
New Break Identifies New Gold Bearing Structures at the Sundog Project in Nunavut

New Break Identifies New Gold Bearing Structures at the Sundog Project in Nunavut

newsfile ·  2023/12/06 07:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - December 6, 2023) - New Break Resources Ltd. (CSE: NBRK) ("New Break" or the "Company") is pleased to report that the results from rock chip and grab samples taken from the Sundog Gold Project in Kivalliq Region, Nunavut ("Sundog") have identified new gold bearing structures on the property, with half of the eight samples taken grading over 7.5 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") as shown in the following table:

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 12 月 6 日)-New Break Resour (案例:NBRK) (“New Break” 或者 “公司”) 很高興地向大家報告,從努納武特地區基瓦利克地區的Sundog黃金項目中採集的岩屑和採集樣本的結果(”Sundog“)已經在該地產上發現了新的含金結構,在採集的八個樣本中,有一半的品位超過每噸黃金7.5克(”g/t Au“) 如下表所示:

Table 1: 2023 Sundog Sample Highlights

表 1:2023 年 Sundog 樣本亮點

Sample ID Type Description and Location Grade (g/t Au)(1)
211954 Rock chip New quartz vein near 1987 Trench 29 7.56
211957(2) Grab Quartz vein sulfide within 1987 Trench 10 8.11
211958 Rock chip New quartz vein near 1987 Trench 10 9.68
211959 Rock chip New quartz vein near 1987 Trench 10 8.69
樣本編號 類型 描述和位置 等級(g/t Au)(1)
211954 搖滾芯片 1987 年 29 號海溝附近的新石英礦脈 7.56
211957(2) 抓住 1987 年 Trench 10 內的石英脈硫化物 8.11
211958 搖滾芯片 1987 年 10 號海溝附近的新石英礦脈 9.68
211959 搖滾芯片 1987 年 10 號海溝附近的新石英礦脈 8.69
  1. Grade determined through fire assay.
  2. A reference sample taken from the same location as sample 211957 exhibits visible gold on the cut surface.
  1. 等級通過火化驗確定。
  2. 從與211957樣品相同的位置採集的參考樣本在切割表面顯示出可見的黃金。

The samples were taken in September 2023, by a New Break field team comprised of Ken Reading, Shaun Parent, P. Geo. of Superior Exploration Ltd. and a field assistant, who confirmed access to the project area and assessed the impact of environmental changes since Reading's last visit to the property in 2013. New Break was able to reproduce a high-grade gold assay from trench 10 and most importantly, the team was able to identify previously unknown gold bearing structures adjacent to trenches 10 and 29, extending the known extent of those mineralized zones.

樣本由New Break實地小組於2023年9月採集,該小組由肯·雷丁、肖恩·帕倫特、Superior Exploration Ltd.的P. Geo和一名現場助理組成,他們確認了進入項目區域的權限,並評估了自雷丁上次於2013年訪問該物業以來環境變化的影響。New Break 能夠從第 10 號戰溝重現出高品位的金化驗結果,最重要的是,該團隊能夠識別出與 10 號和 29 號戰溝相鄰的以前未知的含金結構,從而擴大了這些礦化帶的已知範圍。

Ken Reading originally visited Sundog on behalf of Abermin Corporation ("Abermin") in the summers of 1986 and 1987. During the 1987 exploration program, 38 trenches were excavated and mapped by Reading with 27 of those sampled. The trench references in this news release refer to those 1987 locations, which are shown in Figure 1 below.

肯·雷丁最初是代表 Abermin Corporation 訪問了 Sundog(”Abermin“)在 1986 年和 1987 年的夏天。在1987年的勘探計劃中,雷丁挖掘並繪製了38條戰壕,其中27條進行了採樣。本新聞稿中的戰溝參考文獻指的是 1987 年的地點,如下圖 1 所示。

Some of the best assay results have come from the Trench 10 location, which was excavated at the site of the original 1962 showing discovered by Selco Exploration, and from areas represented by Trenches 17 and 29.


In his June 1986 trip to Sundog, Reading took 9 grab samples, 6 from the Trench 10 area and 3 from the Trench 29 area, with the best assay being 62.8 g/t Au. In August 1986, Reading collected a further 26 rock chip and 13 panned concentrate ("PC") samples from Trenches 17 and 29 areas, with most taken from Trench 17 area. PC samples included 206.7 g/t Au from the Trench 17 area and 127.6 g/t Au from the Trench 29 area. The rock chip sample highlights are shown in Table 2.

在1986年6月的桑多格之行中,雷丁採集了9份樣本,其中6份來自海溝10區域,3份來自29號海溝區域,最佳測定值爲62.8 g/t Au。1986 年 8 月,雷丁又收集了 26 塊岩屑和 13 塊經過批評的濃縮物(”PC“)樣本來自戰溝17和29區域,大多數來自17號戰溝區域。聚碳酸酯樣本包括來自17號海溝區域的206.7克/噸金和來自29號海溝區域的127.6克/噸金。岩屑樣本亮點如表 2 所示。

Table 2: August 1986 Sundog Sample Highlights

表 2:1986 年 8 月 Sundog 樣本亮點

Sample ID Type Location Grade (g/t Au)
SD-86-007 Rock chip 25 feet south of Trench 17 4.05
SD-86-014 Rock chip Trench 17 9.87
SD-86-017 Rock chip Trench 17 39.09
樣本編號 類型 地點 等級(g/t Au)
SD-86-007 搖滾芯片 17 號戰溝以南 25 英尺處 4.05
SD-86-014 搖滾芯片 戰壕 17 9.87
SD-86-017 搖滾芯片 戰壕 17 39.09

Visit for full details of the August to September 1986 sampling program.

訪問,了解 1986 年 8 月至 9 月抽樣計劃的完整詳情。

(Figure 1: Select 1987 Trench Locations, 2023 and historical sample assays - Sundog Gold Project)

(圖 1: 選擇 1987 年海溝地點、2023 年和歷史樣本化驗-Sundog Gold Project)

As noted previously, in August and September 1987, 38 trenches were excavated and mapped by Reading with 27 of those sampled. Sample highlights from the 1987 program are shown in Table 3.

如前所述,在1987年8月和9月,雷丁挖掘並繪製了38條戰壕,其中27條進行了採樣。表 3 中顯示了 1987 年節目的樣本亮點。

Table 3: August - September 1987 Sundog Sample Highlights

表 3:1987 年 8 月至 9 月 Sundog 樣本亮點

Sample ID Type Location Grade (g/t Au)
KR-SD-87-208 Grab Trench 8 6.40
KR-SD-87-292 Grab Trench 9 8.72
KR-SD-87-301 Grab Trench 9 6.72
KR-SD-87-293 Grab Trench 9 4.24
KR-SD-87-210 Grab Trench 9 3.24
KR-SD-87-273 Grab Trench 10 97.60
KR-SD-87-304 Grab Trench 10 56.40
KR-SD-87-315 Grab Trench 10 8.26
KR-SD-87-313 Grab Trench 10 7.34
KR-SD-87-271 Grab Trench 10 7.12
KR-SD-87-309 Grab Trench 10 2.76
KR-SD-87-231 Grab Trench 12 4.64
KR-SD-87-237 Grab Trench 16 1.76
KR-SD-87-254 Grab Trench 17 11.60
KR-SD-87-270 Grab Trench 17 3.64
KR-SD-87-263 Grab Trench 17 1.54
KR-SD-87-249 Grab Trench 30 3.28
KR-SD-87-251 Grab Trench 30 1.82
KR-SD-87-248 Grab Trench 31 2.12
樣本編號 類型 地點 等級(g/t Au)
KR-SD-87-208 抓住 戰壕 8 6.40
KR-SD-87-292 抓住 戰壕 9 8.72
KR-SD-87-301 抓住 戰壕 9 6.72
KR-SD-87-293 抓住 戰壕 9 4.24
KR-SD-87-210 抓住 戰壕 9 3.24
KR-SD-87-273 抓住 戰壕 10 97.60
KR-SD-87-304 抓住 戰壕 10 56.40
KR-SD-87-315 抓住 戰壕 10 8.26
KR-SD-87-313 抓住 戰壕 10 7.34
KR-SD-87-271 抓住 戰壕 10 7.12
KR-SD-87-309 抓住 戰壕 10 2.76
KR-SD-87-231 抓住 戰壕 12 4.64
KR-SD-87-237 抓住 戰壕 16 1.76
KR-SD-87-254 抓住 戰壕 17 11.60
KR-SD-87-270 抓住 戰壕 17 3.64
KR-SD-87-263 抓住 戰壕 17 1.54
KR-SD-87-249 抓住 戰壕 30 3.28
KR-SD-87-251 抓住 戰壕 30 1.82
KR-SD-87-248 抓住 戰壕 31 2.12

David Reid, Senior Geologist at Abermin, prepared a report dated January 1988, which covered the exploration work completed in 1986 and 1987. Reid reported the occurrence of coarse visible gold in a series of quartz-rubble pits. When the presence of coarse gold is suspected, pulp metallics can be used as a more representative assay technique. Abermin decided to complete pulp metallics assays on all 1987 samples. Reid reported that the in a number of cases, "a significant amount of coarse gold exists both in samples containing gold prior to the metallics analysis and also in samples considered to be background in concentration. In several cases, the total concentration of gold in the sample was more than doubled."


Next Exploration Steps


New Break plans to undertake a summer 2024 field season at Sundog, subject to regulatory and Inuit approvals and financing, in order to complete the following objectives:

New Break計劃在2024年夏季在Sundog進行實地考察,但須獲得監管部門和因紐特人的批准和融資,以完成以下目標:

  • Systematically sample potentially gold bearing structures and in-situ veins;
  • Complete drone magnetics and very low frequency ("VLF") geophysical surveys;
  • Complete reconnaissance mapping and sampling along strike length and parallel structures within the Sundog concession;
  • Further define gold bearing systems between fine and coarse gold environments; and
  • Complete a preliminary drilling program on the Sundog property, the first of its kind.
  • 系統地採樣潛在的含金結構和原位靜脈;
  • 完成無人機磁學和極低頻率(“VLF”)地球物理調查;
  • 在Sundog特許區內完成沿打擊長度和平行結構的偵察測繪製和採樣;
  • 進一步定義精金和粗金環境之間的含金系統;以及
  • 完成 Sundog 物業的初步鑽探計劃,這是同類項目中的第一個。

Bill Love, New Break's Vice-President, Exploration, commented, "The results of New Break's September trip to Sundog exceeded our expectations. The assays from the limited sampling program confirmed the existence of high-grade gold at surface, including visible gold in the trench 10 sample and new gold bearing structures which were located with very little effort. Ken Reading has also been able to confirm that there has been no historical glacial movement at Sundog, meaning the gold found in the overlying surface rubble reflects in-situ gold and not a glacial dispersion train, which significantly increases our ability to target planned drilling. The evidence of coarse gold also has the potential to yield a higher average resource grade in the event that a mineral resource is ultimately estimated in the future. Combined with the historical assay results at Sundog, these results confirm that in addition to New Break's Moray property in Ontario, the Company has another significant Canadian gold exploration property of merit."

New Break的Exploration副總裁比爾·洛夫評論說:“New Break9月份的Sundog之行的結果超出了我們的預期。有限採樣計劃的化驗證實了地表存在高品位的黃金,包括10號溝樣本中可見的金以及不費吹灰之力就能找到的新含金結構。肯·雷丁還得以證實,Sundog沒有歷史上的冰川運動,這意味着在上覆地表瓦礫中發現的金反射的是原地黃金,而不是冰川分散系,這極大地提高了我們確定計劃鑽探目標的能力。如果將來最終估算出礦產資源,粗金的證據也有可能產生更高的平均資源品位。結合Sundog的歷史化驗結果,這些結果證實,除了New Break在安大略省的Moray地產外,該公司還有另一處重要的加拿大黃金勘探物業。”

About the Sundog Gold Project

關於 Sundog 黃金項目

Sundog is located approximately 235 km west of Arviat, Nunavut, 640 km north of Thompson, Manitoba and lies 16 km to the northeast of the Cullaton Lake airstrip on parcel AR-35 of Inuit Owned Land and covers approximately 9,415 hectares (the "Exploration Area") as shown in Figure 2. The surface rights are managed by the Kivalliq Inuit Association ("KIVIA") and administration of mineral rights is managed by Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated ("NTI"). The Exploration Area represents an under-explored part of the Henik Group, central Ennadai-Rankin Archean greenstone belt, the second largest greenstone belt in Canada, second only to the Abitibi greenstone belt in Ontario and Quebec. The Sundog property is characterized by high grade surface gold exposures. There are two banded iron formations on the property, with the potential for Musselwhite-Meadowbank-Meliadine type mineralization.

Sundog 位於努納武特地區阿維亞特以西約 235 千米處,曼尼托巴省湯普森以北 640 千米處,位於因紐特人擁有的土地 AR-35 地塊上的庫拉頓湖簡易機場東北 16 公里處,佔地約 9,415 公頃(”探索區域“) 如圖 2 所示。水面版權由 Kivalliq 因紐特人協會管理(”KIVIA“)礦權的管理由 Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated 管理(”NTI“)。該勘探區是亨尼克集團中部恩納代-蘭金太古綠巖帶中部尚未開發的部分,是加拿大第二大綠巖帶,僅次於安大略省和魁北克省的阿比蒂比綠巖帶。Sundog地產的特點是表面黃金暴露量高。該地產上有兩個帶狀鐵層,有可能出現貽貝白-梅多班克-梅里亞丁型礦化。

(Figure 2: Sundog Gold Project - Property Location)

(圖 2: Sundog Gold Project-物業位置)

2023 Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC)

2023 年質量保證和質量控制 (QA/QC)

New Break collected 8 samples during the September 2023 sampling trip. Shaun Parent, P. Geo. supervised the collection of the samples. The samples were delivered to Activation Laboratories Ltd. ("Actlabs") in Ancaster, Ontario. The samples were crushed to up to 80% passing 2mm, riffle split (250g) and pulverized to 95% passing 105 micrometres. Seven of the samples were subject to fire assay with atomic absorption ("AA") finish. Samples assaying greater than 5.0 g/t Au were rerun by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. One sample (Trench 10 sample) was also run for multi element data in addition to being rerun by fire assay with a gravimetric finish.

New Break 在 2023 年 9 月的採樣之旅中收集了 8 個樣本。P. Geo. Shaun Parent 監督了樣本的採集。樣本已交付給活化實驗室有限公司(”actlabs“)在安大略省的安卡斯特。樣品通過2毫米粉碎至高達80%,裂縫分裂(250克),然後通過105微米粉碎至95%。其中七個樣本接受了原子吸收的火焰試驗(”AA“) 完成。金含量大於 5.0 g/t 的樣品通過重力法進行火試驗。一個樣本(Trench 10 樣本)除了通過重力法完成的火焰分析重新測定外,還對多元素數據進行了檢測。

For multi element analysis, a 0.25g sample was digested with four acids beginning with hydrofluoric, followed by a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids, heated using precise programmer-controlled heating in several ramping and holding cycles which takes the samples to dryness. After dryness is attained, samples are brought back into solution using hydrochloric and nitric acids. This digestion may not be completely total as resistate minerals are present. Digested samples are diluted and analyzed by an ICP-MS. Actlabs is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada under the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

爲了進行多元素分析,對0.25g的樣品進行消化,首先是四種酸,首先是氫氟酸,然後是硝酸和高氯酸的混合物,使用程序員控制的精確加熱進行加熱,分幾個緩衝和保溫循環將樣品置於乾燥狀態。達到乾燥後,使用鹽酸和硝酸將樣品帶回溶液中。由於存在抗性礦物質,這種消化可能無法完全消化。消化的樣品由 ICP-MS 進行稀釋和分析。根據ISO/IEC 17025:2017 的要求,Actlabs 獲得了加拿大標準委員會的認可。

Qualified Person


Peter C. Hubacheck, P. Geo., consulting geologist to New Break, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news release.

Peter C. Hubacheck,P. Geo.,P. Geo.,他是New Break的諮詢地質學家,也是美國國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。

About New Break Resources Ltd.

關於 New Break 資源有限公司

New Break is a Canadian mineral exploration company with a dual vision for value creation. In northern Ontario, New Break is focused on its Moray Project, in a well-established mining camp, within proximity to existing infrastructure, while at the same time, through our prospective land holdings in Nunavut that include the Sundog, Esker-Noomut, Sy and Angikuni Lake properties, we provide our shareholders with significant exposure to the vast potential for exploration success in one of the most up and coming regions in Canada for gold exploration and production. New Break is supported by a highly experienced team of mining professionals committed to placing a premium on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance. Information on New Break is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at and on the Company's website at . New Break began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange () on September 7, 2022 under the symbol (CSE: NBRK).

New Break是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,具有創造價值的雙重願景。在安大略省北部,New Break專注於其Moray項目,該項目位於一個完善的採礦營地,靠近現有基礎設施,同時,通過我們在努納武特擁有的潛在土地,包括Sundog、Esker-Noomut、Sy和Angikuni Lake地產,我們爲股東提供了大量機會,讓他們充分了解加拿大黃金勘探和生產最具前景的地區之一的巨大成功勘探潛力。New Break 由一支經驗豐富的礦業專業人員團隊提供支持,他們致力於重視環境、社會和公司治理。有關New Break的信息可在SEDAR+上的公司簡介下以及公司的網站上找到,網址爲。New Break 於 2022 年 9 月 7 日開始在加拿大證券交易所 () 上市,股票代碼爲 (案例:NBRK)

For further information on New Break, please visit or contact:

有關 New Break 的更多信息,請訪問 或者聯繫:

Michael Farrant, President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 416-278-4149
And follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook


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Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to receipt of regulatory and stock exchange approvals, grants of equity-based compensation, renouncement of flow-through exploration expenses, property agreements, timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, an inability to predict and counteract the effects global events on the business of the Company, including but not limited to the effects on the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restriction on labour and international travel and supply chains etc. Forward-looking information addresses future events and conditions and therefore involves inherent risks and uncertainties, including factors beyond the Company's control. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise any forward-looking information, except as may be required by law. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's financial statements and management's discussion and analysis (the "Filings"), such Filings available upon request.

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