
Pacific Empire Closes First Tranche of Private Placement Financing

Pacific Empire Closes First Tranche of Private Placement Financing

newsfile ·  01/03 16:37

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 3, 2024) - Pacific Empire Minerals Corp. (TSXV: PEMC) ("Pacific Empire", "PEMC" or the "Company"), a British Columbia copper-gold explorer, announces that it has closed the first tranche of the non-brokered private placement (the "Offering") announced on December 19, 2023. Under the first tranche of the Offering, the Company issued 9,000,000 common shares (the "Shares") at a price of $0.01 per Share, and 10,999,999 "Flow-through" shares (the "FT Shares") at a price of $0.015 per FT Share, for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $255,000.

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,温哥华--(新闻稿 - 2024年1月3日) - Pacific Empire Minerals Corp. (TSXV: PEMC) ("Pacific Empire", "PEMC" or the "Company"), 一家英属哥伦比亚省的铜-黄金勘探公司,宣布其已经完成了非经纪人定向增发的第一期融资("增发计划")。该定向增发于2023年12月19日宣布。在定向增发的第一期中,公司发行了9,000,000股普通股("股份")每股价格为$0.01,以及10,999,999 Flow-through股票("流通过渡股票")每股价格为$0.015,总共募集了约255,000美元的总收益。

The proceeds of the FT Shares portion of the first tranche of the Offering will be used for the exploration of the Company's Trident project, and the proceeds of the Shares portion of the first tranche of the Offering will be used for general corporate purposes and exploration of the Company's properties.


In connection with the Private Placement, the Corporation has agreed to pay to Haywood Securities Inc. (the "Finder") a commission of 7% of the gross proceeds raised from the FT Shares sold to the purchasers by such Finder (the "Finder's Fee") payable in cash and issue to the Finders the number of Common Share purchase warrants (the "Broker Warrants") that equals 7% of the aggregate number of FT Shares placed by each of the Finder. Each Broker Warrant will entitle the Finder to purchase one Common Share Common Share at an exercise price of $0.02 for a period of 12 months from closing and at a price of $0.10 for the period from December 29, 2024 to December 29, 2026.

In connection with the Private Placement, the Corporation has agreed to pay to Haywood Securities Inc. (the "查找器") a commission of 7% of the gross proceeds raised from the Ft Shares sold to the purchasers by such Finder (the "中介费") payable in cash and issue to the Finders the number of Common Share purchase warrants (the "经纪人的权证") that equals 7% of the aggregate number of Ft Shares placed by each of the Finder. Each Broker Warrant will entitle the Finder to purchase one Common Share Common Share at an exercise price of $0.02 for a period of 12 months from closing and at a price of $0.10 for the period from December 29, 2024 to December 29, 2026.

All securities issued in connection with the first tranche of the Offering (being the Shares, the FT Shares, and the Finder's Warrants, are subject to a statutory hold period expiring April 30, 2024.

All securities issued in connection with the first tranche of the Offering (being the Shares, the Ft Shares, and the Finder's Warrants, are subject to a statutory hold period expiring April 30, 2024.

Certain officers and directors of the Company participated in the Offering, purchasing in the aggregate 1,333,333 FT Shares for aggregate proceeds of $20,000, which constitutes a "related party transaction" for purposes of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). Such participation is exempt from the valuation and minority approval requirements of MI 61-101 by virtue of the fact that the Company is not listed on a specified market set out in section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101 and the value of FT Shares subscribed for by such officers and directors is less than $2,500,000 in accordance with the requirements of section 5.7(b) of MI 61-101.

公司的某些高管和董事参与了认购,共购买了1,333,333股Ft股份,筹集了20,000美元,这构成了根据多边仪器61-101《关联交易的目的》的"关联交易"。 MI 61-101的《保护少数股东特别交易规定》(Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions)规定,在向MCAPM LP发行债券的情况下,公司可以依靠MI 61-101第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)条中规定的从正式估值中豁免,并不要求获得少数股东批准的豁免规定,因为债券的公允市场价值低于公司市值的25%(在适用MI 61-101的情况下分别确定)。 ("mi 61-101根据多边仪器61-101的规定,公司在指定市场规定的5.5(b)节中没有上市,因此,在符合5.7(b)节的要求下,高管和董事认购的Ft股份价值小于2,500,000美元,所以参与的估值和少数股东审批要求是豁免的。

About Trident
The Trident property is an exploration stage alkalic porphyry copper-gold-silver prospect with district-scale potential that is accessible by vehicle. The property is located approximately 50 km to the southeast of Northwest Copper Corp.'s Kwanika Deposit and 50 km to the northwest of Centrerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Mine. The property covers 6,618 hectares and is accessible by vehicle using well established logging roads.

Trident项目是一个探索阶段具有区域规模潜力的碱性斑岩铜-金-银前景,可以通过车辆进入。该项目位于西北铜公司的Kwanika矿床东南约50公里和Centrerra Gold的Mt.Milligan矿山西北约50公里处。该项目面积为6,618公顷,可通过使用良好建立的伐木道路乘车进入。

Copper mineralization on the property was first discovered in 1969, while following up on anomalous stream sediment samples. The following year Falconbridge optioned the property and over the next two years completed IP and magnetic surveys, geological mapping, soil sampling and diamond drilling. This work identified the A Zone.


Additional exploration programs were completed by Kookaburra Gold Corp. from 1988 through 1991, Solomon Resources Ltd., from 2006 through 2008. In 2013 PEMC optioned the property. The following year PEMC optioned the property to Oz Minerals. In 2014 Oz completed a significant IP survey and two diamond drill holes at Trident.

Kookaburra Gold Corp.完成了从1988年到1991年,Solomon Resources Ltd.完成了从2006年到2008年的额外勘探项目。2013年,PEMC选择了该地块。次年,PEMC将地块出租给了Oz Minerals。2014年,Oz对Trident进行了重要的IP勘测,并钻取了两个金刚石试探孔。

In 2022, Pacific Empire acquired a 100% interest in the property in exchange for granting the vendors a 2% net smelter return royalty ("NSR"). One-half (1%) of the 2% NSR may be purchased for $500,000 by Pacific Empire.

2022年,太平洋帝国以授予销售方2%净熔炉回报(“”)的形式换取了该物业的100%权益。其中一半(1%)的2%净熔炉回报可以由太平洋帝国以50万美元的价格购买。NSR2%的NSR的一半(1%)可由Pacific Empire以50万美元购买。

Prior to 2014, mineralization on the property was believed to be associated with fracture and/or shear zones that strike 120 degrees and dip 75 degrees to the northeast. Review of historical drill core by Pacific Empire has led to a much different interpretation with respect to the nature of mineralization on the property. The most important observation was the presence of hornblende-feldspar monzonite porphyry intrusions in drill core from the A Zone. These porphyry intrusions are characterized by sheeted quartz sulphide veins and disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite immediately adjacent to and within the porphyry dikes. The highest grades in historical drilling are directly associated with intervals where such porphyry intrusions occur.

2014年之前,人们认为该地块上的矿化物与120度走向和75度倾角向东北的断裂和/或剪切带有关。Pacific Empire对历史钻孔心的审查导致了对该地块矿化性质的完全不同解释。最重要的观察是A带的钻孔心中出现了角闪长花岗岩斑岩侵入带。这些斑岩侵入带以成片状的石英硫化物脉和散布的黄铜矿和自然黄铜矿为特征,紧邻斑岩岩墙并在其中。在历史钻探中,最高品位直接与这类斑岩侵入带出现的区间相关。

South Hogem Copper-Gold Belt

South Hogem Copper-Gold Belt

"The gold in the vial in the above image came from the river that divides Trident and Pinnacle projects. It was collected by PEMC by panning over the course of a number of days. I am not sure if it came from Trident or Pinnacle or ideally both," commented Brad Peters, President and CEO of Pacific Empire. "It does suggest though that there is certainly the potential in this area for a significant gold-enriched copper deposit. At a conference when I was young I was told that if I ever find visible gold on a copper property, keep looking. So far I have encountered visible gold at Trident in outcrop, in the river and at Pinnacle in drill core."

上图中小瓶中的黄金来自分隔Trident和Pinnacle项目的河流。这是PEMC通过连续几天淘选收集的。PEMC的总裁兼首席执行官Brad Peters评论说:“我不确定这是来自Trident还是Pinnacle,理想情况下是两者兼有。”“但它确实暗示着该地区存在重要的富含黄金的铜矿潜力。在我年轻时的一次会议上,我被告知如果在铜矿上发现了裸眼可见的金,就继续寻找。到目前为止,在Trident的露头、河流以及Pinnacle的钻孔心中我都发现了裸眼可见的金。”

Highlights from Historical Drilling at Trident


About Pinnacle
The Pinnacle project is located 60 km to the west of Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Copper-Gold Mine and 30 km to the southeast of NorthWest Copper's Kwanika Copper-Gold Deposit in a proven copper-gold porphyry district. Access to the Pinnacle is by road including a new and expanding network of logging roads and trails throughout the main target areas. This improved access is a major development and is anticipated to contribute to cost effective drill support and bedrock exposure.

Pinnacle项目位于Centerra Gold的Mt. Milligan铜金矿西侧60公里,位于NorthWest Copper的Kwanika铜金矿东南侧30公里,属于一个经过验证的铜金斑岩区。可通过公路进入Pinnacle项目,其中包括一个新的和不断扩大的林业道路和沿着主要目标区域的小径网络。这种改进的交通条件是一个重大的发展,并预计将有助于成本效益的钻探支持和基岩露头。

"We are truly excited to have Pinnacle back as it is fully permitted for diamond drilling, in addition work by Teako advanced our understanding of the Aplite Ridge target area. Over the past 2 years significant logging operations have developed a road network that now covers the entirety of the southern half of the property. The 2023 forest fires dramatically affected the property, further opening it up," commented Brad Peters, President and CEO of Pacific Empire.

“我们非常高兴Pinnacle重新启动,因为它已经获得了钻石钻探的许可,此外,Teako对Aplite Ridge目标区域的工作使我们对其有了更深入的了解。在过去的两年里,大规模的伐木作业已经建立了一套道路网络,现在覆盖了整个地块的南半部分。2023年的森林大火对地块产生了巨大影响,进一步开放了它,”Pacific Empire的总裁兼首席执行官Brad Peters评论道。 太平洋帝国的总裁兼首席执行官Brad Peters评论道:“我们对Pinnacle项目的恢复感到非常兴奋,因为它已经获得了进行钻石钻探的所有许可,此外,Teako的工作进一步提高了我们对Aplite Ridge目标区域的了解。过去两年中,大规模的伐木作业已经建立了一套道路网络,现在覆盖了地块南半部分的整个区域。2023年的森林大火对该地块产生了重大影响,进一步开放了它。”

Qualified Person
Kristian Whitehead, P.Geo., serves as a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed the scientific and technical information in this news release, approving the disclosure herein.

Kristian Whitehead,符合NI 43-101定义的合格人员,已经审查了本新闻稿中的科学和技术信息,并批准了此处的披露。

About Pacific Empire


Pacific Empire is a copper exploration company based in Vancouver, British Columbia and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol PEMC. The Company has a district scale land position in north-central British Columbia totaling 22,541 hectares.

太平洋帝国是一家位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的铜勘探公司,在 TSX 创业公司交易所上交易,股票代码为 PEMC。该公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省北部拥有总面积为22,541公顷的区域性土地。

British Columbia is a "Green" copper jurisdiction with abundant hydroelectric power, access and infrastructure in close proximity to the end market.




"Brad Peters"
President and Chief Executive Officer

"Brad Peters"

Pacific Empire Minerals Corp.
Tel: +1-604-356-6246

Pacific Empire Minerals Corp.

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Forward-Looking Statements
Information set forth in this news release may involve forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", and "intend", statements that an action or event "may", "might", "could", "should", or "will" be taken or occur, or other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation: closing of the Offering is expected to occur on or around December 31, 2023, the funds will be used for exploration on its flagship Trident copper-gold-silver project and for general working purposes, are forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the following risks: the need for additional financing; operational risks associated with mineral exploration; fluctuations in commodity prices; title matters; environmental liability claims and insurance; reliance on key personnel; the potential for conflicts of interest among certain officers, directors or promoters with certain other projects; the absence of dividends; competition; dilution; the volatility of our common share price and volume and the additional risks identified the management discussion and analysis section of our interim and most recent annual financial statement or other reports and filings with the TSX Venture Exchange and applicable Canadian securities regulations. Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements.

信息在本新闻发布中所陈述的可能涉及前瞻性声明的适用证券法律下。前瞻性声明是指与将来而不是过去事件相关的声明。在这个背景下,前瞻性声明通常涉及预期的未来业务和财务表现,并且常常包含诸如"预计","相信","计划","估计","预期"和"意图"的词语,以及表明某项行动或事件"可能","可能","可能","应该"或"将"被采取或发生,或其他类似的表达。除历史事实陈述之外,本文中包含的所有陈述,包括但不限于:预计发行完毕日期为2023年12月31日左右,资金将用于其旗舰项目Trident铜-黄金-白银项目的勘探以及一般运营目的等,均属于前瞻性声明。由于其特性,前瞻性声明涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致我们的实际结果、业绩或成就或其他未来事件与此类前瞻性声明所表达的任何未来结果、业绩或成就在实质上存在重大差异。此类因素包括,但不限于以下风险:需要额外融资;与矿产勘探相关的运营风险;商品价格的波动;所有权问题;环境责任索赔和保险;对关键人员的依赖;存在与某些其他项目相关的某些高级职员、董事或促销人员之间利益冲突的潜在风险;没有分红;竞争;稀释;我们普通股价格和交易量的波动以及有关管理讨论和分析部分中的其他风险;我们最近的年度财务报表或其他报告和申报与TSX Venture Exchange和适用的加拿大证券法规。前瞻性声明是基于管理层在陈述之日的信念、估计和意见进行的,并且除非适用证券法律要求,否则公司无义务更新前瞻性声明,如果这些信念、估计和意见或其他情况发生变化。投资者应当谨慎对待前瞻性声明的确定性。



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