
Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' (HKG:1170) Earnings Offer More Than Meets The Eye

Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' (HKG:1170) Earnings Offer More Than Meets The Eye

Kingmaker Footwear Holdings(HKG: 1170)的收益优惠远不止眼前所见
Simply Wall St ·  2023/12/22 17:42

The market seemed underwhelmed by last week's earnings announcement from Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Limited (HKG:1170) despite the healthy numbers. We did some digging, and we think that investors are missing some encouraging factors in the underlying numbers.

尽管数据良好,但Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Limited(HKG: 1170)上周公布的财报似乎令市场不知所措。我们进行了一些挖掘,我们认为投资者在基础数据中遗漏了一些令人鼓舞的因素。

View our latest analysis for Kingmaker Footwear Holdings

查看我们对 Kingmaker 鞋业控股公司的最新分析

SEHK:1170 Earnings and Revenue History December 22nd 2023
SEHK: 1170 2023 年 12 月 22 日的收益和收入历史记录

Zooming In On Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' Earnings

放大Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的收益

In high finance, the key ratio used to measure how well a company converts reported profits into free cash flow (FCF) is the accrual ratio (from cashflow). The accrual ratio subtracts the FCF from the profit for a given period, and divides the result by the average operating assets of the company over that time. The ratio shows us how much a company's profit exceeds its FCF.


That means a negative accrual ratio is a good thing, because it shows that the company is bringing in more free cash flow than its profit would suggest. While it's not a problem to have a positive accrual ratio, indicating a certain level of non-cash profits, a high accrual ratio is arguably a bad thing, because it indicates paper profits are not matched by cash flow. To quote a 2014 paper by Lewellen and Resutek, "firms with higher accruals tend to be less profitable in the future".


Kingmaker Footwear Holdings has an accrual ratio of -0.13 for the year to September 2023. Therefore, its statutory earnings were quite a lot less than its free cashflow. To wit, it produced free cash flow of HK$154m during the period, dwarfing its reported profit of HK$46.5m. Given that Kingmaker Footwear Holdings had negative free cash flow in the prior corresponding period, the trailing twelve month resul of HK$154m would seem to be a step in the right direction. Having said that, there is more to the story. The accrual ratio is reflecting the impact of unusual items on statutory profit, at least in part.

截至2023年9月的一年中,Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的应计比率为-0.13。因此,其法定收入远远低于其自由现金流。换句话说,它在此期间产生了1.54亿港元的自由现金流,使其报告的4,650万港元利润相形见绌。鉴于Kingmaker Footwear Holdings在前一同期的自由现金流为负,过去十二个月的1.54亿港元的业绩似乎是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。话虽如此,故事还有更多。应计比率至少部分反映了不寻常项目对法定利润的影响。

Note: we always recommend investors check balance sheet strength. Click here to be taken to our balance sheet analysis of Kingmaker Footwear Holdings.

注意:我们始终建议投资者检查资产负债表的实力。点击此处查看我们对Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的资产负债表分析。

How Do Unusual Items Influence Profit?


Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' profit was reduced by unusual items worth HK$13m in the last twelve months, and this helped it produce high cash conversion, as reflected by its unusual items. This is what you'd expect to see where a company has a non-cash charge reducing paper profits. It's never great to see unusual items costing the company profits, but on the upside, things might improve sooner rather than later. We looked at thousands of listed companies and found that unusual items are very often one-off in nature. And, after all, that's exactly what the accounting terminology implies. Assuming those unusual expenses don't come up again, we'd therefore expect Kingmaker Footwear Holdings to produce a higher profit next year, all else being equal.

在过去的十二个月中,Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的利润因价值1300万港元的不寻常物品而减少,这有助于其实现高现金转化率,其不寻常的项目就反映了这一点。这就是你所期望看到的公司的非现金费用会减少纸面利润的情况。看到不寻常的项目使公司利润付出代价从来都不是一件好事,但从好的方面来看,情况可能迟早会好转。我们调查了数千家上市公司,发现不寻常的物品本质上往往是一次性的。而且,毕竟,这正是会计术语的含义。假设这些不寻常的支出不会再次出现,因此,我们预计Kingmaker Footwear Holdings在其他条件相同的情况下,明年将实现更高的利润。

Our Take On Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' Profit Performance


Considering both Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' accrual ratio and its unusual items, we think its statutory earnings are unlikely to exaggerate the company's underlying earnings power. Based on these factors, we think Kingmaker Footwear Holdings' earnings potential is at least as good as it seems, and maybe even better! With this in mind, we wouldn't consider investing in a stock unless we had a thorough understanding of the risks. Every company has risks, and we've spotted 2 warning signs for Kingmaker Footwear Holdings you should know about.

考虑到Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的应计比率及其不寻常的项目,我们认为其法定收益不太可能夸大公司的基础盈利能力。基于这些因素,我们认为Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的盈利潜力至少和看起来一样好,甚至可能更好!考虑到这一点,除非我们对风险有透彻的了解,否则我们不会考虑投资股票。每家公司都有风险,我们发现了两个你应该知道的Kingmaker Footwear Holdings警告信号。

Our examination of Kingmaker Footwear Holdings has focussed on certain factors that can make its earnings look better than they are. And it has passed with flying colours. But there are plenty of other ways to inform your opinion of a company. Some people consider a high return on equity to be a good sign of a quality business. So you may wish to see this free collection of companies boasting high return on equity, or this list of stocks that insiders are buying.

我们对Kingmaker Footwear Holdings的审查侧重于某些可能使其收益看起来好于实际的因素。而且它已经以优异的成绩过去了。但是,还有很多其他方法可以让你对公司的看法。有些人认为高股本回报率是优质业务的好兆头。因此,你可能希望看到这份免费收藏的拥有高股本回报率的公司,或者这份内部人士正在购买的股票清单。

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