Quarterly Active Merchants grew by over 50% year over year, and quarterly Transacting Users also increased substantially. We solidified our competitive advantage in the shelf-based model, and leveraged short-form videos and live streaming to promote mega-hit products.


For the in-store business, monthly GTV grew robustly to a new high in August. We expanded our cost-effective product offerings and offered more engaging contents. We leverage our in-depth understanding of consumer demand, LBS features, and product capabilities to incentivize online transactions. Our live streaming sessions also effectively attract nearby consumers with specific consumption needs. We expanded our geographical coverage of Meituan Platform live streaming to over 200 cities, featuring more merchants and products during holiday seasons. The number of live streaming sessions increased substantially, contributing to a larger GTV mix. We also enhanced our service offerings and AI tools to reduce entry barriers for merchants to do live streaming on our platform. In addition, transaction volumes of Special Deals continued to grow as more merchants participated and offered high-quality, cost-effective products. We further optimized traffic allocation for Special Deals and reinforced consumer mindshare in seeking value-for-money purchases on Meituan. During the summer holidays and the National Day Golden Week, we proactively launched a variety of marketing events, such as "Online Beauty Expo" and "Must-Eat Festival". These events helped promote mega-hit products across broad categories and sparked significant consumer interests and consumption. For example, during the "Must-Eat Festival", we encouraged merchants to offer "Must-Eat Set Meals", and hosted offline events to boost in-store dining consumption at nearby shopping centers.

對於店內業務而言,8月份的月GTV強勁增長至新高。我們擴大了具有成本效益的產品範圍,並提供了更多引人入勝的內容。我們利用對消費者需求、LBS功能和產品能力的深入了解來激勵在線交易。我們的直播會議還有效地吸引了附近有特定消費需求的消費者。我們將美團平台直播的地域覆蓋範圍擴大到200多個城市,在假日季推出了更多的商家和產品。直播會話的數量大幅增加,促成了GTV組合的擴大。我們還增強了我們的服務產品和人工智能工具,以減少商家在我們的平台上進行直播的進入壁壘。此外,隨着越來越多的商家參與並提供高質量、高性價比的產品,特惠交易的交易量持續增長。我們進一步優化了特惠的流量分配,增強了消費者在美團上尋求物有所值購買的心態。在暑假和國慶黃金週期間,我們積極推出各種營銷活動,比如 “線上美容博覽會” 和 “必吃節”。這些活動有助於推廣各種類別的暢銷產品,激發了消費者的濃厚興趣和消費。例如,在 “必吃節” 期間,我們鼓勵商家提供 “必吃套餐”,並舉辦線下活動以促進附近購物中心的店內餐飲消費。

Our hotel and travel business maintained robust growth trajectory in the third quarter. GTV and room nights grew significantly compared to the same period of both 2022 and 2019. During the summer peak season, we closely followed consumption trends, diversified our product offerings, and enhanced our pricing competitiveness, to effectively satisfy the evolving demand. After launching the "Stay For More" brand last quarter, we further enriched our "Hotel + X" packaged deals in the third quarter. In August, we released the latest "Must-Stay List", featuring a selection of over 900 hotels. We expanded our promotional efforts through live streaming and joint-marketing collaborations with high-star hotel chains, while for small- and medium-sized hotels, we helped them with traffic acquisition, room renovation, and marketing promotions. For alternative accommodations, room nights also grew robustly. During this quarter, we improved our platform's self-service capabilities, to help consumers make better-informed decision and enhance hosts' operating efficiency.

我們的酒店和旅遊業務在第三季度保持了強勁的增長軌跡。與2022年和2019年同期相比,GTV和房晚顯著增長。在夏季旺季,我們密切關注消費趨勢,實現產品多樣化,提高定價競爭力,以有效滿足不斷變化的需求。在上個季度推出 “Stay For More” 品牌之後,我們在第三季度進一步豐富了 “Hotel + X” 套餐優惠。8月,我們發佈了最新的 “必住清單”,精選了900多家酒店。我們通過直播和與高星級連鎖酒店的聯合營銷合作擴大了促銷力度,而對於中小型酒店,我們幫助他們進行流量獲取、客房翻新和營銷推廣。在替代住宿方面,房晚也強勁增長。在本季度,我們提高了平台的自助服務功能,以幫助消費者做出更明智的決策並提高房東的運營效率。

New Initiatives


For the third quarter of 2023, revenues from the New initiatives segment increased by 15.3% year over year to RMB18.8 billion. Operating loss for the segment decreased by 24.5% year over year to RMB5.1 billion, and operating margin improved sequentially to negative 27.2%.


For Meituan Select, macro headwind and consumption behavior changes continued to weigh on its growth, and the business incurred significant operating losses in the third quarter. However, operating loss margin further narrowed both on year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter basis. We maintained our market position, strengthened our product and pricing capabilities, and provided more cost-effective selections for consumers. We also enhanced our delivery efficiency, thanks to an optimization in logistics network and an increase in high-quality pick-up stations. By September-end, we had accumulated 490 million Meituan Select transacting users, allowing us to cross-sell other products and services. In addition to business development, we are committed to creating more social value. For example, we help farmers increase income, facilitate the circulation of agricultural products, and help millions of small business owners earn higher income.


Meituan Grocery delivered strong GTV growth this quarter. It has now become the preferred choice for many consumers, as user base, purchase frequency, and average order value all increased steadily. We solidified our pricing advantage, optimized logistics network and improved supply chain efficiency. We also diversified our product offerings and leveraged holiday promotions to satisfy broader demand from consumers. Moreover, our continuous improvement in private labels ensured that our consumers can access more high-quality items with guaranteed supply.


The consumption environment continued to recover steadily since the beginning of this year, as a series of macro policies that aim to facilitate economic growth were introduced. We are dedicated to providing consumers with better and more diverse products, helping merchants improve efficiency and generate more income, creating job opportunities for millions of couriers, enhancing the industry ecosystem, and helping incentivize consumption. Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on our "Retail + Technology" corporate strategy and empower the retail industry by using technological innovations, and "Help people eat better, live better".

自今年年初以來,隨着一系列旨在促進經濟增長的宏觀政策的出臺,消費環境繼續穩步復甦。我們致力於爲消費者提供更好、更多樣化的產品,幫助商家提高效率並創造更多收入,爲數百萬快遞員創造就業機會,改善行業生態系統,並幫助激勵消費。展望未來,我們將繼續專注於我們的 “零售+科技” 企業戰略,通過技術創新爲零售業賦能,以及 “幫助人們吃得更好,生活得更好”。

For the full announcement of Meituan for the three months ended September 30, 2023, please visit:


About Meituan


Meituan (HKG: 3690) (the "Company") is a leading technology-driven retail company in China. With the mission of "We help people eat better, live better," the Company uses technology to connect consumers and merchants. Service offerings on its platform address people's daily needs for food and retail goods and extend further to broad lifestyle and travel services. Meituan is the world's leading on-demand food delivery service provider and China's leading e-commerce platform for in-store dining services. Meituan helps consumers discover merchant information, make informed decisions, complete online and offline transactions and enjoy on-demand delivery. The Company currently owns several household brands in China, including Meituan, China's leading online marketplace for services, Dianping, China's leading online destination for discovering local services, Meituan Waimai for on-demand delivery services, and Meituan Bikes for bike-sharing services. The Company operates in over 2,800 cities and counties in China.

美團(HKG:3690)(“公司”)是中國領先的技術驅動型零售公司。公司以 “幫助人們吃得更好,生活得更好” 爲使命,利用技術連接消費者和商家。其平台上提供的服務可滿足人們對食品和零售商品的日常需求,並進一步擴展到廣泛的生活方式和旅行服務。美團是全球領先的按需送餐服務提供商,也是中國領先的店內餐飲服務電子商務平台。美團幫助消費者發現商家信息,做出明智的決定,完成線上和線下交易並享受按需交付。該公司目前在中國擁有多個家居品牌,包括中國領先的在線服務市場美團、中國領先的本地服務在線目的地大衆點評、用於按需送貨服務的美團外賣和用於共享單車服務的美團自行車。該公司在中國2,800多個城市和縣開展業務。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements relating to the business outlook, forecast business plans and growth strategies of the Company. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Company and are stated herein on the basis of the outlook at the time of this press release. They are based on certain expectations, assumptions and premises, some of which are subjective or beyond our control. These forward-looking statements may prove to be incorrect and may not be realized in future. Underlying the forward-looking statements is a large number of risks and uncertainties. Further information regarding these risks and uncertainties is included in our other public disclosure documents on our corporate website.


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