
Banyan Completes 75% Earn-in on the McQuesten Property, Yukon

Banyan Completes 75% Earn-in on the McQuesten Property, Yukon

Accesswire ·  2023/12/13 06:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 13, 2023 / Banyan Gold Corp. (the "Company" or "Banyan") (TSXV:BYN) is pleased to announce that it has completed the 75% earn in on the McQuesten Property, comprised of 73 claims, which contains the Airstrip Deposit and part of the Powerline Deposit of the AurMac Project (total 907 claims). Banyan has completed all the exploration expenditure requirements to earn 100%. Furthermore, the Company owns 51% of the Aurex Property (433 claims), which contains the majority of the Powerline Deposit and the Aurex Hill Deposit. Banyan has until December 2025 to formalize the Aurex 75% ownership and has also completed all the exploration expenditures to earn 100%. The remaining 401 claims of the AurMac Project are 100% owned by Banyan.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2023年12月13日/悦榕黄金公司(“公司” 或 “悦榕集团”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BYN)欣然宣布,它已经完成了麦奎斯顿地产的75%的收益,包括73份索赔,其中包括机场押金和AurMac项目的部分电力线押金(共907项索赔)。Banyan已经完成了所有的勘探支出要求,赚取了100%的收入。此外,该公司拥有Aurex房产(433份索赔)51%的股份,其中包含电力线存款和Aurex Hill存款的大部分股份。悦榕必须在2025年12月之前正式确定Aurex75%的所有权,并且还完成了所有勘探支出以获得100%的收益。AurMac项目的其余401份索赔由悦榕100%拥有。

"Formalizing our 75% ownership of the McQuesten Property is an important milestone", stated Tara Christie, President and CEO, "In 2023 the AurMac Resource was increased to 6.2 M Gold ounces and subsequent exploration continues to expand the footprint of mineralization with 25,000 m of drilling. The Company has a healthy treasury of $7 Million while also completing regional exploration work and has ongoing technical work and metallurgy to advance the project."

“正式确定我们对麦奎斯顿地产的75%所有权是一个重要的里程碑”, 总裁兼首席执行官塔拉·克里斯蒂说, “2023年,AurMac资源增加到620万盎司黄金,随后的勘探通过2.5万米的钻探继续扩大矿化足迹。该公司拥有700万美元的充足资金,同时还完成了区域勘探工作,并且正在进行技术工作和冶金工作以推进该项目。”

Stock Options Grant
The Company has granted 6,000,000 stock options to purchase 6,000,000 shares at an exercise price of $0.30 per share with a vesting period of up to 18 months. The options are being granted with a five-year term.


The stock options are being issued in connection with Banyan's annual compensation review process and are being issued to officers, consultants, advisors and exploration staff of the Company. The options were granted under and are subject to the terms and conditions of the Company's stock option plan.


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About Banyan
Banyan's primary asset, the AurMac Project is adjacent to Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine, in Canada's Yukon Territory. The updated Mineral Resources Estimate ("MRE") for the AurMac Project of 6.2 million ounces has an effective date of May 18, 2023.


The 173 square kilometres ("sq km") AurMac Project lies 30 kilometres ("km") from Victoria Gold's Eagle Project and adjacent to Hecla Mining's high grade Keno Hill Silver mine. The Project is transected by the main Yukon highway and access road to the Victoria Gold open-pit, heap leach Eagle Gold mine. The AurMac Project benefits from a 3-phase powerline, existing power station and cell phone coverage. Banyan has a right to earn up to a 100% interest, in both the Aurex and McQuesten Properties, subject to certain royalties.


The Updated MRE for the AurMac Project was effective on May 18, 2023 and consisted of 6,181,000 ounces of gold (see Table 1 hosted within near-surface, road accessible pit constrained Mineral Resources contained in three near/on-surface deposits: the Airstrip, Aurex Hill and Powerline Deposits.


Table 1: Pit-Constrained Inferred Mineral Resources - AurMac Project

表 1:矿坑受限的推断矿产资源-AurMac 项目


Gold Cut-Off (g/t)


Average Gold Grade (g/t)

Contained Gold (koz)











Aurex Hill





Total Combined

0.25 to 0.3





黄金截止值 (g/t)


平均黄金等级 (g/t)


















0.25 到 0.3




Notes: ‎


  1. The effective date for the Mineral Resource is May 18, 2023. The updated Resource Estimate for the AurMac Project was prepared by Marc Jutras, P.Eng., M.A.Sc., Principal, Ginto Consulting Inc., an independent Qualified Person in accordance with the requirements of NI 43-101. The technical report supporting the Resource Estimate entitled "AurMac Property, Mayo Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada" (the "Technical Report") has been filed on SEDAR at on July 7, 2023.
  2. Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing, changes in global gold markets or other relevant issues.
  3. The CIM Definition Standards were followed for classification of Mineral Resources. The quantity and grade of reported Inferred Mineral Resources in this estimation are uncertain in nature ‎and there has been insufficient exploration to define these Inferred Mineral Resources as an ‎Indicated Mineral Resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading them to an ‎Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource category.
  4. Mineral Resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.25 g/t gold for the Airstrip and Powerline and 0.3 g/t gold for the Aurex Hill deposits, using a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 0.75 and constrained within an open pit shell optimized with the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm to constrain the Mineral Resources with the following estimated parameters: gold price of US$1,800/ounce, US$2.50/t mining cost, US$5.50/t processing cost, UD$2.00/t G+A, 80% heap leach recoveries, and 45° pit slope.
  5. The number of tonnes was rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. The number of ounces was rounded to the nearest thousand. Any discrepancies in the totals are due to rounding effects; rounding followed the recommendations as per NI 43-101.
  1. 矿产资源的生效日期为2023年5月18日。AurMac项目的最新资源估算由金拓咨询公司负责人Marc Jutras, P.Eng.、理学硕士、负责人Marc Jutras编写,他是一位独立的合格人士,根据NI 43-101的要求。支持资源估算的技术报告,标题为 “加拿大育空地区梅奥矿区AurMac地产”(“技术报告”),已于2023年7月7日向SEDAR提交。
  2. 非矿产储备的矿产资源没有显示出经济可行性。矿产资源的估算可能会受到环境, 许可, 法律, 所有权, 税收, 社会政治, 市场营销的重大影响, 全球黄金市场的变化或其他相关问题。
  3. 矿产资源分类遵循了 CIM 定义标准。本估计中报告的推断矿产资源的数量和品位本质上是不确定的‎and 勘探不足以将这些推断矿产资源定义为‎Indicated 矿产资源,也不确定进一步勘探是否会导致将其升级为‎Indicated 或实测矿产资源类别。
  4. 据报道,简易机场和电力线的矿产资源的临界品位为0.25克/吨,奥雷克斯山矿床的黄金临界品位为0.3克/吨,采用0.75美元/加元汇率,约束在露天壳体内,使用以下估计参数限制矿产资源:金价1,800美元/盎司,开采成本2.50美元/吨,加工费用为5.50美元成本、2.00美元/吨 G+A、80% 的堆浸回收率和 45° 的矿坑斜率。
  5. 吨数四舍五入到最接近的十万吨。盎司的数目四舍五入到最接近的千位。总数中的任何差异都是四舍五入效应造成的;四舍五入遵循NI 43-101的建议。

In addition to the AurMac Project, the Company holds the Hyland Gold Project, located 70 km Northeast of Watson Lake, Yukon, along the Southeast end of the Tintina Gold Belt (the "Hyland Project"). The Hyland Project represents a sediment hosted, structurally controlled, intrusion related gold deposit, within a large land package (over 125 sq km), accessible by a network of existing gravel access roads.


Banyan trades on the TSX-Venture Exchange under the symbol "BYN" and is quoted on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol "BYAGF". For more information, please visit the corporate website at or contact the Company.

Banyan在多伦多证券交易所风险交易所上市,股票代码为 “BYN”,并在OTCQB风险投资市场上以 “BYAGF” 的代码上市。欲了解更多信息,请访问公司网站或联系公司。

Qualified Persons
Paul D. Gray, P.Geo., is a "qualified person" as ‎defined under National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), and has reviewed and approved the content of this news release.‎ Mr. Gray has verified the data disclosed in this press release, including the sampling, ‎‎analytical and test data underlying the information. For further information regarding the AurMac Project, please refer to the Technical Report.

P.Geo. P.Grey 是 “合格人员”,如《国家仪器 43-101》下的‎defined 矿产项目披露标准 (“NI 43-101”),并已审查并批准了本新闻稿的内容。‎ 格雷先生已经验证了本新闻稿中披露的数据,包括抽样、‎‎analytical 和信息所依据的测试数据。有关AurMac项目的更多信息,请参阅技术报告。

(signed) "Tara Christie"
Tara Christie
President & CEO

(签名) “塔拉·克里斯蒂”

For more information, please contact:
Tara Christie • 778 928 0556 •

塔拉·克里斯蒂 • 778 928 0556 •

Jasmine Sangria • 604 312 5610 •

Jasmine Sangria • 604 312 5610 •

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: Neither the TSX Venture Exchange, its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) nor OTCQB Venture Market accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.
FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION: This news release contains forward-looking information, which is not comprised of historical facts and is based upon the Company's current internal expectations, estimates, projections, assumptions and beliefs. Such information can generally be identified by the use of forwarding-looking wording such as "may", "will", "expect", "estimate", "anticipate", "intend(s)", "believe", "potential" and "continue" or the negative thereof or similar variations. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the Company's plans for exploration; and statements regarding exploration expectations, confidence in exploration potential and adding ounces, exploration or development plans and timelines; mineral resource estimates; mineral recoveries and anticipated exploration and development costs. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include uncertainties inherent in resource estimates, continuity and extent of mineralization, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates, the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, political risks, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, availability of personnel, seasonal considerations and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, enhanced risks inherent to conducting business in any jurisdiction, and those risks set out in Banyan's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although Banyan believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Banyan disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

前瞻性信息:本新闻稿包含前瞻性信息,这些信息不包含历史事实,基于公司当前的内部预期、估计、预测、假设和信念。此类信息通常可以通过使用前瞻性措辞来识别,例如 “可能”、“将”、“期望”、“估计”、“预期”、“打算”、“相信”、“潜在” 和 “继续”,或其否定或类似的变体。前瞻性信息涉及风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致实际事件、结果、业绩、前景和机会与此类前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的内容存在重大差异。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限于公司的勘探计划;以及有关勘探预期、对勘探潜力和增加盎司的信心、勘探或开发计划和时间表的声明;矿产资源估计;矿产回收率和预期的勘探和开发成本。可能导致实际结果与此类前瞻性信息存在重大差异的因素包括资源估算中固有的不确定性、矿化的连续性和范围、与估计值相差很大的资本和运营成本、冶金测试结果的初步性质、延迟获得或未能获得所需的政府、环境或其他项目批准、政治风险、与未来所需融资的可用性和成本相关的不确定性、股票市场的变化、通货膨胀,汇率的变化、大宗商品价格的波动、人员可用性、季节性因素以及矿产勘探和开发行业所涉及的其他风险,在任何司法管辖区开展业务所固有的风险增加,以及Banyan在SEDAR上提交的公开文件中列出的这些风险。尽管Banyan认为在本新闻稿中准备前瞻性信息时使用的假设和因素是合理的,但不应过分依赖此类信息,这仅适用于本新闻发布之日,也无法保证此类事件将在披露的时间范围内发生或根本无法保证。除非法律要求,否则Banyan不表示有任何意图或义务更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,无论这些信息是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因造成的。

SOURCE: Banyan Gold Corp.


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