
Arras Minerals Announces Strategic Alliance With Major Canadian Mining Company to Focus on Critical Minerals in Kazakhstan

Arras Minerals Announces Strategic Alliance With Major Canadian Mining Company to Focus on Critical Minerals in Kazakhstan

Arras Minerals宣佈與加拿大大型礦業公司結成戰略聯盟,專注於哈薩克斯坦的關鍵礦產
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/12/07 06:00

Figure 1

圖 1

Kazakhstan License Package Showing Arras-Teck Strategic Alliance Areas

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arras Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: ARK) ("Arras" or "the Company") is pleased to announce it has entered into an agreement (the "Strategic Alliance Agreement" or the "Agreement") with Teck Resources Limited ("Teck") to form a Strategic Alliance focusing on exploration for critical minerals on Arras' strategically located license package in the Bozshakol-Chingiz Magmatic Arc located in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2023年12月7日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——阿拉斯礦業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ARK)(“阿拉斯” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,它已與泰克資源有限公司(“泰克”)簽訂協議(“戰略聯盟協議” 或 “協議”),將組建一個戰略聯盟,專注於勘探阿拉斯戰略位置的許可證套餐中的關鍵礦產 Bozshakol-Chingiz 岩漿弧位於哈薩克斯坦的巴甫洛達爾。

The Strategic Alliance does not include the Beskauga copper-gold project, nor the regional exploration licenses Stepnoe, Ekidos, Aimandai and Elemes.




  • Teck to solely fund generative exploration work through 2025 with initial expenditures of US$5 million before December 31, 2025, across Package "A" and Package "B" (see map below) totalling approximately 1,736 square kilometres.
  • Following the initial generative exploration phase, Teck will have the option to select up to four Designated Properties totalling 120 square kilometres each where Teck will fund exploration expenditures of up to US$47.5 million per project to have the right to earn up to a 75% interest in each project.
  • Teck will reimburse Arras for certain project related expenses made to date by Arras through a US$1 million cash payment on signing and potentially other payments in the future should Teck elect to advance through future phases.
  • Arras will act as manager for the initial year of the two-year generative program with Teck holding the option to assume the role of manager thereafter.
  • 泰克將僅爲到2025年的生成性勘探工作提供資金,在2025年12月31日之前,“A” 和 “B” 套餐(見下圖)的初始支出爲500萬美元,總面積約爲1736平方千米。
  • 在最初的生成式勘探階段之後,Teck將可以選擇最多四個指定地產,每處總面積爲120平方千米,其中泰克將爲每個項目提供高達4,750萬美元的勘探支出,以有權獲得每個項目高達75%的權益。
  • 如果泰克選擇推進未來階段,泰克將在簽約時以100萬美元的現金支付方式向Arras償還迄今爲止支付的某些項目相關費用,並可能在未來支付其他款項。
  • 阿拉斯將在爲期兩年的生成計劃的第一年擔任經理,之後泰克可以選擇擔任經理一職。

Tim Barry, CEO, commented, "As an early-mover into Kazakhstan two and a half years ago, following the substantial reforms to the business environment and mining law, Arras has assembled the third-largest land package in the country next to Rio Tinto and Fortescue and is specifically focused on copper in the highly prospective Bozshakol-Chingiz magmatic arc. We recently completed our second summer field season across the regional license package and are now analyzing more than 50,000 soil samples we have collected across the approximately 3,300 square kilometre license package. This program was based on the successful 2022 field program where more than 16,000 soil samples identified new targets to follow up."

首席執行官蒂姆·巴里評論說, “兩年半前,阿拉斯率先進入哈薩克斯坦,在對商業環境和採礦法進行了實質性改革之後,已經籌集了該國第三大土地計劃,僅次於力拓和Fortescue,特別專注於極具前景的博茲沙科爾-欽吉茲岩漿弧中的銅礦。我們最近完成了整個區域許可證計劃的第二個夏季實地考察,現在正在分析我們在大約3,300平方千米的許可證包中收集的50,000多個土壤樣本。該計劃以2022年成功的實地計劃爲基礎,在該計劃中,超過16,000份土壤樣本確定了需要跟蹤的新目標。”

Mr. Barry added, "We believe that the exploration work we have undertaken over the past two summer field seasons representing in most cases the first material modern exploration work done across these licenses since pre-1990, have delineated substantial prospects for a material copper discovery, akin to the successful operations of the Bozshakol and Nurkazgan mines located within the same geological belt."


Darren Klinck, President, commented, "We are very pleased to be partnering and working with Teck to advance a portion of our regional license package in Kazakhstan. Following their strategic equity investment into Arras last November, this Agreement provides Teck the option to invest significant funds into critical minerals focused exploration through Arras' project portfolio and it is a clear indication of the potential that exists in the Bozshakol-Chingiz Magmatic Arc. This initiative in Kazakhstan highlights the emerging opportunities in the country and also demonstrates Kazakhstan's strong position to be a key player globally as the world seeks to secure the necessary critical minerals required over the coming decades."

總裁達倫·克林克評論說: “我們很高興能與Teck合作併合作,推進我們在哈薩克斯坦的部分區域許可證計劃。繼去年11月對阿拉斯進行戰略股權投資之後,該協議爲泰克提供了通過Arras的項目組合將大量資金投資於以關鍵礦產爲重點的勘探的選項,這清楚地表明瞭Bozshakol-Chingiz Magmatic Arc的潛力。哈薩克斯坦的這一舉措凸顯了該國正在出現的機遇,也表明了哈薩克斯坦作爲全球關鍵參與者的強大地位,因爲世界正在尋求確保未來幾十年所需的必要關鍵礦產。”

Figure 1: Kazakhstan License Package Showing Arras-Teck Strategic Alliance Areas

圖 1:顯示 Arras-Teck 戰略聯盟區域的哈薩克斯坦許可證包

Summary of Strategic Alliance Agreement Terms:


  • Teck has the option to sole fund US$2.5 million per License Package for a generative exploration program totaling US$5 million through 2025. Of this, US$2 million (US$1 million on each package) is a firm commitment to complete in 2024.
  • Teck will reimburse previous exploration expenditures made by Arras for the amount US$500,000 for each Package "A" and Package "B" totaling US$1 million.
  • Following the completion of the initial generative exploration phase of the Strategic Alliance Agreement, Teck will have the option to select up to four Designated Properties from within the Strategic Alliance Agreement Licenses. Each Designated Property shall be contiguous and no larger than 120 square kilometres, with such designation subject to ministerial approval. Teck will make a cash payment of US$500,000 to Arras for each Designated Property as an additional reimbursement for previously invested exploration expenditures.
  • "First Option": Teck may elect to sole fund US$5.5 million over the next two years (US$2.5 million committed in Year 1) and on completion will be deemed to own 51% of the Designated Property.
  • "Second Option": Teck may elect to sole fund US$18 million over the next three years (US$5 million committed in Year 1) to earn an additional 14% (total of 65%) of the Designated Property.
  • "Third Option": Teck may elect to sole fund US$24 million over four years (US$6 million committed in Year 1) to earn an additional 10% (total of 75%) of the Designated Property.
  • Arras will act as manager for the initial year of the generative exploration phase and Teck will have the right to assume the role of manager thereafter.
  • Arras and Teck will establish a Technical Committee to develop and review the annual exploration programs, with Teck having final approval.
  • 泰克可以選擇在2025年之前爲一項總額爲500萬美元的生成性勘探計劃提供每份許可證包的250萬美元獨家資金。其中,200萬美元(每包100萬美元)是要在2024年完成的堅定承諾。
  • 泰克將補償Arras先前爲每個 “A” 和 “B” 包所做的勘探支出,總額爲100萬美元,金額爲50萬美元。
  • 在《戰略聯盟協議》的初始生成式勘探階段完成後,泰克將可以選擇從戰略聯盟協議許可中最多選擇四處指定財產。每項指定財產應毗連且不超過120平方千米,此類指定須經部級批准。泰克將就每處指定財產向Arras支付50萬美元的現金,作爲對先前投資的勘探支出的額外補償。
  • “第一選擇”:泰克可以選擇在未來兩年內獨資550萬美元(第一年承諾250萬美元),完工後將被視爲擁有指定財產的51%。
  • “第二選擇”:泰克可以選擇在未來三年內獨資1,800萬美元(第一年承諾500萬美元),以額外獲得指定財產的14%(合計65%)。
  • “第三種選擇”:泰克可以選擇在四年內獨資2,400萬美元(第一年承諾600萬美元),以額外獲得指定財產的10%(合計75%)。
  • 阿拉斯將在生成式勘探階段的第一年擔任經理,此後,泰克將有權擔任經理一職。
  • Arras和Teck將成立一個技術委員會來制定和審查年度勘探計劃,泰克將獲得最終批准。

Elemes, Aimandai, Stepnoe & Ekidos Exploration Licenses

Elemes、Aimandai、Stepnoe 和 Ekidos 勘探許可證

The Elemes, Aimandai, Stepnoe and Ekidos Exploration licenses totaling more than 1,150 square kilometres are not subject to the Strategic Alliance Agreement but Teck will retain a right of first offer over Elemes and Aimandai should Arras wish to seek partnership proposals in the future.


Arras successfully collected more than 30,000 soil samples from the Elemes and Aimandai licenses during the summer field season this year. This program followed up on the inaugural field program in 2022 where new targets were identified. The Company expects to have these samples analyzed and modelled in Q1 2024 and will evaluate opportunities to drill-test certain high-priority targets in 2024.


Webinar – Friday December 8th

網絡研討會 — 12 月 8 日星期五第四

The Company will host a webinar to discuss the Strategic Alliance in more detail on Friday December 8th at 800am PST. Please contact the company at for further information. A replay of the webinar will be made available on the Company website.

該公司將於12月8日星期五舉辦網絡研討會,更詳細地討論戰略聯盟第四 太平洋標準時間上午8點。如需更多信息,請通過 聯繫該公司。網絡研討會的重播將在公司網站上公佈。

Qualified Person: The scientific and technical disclosure included in this news release has been prepared under supervision of, and approved by Tim Barry, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of Arras Minerals Corp., who is also a Member and Chartered Professional Geologist (MAusIMM CP(Geo)) of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr. Barry has sufficient experience, relevant to the styles of mineralization and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking, to qualify as a Qualified Person ("QP") for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure of Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

合格人士:本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術披露是在阿拉斯礦業公司首席執行官兼董事蒂姆·巴里的監督和批准下編寫的,他也是澳大利亞礦業和冶金學會的會員兼特許專業地質學家(Mausimm CP(Geo))。就國家儀器43-101礦產項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)而言,巴里先生在礦化類型和所考慮的礦牀類型以及他正在開展的活動方面擁有足夠的經驗,有資格成爲合格人員(“QP”)。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Tim Barry"


Tim Barry, MAusIMM CP(Geo)
Chief Executive Officer and Director

Tim Barry,MausimM CP(Geo)

+1 604 687 5800

+1 604 687 5800

Further information can be found on the Company's website or follow us on LinkedIn: or on Twitter:

更多信息可以在公司網站上找到,或者在 LinkedIn 上關注我們:或 Twitter:

About Arras Minerals Corp.


Arras is a Canadian exploration and development company advancing a portfolio of copper and gold assets in northeastern Kazakhstan, including the Option Agreement on the Beskauga copper and gold project. The Company has established the third-largest license package in the country prospective for copper and gold (behind Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group). The Company's shares are listed on the TSX-V under the trading symbol "ARK".

Arras是一家加拿大勘探和開發公司,在哈薩克斯坦東北部推進銅和黃金資產組合,包括Beskaugauga銅金項目的期權協議。該公司已經建立了該國第三大銅和黃金許可計劃(僅次於力拓和Fortescue Metals Group)。該公司的股票在多倫多證券交易所上市,交易代碼爲 “ARK”。

Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and Arras' future results that are subject to the safe harbors created under the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Exchange Act, and applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements include, among others, statements regarding plans and expectations of the exploration program Arras is in the process of undertaking, including the expansion of the Mineral Resource, and other aspects of the Mineral Resource estimates for the Beskauga project. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about Arras' exploration projects, the industry in which Arras operates and the beliefs and assumptions of Arras' management. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "targets," "goals," "projects," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "continues," "may," variations of such words, and similar expressions and references to future periods, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond management's control, including undertaking further exploration activities, the results of such exploration activities and that such results support continued exploration activities, unexpected variations in ore grade, types and metallurgy, volatility and level of commodity prices, the availability of sufficient future financing, and other matters discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Management Discussion and Analysis filed on the Company's profile on SEDAR on March 30, 2023 and in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2022 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed on February 24, 2023 available on Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement made by the Company in this release is based only on information currently available and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise.

關於前瞻性陳述的警示說明: 本新聞稿包含有關未來事件和Arras未來業績的前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受根據1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》、經修訂的1933年《證券法》、《交易法》以及適用的加拿大證券法建立的安全港的約束。除其他外,前瞻性陳述包括有關阿拉斯正在進行的勘探計劃的計劃和預期的陳述,包括礦產資源的擴張,以及貝斯考加項目礦產資源估算的其他方面。這些陳述基於當前對Arras勘探項目、Arras運營的行業以及Arras管理層的信念和假設的預期、估計、預測和預測。諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“目標”、“目標”、“項目”、“打算”、“計劃”、“相信”、“尋求”、“估計”、“繼續”、“可能”、“可能” 之類的詞語,以及對未來的類似表達和提法 週期,旨在識別此類前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述受許多假設、風險和不確定性的約束,其中許多是管理層無法控制的,包括開展進一步的勘探活動、此類勘探活動的結果,這些結果支持持續的勘探活動、礦石品位、類型和冶金的意外變化、大宗商品價格的波動和水平、充足的未來融資以及管理層討論與分析中以 “風險因素” 標題討論的其他事項公司於2023年3月30日在SEDAR上以及公司於2023年2月24日向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至2022年10月31日財年的20-F表年度報告中的簡介,可在www.sec.gov上查閱。提醒讀者,前瞻性陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際結果或發展可能與前瞻性陳述中表達或暗示的結果或發展存在重大差異。公司在本新聞稿中發表的任何前瞻性陳述僅基於當前可用的信息,並且僅說明截至該聲明發表之日。公司沒有義務公開更新可能不時發表的任何前瞻性陳述,無論是書面陳述還是口頭陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來發展還是其他原因。

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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