
Palladium One Announces Electromagnetic ("EM") Survey Results for Canalask Nickel - Copper Project, Yukon, Canada

Palladium One Announces Electromagnetic ("EM") Survey Results for Canalask Nickel - Copper Project, Yukon, Canada

Palladium One 公布加拿大育空地区 Canalask Nickel-Copper 项目的电磁(“EM”)调查结果
newsfile ·  2024/01/16 03:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 16, 2024) - Palladium One Mining Inc. (TSXV: PDM) (OTCQB: NKORF) (FSE: 7N11) (the "Company" or "Palladium One") is pleased to announce Electromagnetic ("EM") survey results have been received and interpreted from the fall program on the Canalask Nickel - Copper Project, located in the Kluane mafic-ultramafic belt, Yukon, Canada. (Figure 1 and 2).

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 16 日)- Palladium One 矿业公司TSXV: PDM) (OTCQB: NKORF) (FSE: 7N11) (那个”公司“或”钯金一号“)很高兴地宣布,Canalask镍铜项目秋季项目的电磁(“EM”)调查结果已收到并进行了解释,该项目位于加拿大育空地区克卢安黑铁-超镁铁矿带。(图 1 和 2)。



  • A high-resolution ground-based EM survey has confirmed the presence of a strong untested conductor down plunge of historic shallow drilling and within the mafic-ultramafic chonolith / dyke. The result has achieved several important goals:

    1. Defined the conductor's geometry, a necessary percussor to drill testing.

    2. Improved understanding of the conductor's relationship to historic shallow drilling. For example, DD hole VQ-7 which returned 0.8% Ni, 0.2% Cu over 3.0 meters including 1.3% Ni, and 0.3% Cu over 0.1 meters in disseminated to semi-massive sulphide within the ultramafic dyke..

    3. Enhanced geological understanding through additional modelling of new and historic data.

  • To assist in drill program planning and future permitting, a high-resolution orthophoto survey was also flown.

  • Diamond drill testing is planned for the 2024 field season, the timing of which will be dependent on the late-winter/spring breakup.

  • 一项高分辨率的地面电磁探测证实,在历史性浅层钻探中和镁铁质-超镁铁质颗粒岩/堤坝内存在一种未经测试的坚固导体。该结果实现了几个重要目标:

    1. 定义了导体的几何形状,这是钻孔测试的必要冲击器。

    2. 增进了对导体与历史浅层钻探关系的理解。例如,DD 孔 VQ-7 在 3.0 米处返回 0.8% 的镍,0.2% 的铜 包括 在 0.1 米以内,镍含量为 1.3%,铜含量为 0.3% 在超镁质堤坝内浸染到半块状硫化物中...

    3. 通过对新数据和历史数据进行更多建模,增强对地质学的理解。

  • 为了协助钻探计划规划和未来许可,还进行了高分辨率正射影像调查。

  • 金刚石钻探测试计划在2024年的油田季节进行,时间将取决于冬末/春季的分裂。

President and CEO Derrick Weyrauch commented, "The fall exploration program has highlighted the potential of the Canalask property to host significant nickel - copper sulphide mineralization within the mafic-ultramafic dyke in addition to its historical footwall deposit. Drill testing is planned for the 2024 field season.


A previous EM survey had indicated the presence of a significant conductor at depth in a flexure of the ultramafic dyke, however, due to incomplete data from the past survey, the exact geometry was poorly understood. The 2023 EM survey used the most modern equipment available and has not only confirmed the presence of the conductor but has also significantly improved its 3-dimensional orientation. The conductor's position is now interpreted to be deeper than previously understood. The closest holes to the body of the conductor are from the 1980's, hole VQ-7 contained a narrow patch of semi-massive sulphide which returned 1.3% nickel, thereby suggesting a source of massive sulphide nearby.

先前的一项电磁调查表明,在超镁铁质堤坝的弯曲深处存在重要的导体,但是,由于过去调查的数据不完整,对确切的几何形状知之甚少。2023 年 EM 调查使用了现有最现代化的设备,不仅证实了导体的存在,而且还显著改善了其三维方向。现在,指挥家的位置被解释为比以前理解的要深。离导体主体最近的孔洞来自20世纪80年代,VQ-7孔中有一块狭窄的半块状硫化物,其回收率为1.3%,因此表明附近有块状硫化物的来源。

In addition to this untested conductor, the Canalask project contains the historic Main Zone Canalask deposit consisting of 400,000 tonnes at 1.35% nickel (copper was not reported) (Yukon Assessment Report 094599), hosted within footwall rocks of the ultramafic dyke. The occurrence of the footwall hosted mineralization is in part the basis of our hypothesis that the historic deposit was originally fed by a larger body of nickel - copper sulphide present within the ultramafic dyke."


Exploration Since Acquisition


The Company competed a drone-based magnetometer survey (Figure 1) over the entire Canalask project. This survey consisted of 392-line kilometers at 100-meter spacing and helped refine the location and structure of the Ni-Cu-PGE prospective ultramafic dyke and greatly assisted the refinement of drill targeting. In addition, a reconnaissance site visit returned grab sample assays over 2% nickel, 6% copper and 1.55 g/t gold (see press release November, 17, 2022). These results support the high grades that were historically reported in footwall-style sulphide mineralization at the Canalask deposit. The 2023 program consisted of brushing out and re-establishing access trails, as well as re-establishing historic grid lines and was followed by a drone based airborne orthophoto survey and a high-resolution ground-based EM survey using Lamontagne's UTEM system. This work has led to a substantial better understanding of the project's geology, and has refined drill targets.

该公司对整个Canalask项目进行了基于无人机的磁强计调查(图1)。该调查包括间距为392千米的线路千米,有助于完善Ni-Cu-PGE前景超镁铁质堤坝的位置和结构,极大地帮助了钻探目标的完善。此外,一次侦察实地考察返回了采集样本 含镍含量超过 2%、铜含量超过 6%1.55 克/吨黄金 (参见 2022 年 11 月 17 日的新闻稿)。这些结果支持了历史上报告的Canalask矿床足球式硫化物矿化的高品位。2023年的计划包括清理和重建通道,以及重建历史网格线,随后进行了基于无人机的空中正射影像测量和使用Lamontagne的UTEM系统进行高分辨率的地面电磁测量。这项工作使人们对该项目的地质有了更深入的了解,并完善了钻探目标。

Canalask Property Overview


The Canalask Property is located within the Whitehorse Mining District, approximately 300 kilometers northwest of Whitehorse, Yukon and is accessed from the Alaska Highway near south-east of Beaver Creek. The Canalask Property consists of a contiguous block of 179 quartz claims covering approximately 3,400 hectares.


Exploration dates to the 1950s when the Canalask footwall zone was originally discovered, drilled, and partially developed. A historical resource estimate on the Main Zone is quoted at 400,000 tonnes at 1.35% nickel (copper was not reported) by Discovery Mines Ltd. in 1968 (Yukon Assessment Report 094599). Early Metallurgical floatation test work returned concentrate grades as high as 19.7% nickel (Yukon Assessment Report 093256). Exploration continued up until the early 2000s through a series of surface programs including geochemical surveys, geological mapping, and geophysics. During these campaigns, numerous high-grade Ni-Cu-PGE showings such 4.7% Nickel, 0.6% Cu and 6.82 g/t TPM (Total Precious Metals) in grade samples at the Discovery Zone (Yukon Assessment Report 094599), were discovered along the length of the ultramafic-mafic dyke. In 2006, Xstrata completed an assessment Report (Yukon Assessment Report 094599) summarizing this earlier work. Readers are cautioned that the Company has not verified the 1968 Historical Mineral Resource Estimate and therefore the data should not be relied upon.

勘探可以追溯到20世纪50年代,当时Canalask足迹区域最初是被发现、钻探和部分开发的。1968年,探索矿业有限公司估计,主区的历史资源量为40万吨,镍含量为1.35%(未报告铜)(育空地区评估报告094599)。早期的冶金浮选测试工作使精矿的镍含量高达 19.7%(育空地区评估报告 093256)。通过包括地球化学调查、地质测绘和地球物理学在内的一系列地表计划,勘探一直持续到2000年代初。在这些活动中,在探索区(育空评估报告094599)的品位样本中发现了许多高品位的镍铜-铂金属,0.6%的铜和6.82克/吨的总贵金属(育空地区评估报告094599),在超镁铁质岩脉的长度上发现了许多高品位的镍铜-铂金属。2006年,Xstrata完成了一份评估报告(育空地区评估报告094599),总结了先前的工作。提醒读者,该公司尚未验证1968年的历史矿产资源估算,因此不应依赖这些数据。

Geological Setting


The Canalask Property covers the lateral extent of the northwest - southeast striking, steeply dipping "White River Intrusive Complex" (WRIC) which is part of the larger Kluane Mafic-Ultramafic Belt. The Kluane Belt extends from northern British Columbia to east-central Alaska, within the Pennsylvanian to Triassic Wrangellia Terrane volcanics and sediments. The belt is host to numerous nickel-copper +/- platinum-palladium deposits and prospects, most notably the past producing Wellgreen Deposit, now owned by Nickel Creek Platinum Corp., approximately 110 kilometers to the south. The WRIC occurs as a sill-like body of ultramafic and mafic rocks 100 to 150 meters thick and dipping approximately 50 degrees to the southwest. The northern margin of the WRIC represents the basal footwall contact zone while the southern margin delineates the upper hanging wall intrusive contact. The intrusion itself is dominantly composed of peridotite and dunite with a mineralized basal gabbro zone.

卡纳拉斯克地产覆盖了西北-东南方向的横向范围,向下倾斜的 “怀特河侵入综合体”(WRIC),它是较大的克鲁安黑菲克-超镁铁矿带的一部分。Kluane Belt 从不列颠哥伦比亚省北部延伸到阿拉斯加中东部,从宾夕法尼亚州延伸到三叠纪 Wrangellia Terrane 火山岩和沉积物。该地带拥有许多镍铜+/-铂钯矿床和前景,最值得注意的是过去生产的Wellgreen矿床,现在归镍溪铂金公司所有,位于向南约110公里处。WRIC 以厚度为 100 到 150 米的超镁质岩石和镁铁质岩石组成的岩体状岩体出现,向西南倾斜约 50 度。WRIC 的北缘代表基础足墙接触区域,而南缘则描绘了上悬壁的侵入性接触。侵入体本身主要由橄榄岩和带有矿化基底辉长岩区的单岩组成。

Exploration Target


The WRIC is a favourable setting for magmatic nickel-copper sulphide mineralization and is considered a "feeder system" with a high volume of magma flow. As evidenced by the abundance of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE showings at the base of the WRIC and the discovery of the nickel-rich Canalask footwall deposit, the project hosts strong potential for both "magmatic feeder-type" basal deposits and "epigenetic footwall-type" footwall deposits. The geological setting draws comparison to the world-class Norilsk Ni-Cu-PGE camp.

WRIC是岩浆镍铜硫化物矿化的有利环境,被认为是具有大量岩浆流的 “馈线系统”。正如WRIC底部大量岩浆Ni-Cu-PGE以及富含镍的Canalask足墙矿床的发现所证明的那样,该项目具有 “岩浆喂食器型” 基底沉积物和 “表观遗传学足底型” 足墙沉积物的巨大潜力。该地质环境可与世界一流的诺里尔斯克NI-CU-PGE营地相提并论。

Figure 1. Canalask Project showing the modeled Maxwell plate (yellow) from the 2023 ground-based EM survey overlaid on the 2022 drone based magnetic survey showing total field and location of the historic drill holes and Main Zone footwall deposit.

图 1。 Canalask 项目显示了 2023 年地面电磁测量的建模麦克斯韦板块(黄色),该板块叠加在 2022 年无人机磁场调查中,显示了历史钻孔和主区脚墙矿床的总场和位置。

Figure 2. Isometric view new looking southwest of the modelled ultramafic dyke (purple) and modelled Maxwell plate (yellow) from the 2023 ground EM survey and position of historic drill holes including VQ-7 which is located near the upper northeast corner of the plate. Insert map in the upper left is a stylized cross section illustrating the exploration target consisting of massive magmatic sulphides located at the base of the ultramafic dyke.

图 2。 从 2023 年地面电磁勘测中建模的超镁铁质堤坝(紫色)和建模的麦克斯韦板块(黄色)的西南面全新等距视图,以及历史钻孔的位置,包括位于板块东北上角附近的 VQ-7。左上角的插入地图是一个程式化的横截面,描绘了位于超镁铁质堤底部的由块状岩浆硫化物组成的勘探目标。

Qualified Person


The technical information in this release has been reviewed and verified by Neil Pettigrew, M.Sc., P. Geo., Vice President of Exploration and a director of the Company and the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息已由理学硕士、P. Geo.、勘探副总裁、公司董事兼National Instrument 43-101定义的合格人员Neil Pettigrew进行了审查和验证。

About Palladium One

关于 Palladium One

Palladium One Mining Inc. (TSXV: PDM) is focused on discovering environmentally and socially conscious Critical Green Transportation Metals. A Canadian mineral exploration and development company, Palladium One is targeting district scale, nickel - copper sulphide and platinum-group-element (PGE) deposits in Canada and Finland. The Läntinen Koillismaa (LK) Project in north-central Finland, is a PGE-copper-nickel project that has existing NI43-101 Mineral Resources, while both the Tyko and Canalask high-grade nickel-copper projects are located in Ontario and the Yukon, Canada, respectively. Follow Palladium One on LinkedIn, Twitter, and at .

Palladium One Mining Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:PDM)专注于发现具有环境和社会意识 关键的绿色运输金属。加拿大矿产勘探和开发公司Palladium One的目标是加拿大和芬兰的地区规模、硫化镍铜和铂族元素(PGE)矿床。位于芬兰中北部的Lantinen Koillismaa(LK)项目是一个 PGE-Copper-Nickel 项目,拥有 NI43-101 矿产资源,而 Tyko 和 Canalask 的高品位镍铜项目分别位于加拿大安大略省和育空地区。在 LinkedIum、Twitter 等上关注 Palladium One

"Derrick Weyrauch"
President & CEO, Director

“Derrick Weyrauch”

For further information contact:
Derrick Weyrauch, President & CEO


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本新闻稿不是在美利坚合众国出售证券的要约或邀请。根据经修订的1933年《美国证券法》,Palladium One Minining Inc.的普通股过去和将来都不会注册,未经注册或适用的注册豁免,不得在美国发行或出售。

Information set forth in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future, not past events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address a company's expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", and "intend", statements that an action or event "may", "might", "could", "should", or "will" be taken or occur, or other similar expressions. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks associated with project development; the need for additional financing; operational risks associated with mining and mineral processing; fluctuations in mineral and commodity prices; title matters; environmental liability claims and insurance; reliance on key personnel; the absence of dividends; competition; dilution; the volatility of our common share price and volume; and the impact of governmental entities. Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made and the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿中列出的信息可能包含前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述是与未来而不是过去事件相关的陈述。在这种情况下,前瞻性陈述通常涉及公司预期的未来业务和财务业绩,通常包含诸如 “预期”、“相信”、“计划”、“估计”、“预期” 和 “打算” 之类的词语,关于某项行动或事件 “可能”、“可能”、“应该” 或 “将” 采取或发生的陈述或其他类似的表述。就其性质而言,前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致我们的实际业绩、业绩或成就或其他未来事件与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。除其他外,这些因素包括与项目开发相关的风险;对额外融资的需求;与采矿和矿物加工相关的运营风险;矿产和商品价格的波动;所有权问题;环境责任索赔和保险;对关键人员的依赖;缺乏分红;竞争;稀释;普通股价格和交易量的波动;以及政府实体的影响。前瞻性陈述是根据管理层在陈述发表之日的信念、估计和意见做出的,如果这些信念、估计和意见或其他情况发生变化,公司没有义务更新前瞻性陈述。提醒投资者不要将不当确定性归因于前瞻性陈述。

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